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Posts posted by shadragon

  1. I have a Rover. I designed it with two EAS-1 External Command Seats up front for the lads and lasses to enjoy the drive. I surrounded the seats with science gear expecting a scientist to be there as well. The gear works to collect science,.but in order to collect and reset the experiments I need to release the scientist from his seat, even though the boxes are well within his sphere of influence. 

    Is this by design or should I put in a bug report? Thanks. 

  2. Hi Guys and Gals, 

    I'm building a rover to take on the monstrous gravity and severe environmental conditions of Minmus. Ok, ok, I'll be using it elsewhere as well. The concept was to have a science jr mounted on top in the center (center of mass) then attach a coupler to the top of that and detach from a landing vehicle to be designed later. There's more stuff to go on, but not until I solve this major issue. 

    I made a single girder width rover, but it was too tippy, so I widened it. However, now I can't find a way to get a mount point on top near center of mass without way too many compromises.  

    Any ideas welcome. 

    SPH Craft File here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0ByOS7LT3mpnBUzJtRC1wMnRTeDg

  3. I Googled this, but found nothing. 

    Am building a Minmus mission. I want to place three (maybe four) Lander cans together laterally to form a new base there. Once it lands, it isn't going anywhere. 

    I can stack lander cans no problem. However, I cannot place them side my side. I tried attaching girders and docking ports to the lander can sides, but the snap to refuses to turn green when I position them. Do I have to launch four small rockets and dock them in orbit instead of one large one going direct to Minmus? 


  4. Busted wheels from the decoupler makes sense. I didn't circularize. My initial orbit burn went a few seconds longer than I wanted and I ended up at 4.5 KM up. I decided to go for a landing as it ended up day side regardless. Was a heavy landing, yes.  

    I fixed the wheels via editing the save file. Rover worked great after that. Appreciate the feedback. 

    Still not enough fuel to get home so rescue rocket time. :D

  5. Got to the Mun, landed in one piece (finally, took a while), but when I launch my spiffy new rover from under my lander to grab rich creamy science, it does nothing. I hit [ to flip through the active vessels, but it shows up as debris after release. Tried selecting "control from here" on the core on top before releasing it and raising antenna on the rover first but no change. It's so confusing, even Jeb is mystified. 

    Any suggs? 

    Save and Craft files here. It's the Moon or Bust MK II & Rover MK II that's giving me issues. 


  6. Since I've begun playing, I've convinced three friends to buy KSP. Would be nice to have a peer-to-peer connection so we can share the same solar system and both be active in the same space simultaneously. A sandbox we can both stomp around in. 

    I'm not suggesting an open "everyone with a copy shares the same space"; that would be chaos, but between me and a friend would be great. We could build stations, or I could talk them through issues over VOIP, etc. 

    Being P2P it would use resources on the host and target PC so no server support would be needed. 

  7. Was watching a Scott Manley video last night (Link here: https://youtu.be/sLeA0xrf06k?t=11m39s ) where there appears to be a hinged actuator with docking port he uses to deploy a component out of the bay of a space plane. It would work perfectly for a rover deployment system I have in mind. I've scoured the parts list in the wiki and don't see it so it must be a mod. Can you name which mod package it's from?



  8. I'm definitely a noob, but after thirty hours of play I have an opinion on this topic. 

    - The forums rock. A welcoming atmosphere (pun intended) with helpful vets helping us witless noobs. 

    - Start career mode. You begin with a few pieces and build on that over time. Best way to learn the game and initial concepts. Avoid mods until you understand the concepts and can do the tasks manually. 

    - By the time I've built something, I want to tear it apart and redo it because I always figure out a way to do it better.

    - KISS principle applies, always. 

    - Free return trajectory will save Jeb's bacon when your design bureau under specs the fuel supply and you run out. 

    - YouTube rocks for tutorials. 

    - It may only be simplified Kerbal rocket science, but it's still challenging. 

    On 8/11/2016 at 5:08 AM, Mycroft said:

    Bigger is not always better.

    But it does help at times. :D

  9. @FullMetalMachinist I get that. The real reason I don't want the full game is so I can't play it. I know me and I'll be sitting there thinking "I'll just take this for a short test flight" and next thing it'll be 3AM and I'll be in orbit around Ike. :) 

    When I'm home, the wife eventually gives me the "You've been playing that too long" tap on the shoulder. At work, in a remote server room, not so much. :D

  10. Tried rerooting to a new probe core I put under the large decoupler. Didn't work after several attempts, so I removed the lander, put it right side up and used the existing core on top. Blue on the ball. @Aegolius13 I didn't notice the brown on the nav ball. DOH. That was a huge clue. 

    The launch now works so well I took off the heavy rockets and replaced them with medium tanks and engines. Simplified the build dramatically and lightened things up by many many tons. Oh, and the fairing is even smaller now as well.

    There is a probe and landing pod so I can use this to retrieve wayward stranded pilots. 

    Off to the Mun to plant my flag.  

  11. Hi all, thanks for the quick answers. I'm at work so screenshots will have to wait til later

    @steuben I did stack three Advanced Inline Stabilizers and saw no improvement. It happens right off the pad and I have a huge battery in the lander so I doubt that is electricity starvation, but I will check tonight. 

    @aegolius It's a two-stage center (I think it is on a Twin Boar and three tanks) with lander / rover up top in a fairing. Second stage has single fuel tank and liquid fuel motor (Can't remember the name). On each side of the center are liquid fuel tanks and (I think) Skipper motors with fuel lines piping into the center tank.   

    @swjr-swis I designed it as you stated. The exact design (One center two-stage with outlying tanks and motors) worked flawlessly when I used smaller rockets. The lander / rover is about 5 tons so it is heavy at the nose. I don't believe I'm using an adapter as you describe. Just the fairing around the lander.  

    Will put together a craft file and screenshots tonight. 

  12. To run KSP I need Steam as my purchase was through there. My workplace specifically bans Steam installs on work laptops (as one of my less regarded colleagues used to do his massive Steam downloads on work Internet, slowing everyone else down dramatically). 

    With a stand alone design program, I wouldn't need the Steam component and boom, I'm legal in the eyes of the ever watchful and draconian firewall monitors. Maybe I'm alone in this, but I thought it would be worth mentioning. Cheers. 

  13. I have an issue with my latest heavy lift rocket. Within 5 seconds after take off, the vehicle starts drifting to the left or right and my command inputs do little. I've checked COG and that looks good. I've put on the largest fins I have, but nothing I do lets me get it past 10,000M without tumbling wildly. 

    I'm using the middle sized reaction wheel (I don't have the big one yet in the tree), SAS is on and I'm full throttle on the liquid fuel rockets. Any suggs what I should check?  

  14. The game may have simplified physics, you could even say "Kerbalized", but it's still rocket science and quite the challenge. 

    I'm currently working on my first manned mission to the Mun. I went home last night intending to spend a few minutes knocking together a rocket and heading off, but I spent an hour just designing a rover full of science gear along with a deployment system. Then I had to mount it under a lander with enough clearance underneath to drive off before discovering the landing struts were in the way, the struts were too short and on top of that I'd forgotten to add actual rockets and fuel to get it down to the surface. Then there were size limits to accommodate the fairing. What followed were several iterations and configurations of parts in various combos as I compromised, hit walls, deleted entire sub-assemblies and moved toward a complete design at a snails pace.   

    By the time I had the entire rocket assembled, three hours had passed and I had no time to actually fly it. And I loved every frustrating moment of it. You have to wonder at the amount of work NASA engineers had to do even during the relatively simple Gemini program. I'm really starting to enjoy myself. 

    Thanks to the devs and the community who supported this excellent game in its formative years. It's a cracker. 

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