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Brent Kerman

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Everything posted by Brent Kerman

  1. Do you really want to wait for a real half hour for your probe to come around? And as for altitude, you have map mode "predictions". Maybe have a time warp to Acquisition of Signal. One thing though is scripted burns, time warp would shut off and you would know something happened.
  2. Its heavy, I need to run some calculations, but initial math says I should be able to get it suborbital for 25,000. (Definitely not orbital)
  3. Your plane must be relatively balanced. I find you have to take off manually, and for landing it must be lined up on the runway to start with. BDA's AI flight computer does better for planes.
  4. @munlander1 I was negative, but switched to positive in order to combat a specific person. Conflict has been resolved, so, back to negative.
  5. 25 minus (phone keyboard doesn't have minus sign. @munlander1, I changed sides to positive in order to combat a particular person who I will not name.
  6. Can we see a screenshot of bug in action(Have Mechjeb tab down, please)? And the log file? I think I might know what is happening.
  7. Yes, I do. In stock KSP I can still see what happens when I have no communication. If I can't control it because its behind the Mun for example, neither should I be able to get signal like camera, altimeter, status, fuel, etc., etc.
  8. Will do when I get to KSP. Hopefully tonight. Also, I think an off-KSP-forum forum is a great idea, we can have our companies again! (No slight to KSP forums, I know from experience that role-play can get out of hand very quickly.) EDIT: Was video even recorded of the first several flights?
  9. I looked all over and can not find a mod that does this. When a probe loses contact with KSC (Comnet) you can still see the craft, what is going on, etc. I would like if when a probe lost signal the screen would go something like this: Or this: All Informational UI hid, sound off, F3 doesn't work (Maybe), Only working thing really would be time warp and Back to space center. Is this possible?
  10. Try unlocking claw, target center of mass, SAS to target , relock claw, SAS to maneuver. That works for me.
  11. Docking is best done manual, Mechjeb docking mode doesn't see obstructions like panels. If you are on one side of the station, and tell it to dock with a port on the other side, it will try to go through the station.
  12. What is the rapiers mass in your game? This sounds exactly like when my aerospike's cfg got screwed up and they had -50 tons mass.
  13. I had it happening for a while. Deleting Mechjeb and reinstalling it, same download, fixed it. I think something had gotten screwed up in Mechjeb files. And as for the Ghost Position, make sure SAS is off and Mechjeb SmartASS is off.
  14. Sorry, @DarkOwl57, but you as you went Kerthanian, and as I am not on the best of terms with a certain other negative player, I'm switching sides. 11+
  15. I looked over Kerbalism. Entire signal section: SIGNAL Controlling a vessel and transmitting data require a direct or indirect connection with DSN, and has a specific data rate that degrade with distance. The signal is obstructed by celestial bodies, but can be relayed by other vessels. Low-Gain and High-Gain antennas are modelled: the former used for short-range inter-vessel communciations, the latter always point at DSN. Your voyager-style probe will now require a voyager-style antenna, and it will end up having voyager-style transmission rates. Nowhere does it mention probe core antennas. All I want is to be told BEFORE LAUNCHING that there is a mod problem. I am NOT installing Kerbalism, I have my life support mods already, and I don't want to break my saves. Therefore, I can't test for Kerbalism. I also want to put this behind us, but I REALLY don't want it to happen again.
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