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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. I'll keep that in mind. It'll be quite welcome. I haven't opened KSPedia in a long time so I can't remember how those things look to readily decide if I want to make the GPP wiki stockalike. But I have decided I may likely omit the skybox I'm using in my wiki images as it may make the overall look of the thing too eccentric. On that subject, @jandcando released v4 of the stock planet wiki. They have a cool sidebar now. http://imgur.com/a/H3RdP
  2. I can produce the graphic part. It'll be easy. The hard part is arranging for test craft (and dV readout mods) to measure launch > orbit dV with. Especially from Catullus and Tellumo.
  3. After ending my screenshottery run I tested an OPT cargo SSTO with a random pilot and scientist. It struggled to lift with a full 2.5m Ore tank, but hot-gluing a pair of Rapiers to its back and locking them in Air mode fixed everything. I then learned that the OPT mod had its first major but game-breaking release so I cheated my pirate station into a rdzv position (I like that the stock cheat menu puts you at 150m from the target). and EVA'd its pilot to the SSTO...and deorbited the station. I then deorbited the SSTO and had it chase the station down. Although they were over 7km apart, Distant Object Enhancement graced and surprised me with the sounds of many parts exploding way out of normal physics range, starting with the solar panels. Finally I botched the landing and crashed the plane, killing the 3 crew. I succesfully recovered the other OPT SSTO I had lurking in orbit and then all the orange suits too because once again I wanted to be absolutely sure that I don't somehow send Jeb to the abyss.
  4. Since the very large, spire-like "wing root" part appeared I've gotten ideas to make tower-like sections for stations.
  5. Those are crew cabins and inline docking ports (with crew space). The mod is OPT Spaceplane Parts. I think I'm the first to build a station from those parts.
  6. @Jiraiyah It's a pirate station with a "Jolly Thalia" flag.
  7. There's a what? ...Around Thalia? ......A what????
  8. More screenshottery! Here's the Kraden unmanned, upside down in Low Otho Orbit. This giant is roughly equidistant to Jool. And a random pilot taking a spacewalk near Gauss which is further out than Eeloo. At first I was mellow about this particular one. The purple moons well one is actually brown but for me they appear the same colors at times appeared so I made efforts to frame them. .......But then Loki's like "Photobomb!" and also showed up. And now I shall reveal another surprise in GPP. Planets and regions.... Have their own flags. This ship is wearing Gauss' flag.
  9. In any case I think these altitudes would be outside the moons' SOI. Perhaps include those in your spreadsheet?
  10. @kraden I do believe @Jiraiyah is working some kinjutsu on the planets to get sync orbits where they can't happen. The moons are indeed all tidally locked and should disallow sync orbits. So your math just now if for a 2-day orbital period? And the formula is rigged in Excel so you can just, do it? : D Also what does the E mean in the gravity parameter. I don't know its name, let alone understand it.
  11. @Jiraiyah You're right. That's just wonderful.... Tellumo's sync orbit altitude is indeed very wrong. It should be 10,613,665m.
  12. The orange suits and I went out Screenshot-Hunting and for more Math-gathering in even more Sandbox. Jebediah went to both of Gael's moons in a rather nicely designed far-future scout ship based on my Alien Air Koaster. There are a few doses of Tweakscale in it. Valentina and the other guys went to Tellumo the other blue planet in a compact "dV tester" ship...which sadly for this post is hidden in the lens flare. Unfortunately also, this part of their mission failed. My ship needed to have a lot more to itself to do its job at Tellumo.
  13. Yes. : D [Updated image after quote] I think the template is complete now. Maybe Tellumo is a class L planet, not K. Oh. Hey @Jiraiyah ... *points down*
  14. Lol @Galileo @Jiraiyah I'll have to open KSP to confirm some of those numbers but I like what I see. I just made a quick Github wiki featuring Gael (excluding moons) and Niven. I don't like that the content area is cramped as it is so I may go and hunt down a web host providing MediaWiki or DokuWiki engine. Cramps aside I like how this test turned out.
  15. You have the right answer but how do you know (example, you try this at another planet) what the correct starting SMA is? What's the significance of 3,463.35km?
  16. That's the distance of the planets from Ciro, and the moons from their parents. I'm betting you have to do a lot of guesswork for the SMA of yourself... But how do you know that the answer you get for such a simple (and vague?) formula is the correct answer?
  17. Yeah. At the time I had only just thought that people would love to have that and added the empty field for it. Then I received the value(s) to insert into that field.
  18. . Synchronous orbit altitude for Gael is the same as for Kerbin: 2,863,333km and is not mentioned in the included PDF. The formula for this thing is far from that simple... http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Synchronous_orbit#Semi-synchronous_and_similar_orbits
  19. I have plans for something like that already, with a lot of those wonderful details. The details will also include total approach dV and travel time between planets. Currently this "wiki" will only exist as a series of high-resolution JPG images but I may expand into a fan site on Wikia or the like (or especially, make a KSPedia like @jandcando did). There's a sample in a spoiler. The sample image will change as I'm still gathering data and deciding which data to feature.
  20. I think the design on this one is going to take me places. NOPE!
  21. I gathered some Math from the game and into a spreadsheet for later use with much thanks to Transfer Window Planner then I went and started building a Hydrofoil based on my science VTOL...which for some reason has locked/invalid parts now. I only added mods so how? Anyway, far from perfect this craft quickly gets up to 57m/s and is expected to cover a measly? 91km. The spoiler is Tweakscaled and purely aesthetic.
  22. I don't remember what tiny animal it is (re: elephants)... But something very small always has the power to topple a giant.
  23. Watch your speed. There are road hazards ahead.
  24. The point of KJR is also to ease the trouble of things hopping and dropping when they spawn --or otherwise violently responding to physics™.
  25. It would be a grand idea to use SCANsat > Minimap. If you're in KSP 1.2 then KER (and I'd recommend VesselMover for warping over the planet's surface but) are not available.
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