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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. @Selphadur Sadly, I needed to see in-game that the 4000 Atmosphere per second thing was happening to realize what's up: Regarding 6-digit EC consumption: This is caused by the single or largest point of incompatibility between WBI Classic Stock and Kerbalism. Both of these have conflicting definitions for the Atmosphere resource, and KSP is recognizing Kerbalism's own which has an extremely low density. ElectricCharge, being mass-less, is treated for consumption in an engine by being a multiple of the units per second of resources that have mass, and when a resource has lower density, more units per second are consumed to make up the mass consumed per second, which in turn, means much more ElectricCharge per second is demanded and leads to the 6-figures and Electric flameout. Kerbalism's Atmosphere resource, being super low density, is required at over 4000 units per second by the Ranger's air-breathing engine. This enormous demand is, in turn, why you get Atmosphere flameout. No intake can satisfy that demand. Regarding Atmosphere flameout: It would seem that Kerbalism's life support feature switch purges crewed parts of resources that are provided by the stock RESOURCE{} nodes. In addition to the huge intake demand, the Ranger doesn't even have the tank for the resource. This purging of resources is also why the Ranger, Lander and Viper are not holding FusionPellets or ElectroPlasma. To fix #1, change WBI to CRP mode again. This will change Endurance back to requiring IntakeAtm which has the same density as LiquidFuel (and LqdHydrogen, not Propellium for its other engines and RCS). If you have a reason for preferring Classic Stock and using it alongside Kerbalism (which I don't intend to support) I'd like to know. To fix #2, save this as a new .cfg file within GameData: // Evidently, crewed parts get all resources other than ElectricCharge removed from them by the Kerbalism life support module switcher. This applies to anything provided by RESOURCE{}. // Add these back in a later MM pass. // Ranger @PART[ENrangerBody]:NEEDS[Kerbalism]:LAST[Endurance] { RESOURCE { name = FusionPellets amount = 50 maxAmount = 50 } RESOURCE { name = ElectroPlasma amount = 0 maxAmount = 1000 isTweakable = false } RESOURCE { name = IntakeAir amount = 5 maxAmount = 5 } RESOURCE { name = IntakeAtm amount = 5 maxAmount = 5 } } // Lander @PART[ENlanderBody]:NEEDS[Kerbalism]:LAST[Endurance] { RESOURCE { name = FusionPellets amount = 100 maxAmount = 100 } RESOURCE { name = ElectroPlasma amount = 0 maxAmount = 3000 isTweakable = false } } // Mini-Ranger / Viper @PART[ENminiRanger]:NEEDS[Kerbalism]:LAST[Endurance] { RESOURCE { name = FusionPellets amount = 20 maxAmount = 20 } RESOURCE { name = ElectroPlasma amount = 0 maxAmount = 500 isTweakable = false } }
  2. @Clamp-o-Tron @EimajOzear I've created the configs according to the PDF and setup to work for cloned parts for RR (just the linear RCS and the stock quad) and an Extras config to affect all stock and Restock+ Mono RCS. (Also, I've added LFO, Hydrolox and Methalox to the stock Vernier.) It even scales the Isp values according to the source Isp in the part as the tiny gray thrusters have 10s less Isp than the large white ones. Sometime after producing the GIF below, I made these use only the Lqd versions of these resources where applicable. As weak as the stock RCS are, just one goes through over 1000 Nitrogen gas per second but a very comfortable 3 or so LN2 per second. These are on GitHub now so try them out at your convenience. Burning LN2 Burning LqdCO2
  3. @Clamp-o-Tron @EimajOzear That...is an epic idea. Seriously why didn't I think of this?
  4. @wkwied Here's how things go: OPT Spaceplane (Main): Primary parts pack. The popular, current plane parts are here. H, J, K, KH profiles. OPT Legacy: Secondary parts pack. Contains antique spaceplane bodies and most of the fancy and exotic engines. OPT Reconfig: Contains some core things like the agency config and flags, the custom tech tree nodes, the upgrades, and nearly all of the configs necessary to make the parts packs perform better, and provides all of the integration with gameplay mods like fuel switchers and life support. The parts packs are wired to depend on this so always have this around. B9 Part Switch: The primary plugin mod that powers the advanced features given to OPT. It's incredibly useful and popular, and is a tiny install by itself. Community Resource Pack: The library for virtually all popular non-stock resources.
  5. @wkwied How is it that you have OPT Spaceplane Continued 2.1 for KSP 1.9+ but you have the Firespitter bundle from OPT Space Plane 2.0.1 for KSP 1.3...? Is your CKAN version very old? The current is 1.28. (You'll see in Help menu --> About) I removed the dependency on Firespitter when I created OPT Reconfig but it's only recently I provided OPT Spaceplane Continued. But even if you don't use Reconfig and still use the older OPT, removing or replacing the bundled Firespitter dll with the current version (for KSP 1.8) will presumably fix that problem. And I've had at least one other report of CKAN apparently installing the older thing when it shouldn't.
  6. @Maple Kerman Due to GU's unique size and its own complexities because of how ambitious it is (and maybe it packs its own visuals for the stock planets, which is possible), GU itself is found to be incompatible with whatever. That doesn't automatically mean every other planet pack will have such an issue. Treat GU as the exception, not the rule, but still be careful since you're piling on planet mods.
  7. @Selphadur All of Endurance's engines consume [LiquidFuel, LqdHydrogen or Propellium (one of these)] + ElectricCharge. I recommend clipping mods out of your install to troubleshoot, starting with AJE and SolverEngines which make huge changes to the way engines work. The Ranger's built-in VTOL engine is supposed to flameout at some altitude anyway, simply because air pressure is too low (you've gone high enough) or you're moving fast enough with a given orientation that doesn't help the intake (whichever way that is pointing) to remain parallel with, and make use of the airflow to feed the engine.
  8. @Maple Kerman Planet packs generally only contain the visual configs and textures for themselves and only require EVE to be installed separately. So they are unlikely to mess with the visuals for the stock planets (except if they are system replacers). Install everything and find out.
  9. @Selphadur I should have asked you for your MM ConfigCache as well. I'm not home and cannot test right now but you have WBI in Classic Stock mode so the engines should be demanding Propellium. But you have Kerbalism installed so you really shouldn't be using Classic Stock mode. At the space center scene, click the "WBT" button in the toolbar and you should get the Play Mode selection window. Choose CRP, click OK and restart KSP. If there is still a problem after doing this, let me know. I'll get back to you soon.
  10. I'll need to see your KSP.log and your Logs/ModuleManager/ I don't know what mod combination is still causing that, or what I'm still missing that causes that.
  11. @wkwied I must assume you installed this manually and you don't have any of the dependencies installed: B9 Part Switch and OPT Reconfig. I hadn't mentioned these in this thread OP. *fixes that* Humpback, Avatar and Stail are in OPT Legacy, the other OPT parts mod.
  12. @infinite_monkey This is what the patches for Endurance (Interstellar) look like: @PART[ENenduranceEngine|ENrangerBody|ENrangerEngine|ENlanderBody|ENlanderVTOL|ENminiRanger]:AFTER[KerbalismDefault] { @MODULE[Reliability]:HAS[#type[ModuleEngines*]] { @rated_operation_duration = 1800 @rated_ignitions = 120 } } My ordering pass is different than yours and I target a specific Reliability module as parts can have more than one of this with different types.
  13. The time for that has long passed. Any Restock problems are fixed by now.
  14. I've been there. It gets annoying, actually, when you have to do the roundabout work of going to the VAB, remembering the parts you want, building the dummy craft, and returning to the site to build it. OSE builds the part and stuffs it into the factory's own KIS space. Also, if you wanted to produce a KIS box full of little things, OSE saves you from having to remember (days later) what you stuffed into the KIS box on the last dummy craft. Instead of that, you build a new KIS box and stuff parts into it from the factory's inventory all without having to go to the VAB. The matter isn't always about what parts you missed when you build a big ship or base section with many parts, but is also about when you're building a small craft or expanding a large one, piece by piece or section by section with plenty KAS involvement. For that kind of thing, switching scenes for every few steps can be too much. That's what OSE's advantage really looks like.
  15. @EimajOzear I likely defaulted to assuming Tylo had the same surface composition as Laythe due to its proximity to Laythe in the stock system. I didn't consider that could easily be as different as Io from the other Galilean moons. Or, because it's far less massive in JNSQ I felt this template is more appropriate than the template of a dry inner rocky planet. For its atmosphere composition, it's pretty barren and would be pretty cold, being (by my default) formed from substances that are typically ice like, in the region of the gas giants. Being much less massive in JNSQ, and hence, probably mostly made of ice, it would be so cold that nearly everything but Nitrogen sublimated out of the atmosphere.
  16. You should have the "Core Nodes" B9 switch already. It provides this. This has been present since OPT Reconfig 2.0.6. If, somehow, you're still using older versions of OPT, or you don't have B9 Part Switch, please fix that. Otherwise you can use the config in the spoiler.
  17. Oh. That clears things up completely. CC support is held (and properly) by OPT Reconfig 2.0.3. Allista's mods no longer hold the OPT patch because it was outdated and didn't target Legacy parts at all. So you actually don't have the feature. It's okay to allow mods for 1.9/1.10 in CKAN and force it to install the latest of OPT since OPT is all parts and configs. No plugins of its own. You might possibly get onto a bumpy road with B9PS as v2.16+ of it (idk if this is available on KSP 1.8) is required for engine feature switching which is involved in nearly all of the VTOL engines (added in Legacy 2.1). At this point you'll want to delete the 2 files with "VIsp" in their names in OPT_Legacy/MM_Patches/ so B9PS won't try to do what it doesn't know yet. If you do have B9PS 2.16, the "VIsp" configs are perfectly safe.
  18. @DA299 Do you mean you installed the older OPT Spaceplane (before Continued)? If that's the case (and it shouldn't be. I had LinuxGuruGamer fix me up good and proper with CKAN) then you had the old Firespitter plugin and patches running (and possibly destabilizing your game).
  19. @EimajOzear RR does not recognize Tylo's atmosphere when Realistic Atmospheres is installed. (I forgot that this condition existed and only remembered that JNSQ gives it an atmosphere.) RR does not interfere with CRP's RNG for Argon and Xenon presence. Your situation should be that Tylo's atmosphere has nothing in it except Argon and Xenon, but Tylo will have the ExoIce template and will have a handful of other resources in the exosphere (in space, outside of atmosphere). The "resource scan" which requires the stock or SCANsat parts won't reveal these. You must be at the active vessel and in the right altitude over the target planet, and with the RR Sky Scanner installed. This is from JNSQ. Save it to a .cfg in your GameData. If there are any other stock worlds that Realistic Atmospheres adds an atmosphere to, let me know and I'll put these together in an update. Side note, the ExoRock and ExoIce templates aren't likely to be applied to a planet that has an atmosphere. +PLANETARY_RESOURCE:HAS[#Tag[AtmIceNitrogen]]:NEEDS[RationalResources] { @PlanetName = Tylo @Tag = Applied }
  20. OPT is using Configurable Containers for fuel switching. That support is there. Perhaps you did not see CC's button for it as you're not expecting that support?
  21. @darwinpatrick Oh that sucks majorly. I'll have to check for myself then: get the SMA numbers of Ciro, Cercani and whatever star in 3LR and compare them.
  22. @captinjoehenry I assume that means some parts you use have been invalidated by Restock's blacklist. Screenshot the window that lists these parts and I may be able to help identify them so you can alert the devs who own them.
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