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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. Lol. Your villainy extends to far more than just that. You've officially made a "tease" planet (Tellumo itself). Oh... I've described Gratian as a "Dry Laythe."
  2. With such a tiny difference between Gael and Kerbin masses I'm tempted to switch to Gael masses and cling to all those zer0s on the end there. Yes, I know where in the cfg's the science and altitude thresholds are......Yes I also like the action shots. That alone makes this decision so hard. Speaking of... Now I'm secretly hoping eddie posts some screenshots so I can swipe them up and add them to dossiers like I do with Galileo. Well you're such a frequent flier (I've gotten a good few glances at the kind of pace you move with. ) we can forgive you... But this code shall stay your secret aloooone. : D
  3. With that big a mistake I may as well add to the template itself-- Should I start including science multipliers and altitude thresholds in the place of one or both of the little "action shots" some of them have?
  4. @OhioBob Hmm... How I built my formula is (assuming at the time Kerbin and Gael were equal mass) Take Gael's mass as in KSP 1.1, store it and call it Kerbin Masses, then not so simply divide the masses (given in spreadsheet) of the other planets by it. I'm a little shocked that it didn't occur to me that the reference value changed with KSP 1.2.
  5. I would like that to be the KSPedia format but I haven't begun to learn the Unity UI so these won't be showing up in there anytime soon. Consider this an alternative, then. Thanks, I'm glad you like.
  6. My sentiments exactly @kraden Newly published images: Argo, Eta, Geminus. Laid down a little writing for: Iota, Ceti, Argo. @Benji13 You'll find something like that here.
  7. On a pleasant note now. I might put up the next set of pictures real soon (Only moons remaining now). Should I stick with the traditional perspective (right) or deviate and use (left) for Catullus? Just because this is a mean moon I'm considering it.
  8. Yes it is. I first found mention of it in an SSTOs thread, but I found a support thread now.
  9. @Galileo @eddiew I found the problem. The key binding has changed. Return to vessel in Map mode is now bound to ` the "backquote" key above the Tab key. (I never knew of that name). I'm seeing no other problems yet... I haven't been to the SPH yet....... That person's post I read somewhere was right. I turned on aero overlay and KSP (1.2.1) crashed seconds afterward.
  10. Ohhhh. I see what you did there. @Ohm Machre For a bit I kept reading Estate. Looks and sounds like a commercial airliner. I've only begun to use those things (J81). They ought to have a more obvious indication that they're nearly as epic as Dark Drive and maybe just a little less Isp. I don't play Career so I don't know if they're comfortably very high on the tech tree.
  11. Lol. Well Tellumo would be happy. I think he learned his lesson from eating his first moon and getting rings. "Resource bias" as I call it is exercised fine control over a resource's abundance at a planet or moon to augment the mining experience. I've heavily used and developed this in GPP as a gift (for something new, fun and important to exploit) and as a challenge (it adds realism to the planets, realism that some players, especially USI fans will find shocking for better and for worse)
  12. Actually, I think, the Map issues should be all-gone but we'll see when Galileo comes back and starts using KSP 1.2.1 to dev. Concerning Rald: Any Mun and Minmus replacements can simply take those orbits. Gael's moons have wider orbits than Kerbin's....
  13. @eddiew Yes. Tellumo is a tease. You have to build for Eve to handle it. But the fact that air engines work and the atmosphere is half Eve's height provides quite a lot of mercy for the high gee. sadly I can't help with the Map view problem and Galileo's away until tomorrow. The dossiers are actively updated on my Github wiki so you can view them here, and more. And as it happens, I'm currently preparing all of Nero's moons (or maybe plainly all the remaining moons) for publishing.
  14. @flyguybc While looking through the files to see all the engines I did realize the J Linear Aerospike is missing. Strange... I rarely use it but its absence matters to me. There is more than one release within v1.9. The changelog mentions updates to that engine plus an alt of the JQS cockpit without intakes so we must be out of date. The J81 and J61 are not "linear" engines. They are respectively simply rocket/hybrid and air engines. There are mk2 linear aerospikes around but not in OPT. You're good to go, though. I'll add what I know of other engines to the post.
  15. @flyguybc There are actually 7 (3 in the main mod and 4 in legacy which must be installed since you're seeing Mk2 engines). If you type J- into the search bar you'll see nearly all of OPT's engines. Respectively the engines you're calling out should be Dark Drive, J-92 (the 2.5m air-breather), J-60 ScreamJet (air-breathing Mk2 with built-in tank) and either the ARI-7x (1.25m LFO engine) or J-81 S3B1ZzR Nacelle (Mk2-ish LF & LFO engine). The J-92 is equivalent to the J-61 (both shown here) performance-wise, but its defining difference is form factor. Aside from a little more weight, and lower Isp. (4000s vs 7000s) which may seem like a lot of loss it reaches peak performance just a little quicker and will go places that Mk2 engines can't (especially when mk2 to 2.5m adapters ...and Rapier clusters...aren't welcome). The official cover image for OPT has an ARI-7x engine cluster. The ARI-73 and ARI-75 are amazing to have in any atmosphere (and make up for lack of Oxygen for normal air engines) as their Isp climb to over 900s ASL, but in space it falls back to 340s. You don't want to do in-vac landings with these... But you do want to try Eve ascent with these. A bunch of J-81s on the first craft and J-60s on the second craft in spoiler. The J-81 Nacelles are nearly as OP as Dark Drive (which is actually very OP but it's very good that it is...what great parts mod doesn't have an ultimate engine in it somewhere?). The J-81 are both air engines with amazing power and LFO engines with Isp of 2000s and will replace Rapier-Nuke clusters by themselves. J-60 ScreamJets expand and become larger than Mk2 at the business end whereas the J81 can fit inside a Mk2 fuselage and nobody would ever know it's there. They're as wonderful as any other OPT air engine but they have built-in tankage so you don't have to dig for and add as many (or any) separate tanks for them but just add a Mk2 intake on the forward end. I think you're using the term inline incorrectly. There are no inline engines. There are many radial and surface attachable engines. http://img4.hostingpics.net/pics/478488screenshot710.png This one? That's the J-61 Starwaster TurboRamjet. This one is possibly the 3rd most OP engine. Since its very light and very small on top of being no less powerful, it will get you a date with the kraken if the ship it's attached to is also really small. I have two Mk2 planes (shown in OP of this thread) whose TWR can pass 10 because they have two of this engine and are not meant to reach the Mun.
  16. True. Some off-the-wall stock stuff would really be nice. Asteroid-like thing? Sure. Maybe even make it a really giant Magic Boulder.
  17. The last of the dossiers for the parent planets, and #14 of 26 total images. ICARUS
  18. @DrunkenKerbalnaut Toirus can't be done in programming (not with the hollow center). It's quite unlikely that there is a provision in the game for true donut worlds. Saphine's hanging in space as a child body is physics-breaking and to an extent can't be programmed. Once any two objects are different distances from the star (especially one behind the other) they will always have varying orbital speed and the body in behind will come out from back there. About stationary orbits: Multiple worlds can "do the conga line" in KSP as long as they're none are moons of their fellows. There's the risk, though, of the game getting fed up of player's crafts occupying several SOI at once. About good timing, do you mean to have the moon's dark time last a whole kerbin year? This moon might as well be a dwarf planet around a black hole.
  19. Oh, alright then. I guess any plant will do, once it's not secretly a toxic one like Poison Ivy.
  20. @DrunkenKerbalnaut Sorry, dude, but Toirus can't be done-- well, not one that has a hollow center. The middle will still be a solid plane like an inflatable swimming pool. But maybe someone could create essentially a Neutron star with 2+ co-orbital moons. As for Saphine, orbital mechanics can't allow an object to hang in space relative to its parent. It can be co-orbital and not a moon but will still have a sunward side exposed to Sun. Otherwise it will fall into its parent or flyby and leave that SOI. The concepts for them are amazing, nonetheless. One would think Saphine is a silly terraforming experiment or a humongous art project by the aliens who left their junk on Kerbin. -- like Thatmo from OPM?
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