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Everything posted by Superpenguin160

  1. Ice Cream This is for people that got an asteroid in orbit of Kerbin and want to land it, ofcourse landing it is not enough, it needs to be in style. This is an Ice Cream that can take an asteroid through the atmosphere, when the cone is in the front you can make a deorbit burn and the shape of the cone will prevent the asteroid from overheating. When your speed is low enough you can detach the cone and open the parachutes. Problems: The chocolate in the bottom of the cone melts You may only have one ball asteroid at the time More Pictures:
  2. Meatball Pan Have you ever had the problem that you hadn't had a place to store your asteroids in? This is the meatball pan, it can store asteroids in all kind of sizes. The pan can fit six tiny asteroids, I have only got five but it can fit six in theory so you don't have to worry anymore about asteroids that are rolling away. (Food with a use) Pictures:
  3. Update: -New engine, the GyroDrive -New textures -Some changes in the configs, I don't know what I changed. Download: Curse
  4. Update: -Added a cooler so you can cool your EM-Drive You can get rid of the pipes along the side, it is just a shroud. -Changed texture EM-Drive Download: SpaceDock
  5. @JeffreyCor @TheRagingIrishmanIt really doesn't matter, I already wanted to do this because I am making another part so it is more organised when I have a config espacialy for tweakscale.
  6. Update: Small "fix" There is a config for Tweakscale for the people that haven't got Tweakscale installed, you can easily delete him if you don't want Tweakscale. Download here
  7. When I tried it without tweakscale installed I had no problem, but I will make a way so you can load it without tweakscale compatibility tomorrow. Is it oke to have a second config file with only tweakscale in it or is it better that you can decide by yourself which config you put in your gamedata folder?
  8. Why is tweakscale compatibility a problem when you haven't got it installed?
  9. That is a pretty good idea, it is possible because you can already give the engine half of the energy it needs and than you get less thrust. I will look if I can make something like that, the problem with the real engine is that it produces to much heat so I need to look if I can simulate that too. I am planning to make a water cooler so that the heat from the engine can be absorbed.
  10. Update: -The texture is much better -Tweakscale compatible -The engine now uses 30 ec instead of 20
  11. I really appreciate it, but I think it is cooler that you know that you made the model by yourself. So I think I am going to make my model better when I have time But I like the copper Color you have, may I have that one?
  12. @Eskandare It is 0.625 indeed, and I am going to make it tweakscale compatible in the next update
  13. I made it 1kN because the Ion Engine from Squad is also overpowered and the real engine is much smaller so the thrust could also be more. The amount of Electric charge that you need is also super large so maybe you can say that you need a few kW and that makes that you get more thrust. So that is why I made it 1kN, feel free to edit the config if you want @notJebKerman
  14. ImpossibleDrives EM-Drive This is the EM-Drive or the impossible drive(It works in KSP anyway) It is based after the real world model but I gave it a bit more thrust(1kN), just to make it a bit more Kerbal ;P. The engine uses a massless propellant what makes it have an infinite amount of delta V. There is also a cooler because this engine produces a lot of heat. GyroDrive This engine produces thrust by swinging the fuel in the tanks around and pumping it to the other tank at the same moment. It produces 1.5kN thrust but it is bigger than the EM-Drive. It even got the swing animation Download: Curse Spacedock License: All Rights Reserved This is my first mod, so feedback is welcome. And do not forget to report bugs.
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