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Brent Kerman

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Everything posted by Brent Kerman

  1. If using this method, make sure you put your engines far enough away from the asteroid, or it will cause thrust issues.
  2. Many people like Mechjeb Autopilot, it can either do it itself or give you instructions on where to point and how long to burn (And gives you all the data KER does). KIS + KAS. Fixing things in space is easier than launching a whole new rocket. Extra planetary launchpads lets you build things off-planet. Very useful with KIS. Lastly, @Angel-125. All his mods are great.
  3. Definitely from a mod. The planet is not stock and one of the kerbs has a KIS container.
  4. I was just told if the probe runs out of power, all screens go blank. Does this happen with no signal as well?
  5. The point is that you don't see anything. Have you seen real mission controls during no communication situations? I do use probe control room some, will talk to dev about signal loss. F2 is great idea, combine that happening automatically and no signal screen and you would get no info at all. Err....Sound. It can probably be muted.
  6. Exactly. You were spamming faster than my internet could load it. 0-
  7. in late 2015 I saw a KSP video by Scott Manley come up on my Youtube suggested, watched it, and went searching. I found [Redacted due to rule 2.2a] 0.25, played for a over a year, realized new versions were much better, and [Redacted due to rule 2.2a] 1.1.3 . Then 1.2 came out, and I was unable to [Redacted due to rule 2.2a], so I bought it during the Christmas sale. (1.2.2 at that time.)
  8. I know it can be done with high G's: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/113341-122-g-effects-blackouts-redouts-g-locs-v041-2017-feb-04/& , so I assume it could be done with Loss of Signal. Can you give some input on how to do that here, @Ser?
  9. Well, I love that moment when you get AOS and realize that all went as planned, that YES! moment(See any video of mission control when the get AOS after a big event like Juno orbit insertion.). Then there are those times when you realize that AOS was supposed to be ten minutes ago, something went very wrong during reentry(Lock the doors). What I do now is have a piece of grey construction paper taped to the top of my monitor (with a hole at the signal/clock/time warp) that I flip down when I have no signal.(I also shut sound off.) It's very unhandy, especially when switching to a 'dead' vessel. That is why I want a LOS mod. And anybody who goes searching for the time warp altitudes at N body probably doesn't get the 'spirit' of the mod. As for the eyes, I get your point, maybe just grey static? EDIT: Before someone asks, I do a lot of scripted burns behind planets. Luck seems to have it 75% of my orbital entry burns at other planets are on the other side. Early on at each planet, before I have a com network setup, I have to script burns with KOS and/or Mechjeb.
  10. Alright, you Kerthanian, lets take this war to the appropriate thread. 35+
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