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    Virgo Supercluster
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    Space, books and writing, spaceships. Molecular biology. Spicy chocolate.

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  1. Hope you like Seeker! It's not very good :P

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Piatzin


      :D Kind of

      I interpreted it as a metaphor for how you're unsure of how things will go exactly, but have a general idea of where it'll end up (the story). The rest was borderline gibberish to me.

      Your mind clearly  works in mysterious ways o_o

    3. HansonKerman


      Yup. Great minds think alike.( as in my dad thinks the same way)

      Really, the missing piece was my skills and how things go, and the puzzle itself was the present. The wrong piece was me honing my skills, as in, finding the next piece, and finding the right piece.

      wow, you're right. It's near gibberish to me now.

    4. Piatzin


      Metaphors can be tricky :D

      But it makes sense, if you think about it in an abstract manner ;)

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