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Everything posted by Toranks

  1. It's a bit cumbersome, but I saw how to see it. Thank you. Another question, why does the set of stages changed when I launch the ship? It messed up a lot
  2. Yes, I use KIS. I thought that one of the utilities of being able to take it to the back was to execute it directly in EVA If it's not meant for that, then nothing. I thought so. Thanks
  3. Hi. Is there any way to reset the profiles after pressing "autoconfigure active profile"? That create several groups "Group 1 (G1), Group 2 (G2)" and I have no idea which engines belong to which groups. And I can not undo it by leave the game and re-enter.
  4. I tried changing this option, but it does not work: EnableHelmetToggle = false (GameData\EvaFollower\PluginData\EvaFollower\config.cfg)
  5. I cant use experiments from a kerbal because it consumes more EC than the maximum available. Is there a way to increase that amount or decrease the amount of EC used by the experiments?
  6. Sorry, English is not my mother tongue. I'm trying that, by default, it looks like I wrote in the file: I have named him "VVpatch.cfg" and put it on Gamedata/VesselView folder.
  7. How can I create a default configuration so I do not have to change it every time I change ship or exit and enter the game? I read and followed this manual, I put it in the root folder of the vesselviewer plugin, and it does not work: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/VesselViewer/wiki/Configuration-files c
  8. It is the same as I said, it is resolved by making these changes ( https://github.com/steamp0rt/Kerbalism/commit/702c1fc6df46af9f7712ffa962e3078a4fda9ce1#diff-ac19784b23cd3ecca497f61ea8446519 ). It is not available in the download version yet.
  9. Bug resolved here: https://github.com/steamp0rt/Kerbalism/commit/702c1fc6df46af9f7712ffa962e3078a4fda9ce1#diff-ac19784b23cd3ecca497f61ea8446519
  10. ModuleManager show me this messages on log: What is this? Possible bug: Now command pods and similar no longer have stored nitrogen I cant activate humidifier on pods
  11. Me too. It's a bug? Edit: Resolved. It's an option on difficult advanced options
  12. Where is the hibernate/sleep option for satellites? It has been removed on kerbalism, but there are no alternatives...
  13. Yes, it turns it off before reaching apoapsis. One minute... Create a maneuver correctly. Another minute.... but does not turn the engine on again.
  14. ¿Sabéis cómo quitar ese polígono verdoso que me aparece al añadir maniobras orbitales? Un saludo y gracias
  15. He resuelto parcialmente el problema no usando el acelerador de tiempo. Parece que si aceleras el tiempo el cohete se descontrola aún más, y las piezas se balancean como si fueran de goma. what¿? Pero sigo sin poder ponerlo en órbita.
  16. He probado el mismo diseño en el modo sandbox y no me ocurre. ¿Puede que tenga que ver con la habilidad del piloto?
  17. Hola, tengo construido un cohete simétrico, de 4 propulsores con tanques grandes alrededor de la nave principal, más pequeña. Le he puesto alerones a los cuatro propulsores, y una capucha superior para la aerodinámica. Pues bien, no sé qué pasa que incluso con el SAS activado a partir de cierta altura empieza a dar vueltas de forma descontrolada y no me funcionan los botones de dirección WASD. Vuela perfectamente recto pero alrededor de 5.000-7000 metros de altura empieza a girar sobre sí mismo y ni el SAS ni el teclado permiten recuperar el control del mismo. He logrado paliarlo un poco reduciendo la potencia del motor alrededor de los 4-5 km de altura, y se descontrola un poco más alto, pero inevitablemente llega a descontrolarse. No sé realmente qué estoy haciendo mal. Dejo adjunta una imagen del cohete: ¿Me podéis ayudar? Un saludo y gracias
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