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    searching duna for green compound

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  1. I think that there are some serious inaccuracies in the way kerbals currently go on EVA; for example, the way the airlocks are set up, the kerbals would have to de-pressurize their entire craft to go outside. This mod I'm requesting would add a bit more complexity to the EVA system. IDEAS: Airlock (tubular airlock) (must be stock-alike) the airlock part would be radially attached directly to any sort of manned module in order for it to operate; it could also be attached to any part and then be used for the closest module. when you press the EVA button for a kerbals and you have an airlock attached, the kerbals don't exit through the hatch on the module; I'm not sure how you would code this but the idea is that when the button is pressed, the kerbal would be automatically transferred to the airlock module and then the EVA happens. The airlock must be its own individual part. Bonus points if this feature can be activated and deactivated via the airlock's right-click menu. Object-attachment point (must be stock-alike) this would be where kerbals are able to put down objects they have picked up, aside from on the ground(obviously.) Exiting and entering animations for all hatches including above-mentioned airlock First-Person EVA this one's kind of obvious. I know other mods have done it, but it would be nice to have it all rolled into one. MORE EVA ACTIONS you know the text that pops up when your kerbal is within reach of a ladder or hatch? I think there should be some more stuff like that, so that EVA's become useful. examples: [G]:grab object-this kind of is a thing with KIS and KAS installed, but again, I think It would be better all rolled into one easily attained package; anyway, if object is 3/4 of kerbal's size and mass or less, then kerbal has the option of picking it up and carrying it around. EDIT: the kerbal MUST be able to carry more than one part; definition of object here is one or more parts That work together, this allows medium-size multi-part module-type objects to be useful Bonus points if kerbal is ever-so-slightly slower when carrying comparatively heavy objects. [G]:attach object- this occurs when kerbal is carrying an object and is within reach of an object-attachment point. This system would be excellent for things like small, transferable batteries, solar cells on light-weight lattices, and other real-world moveable objects like this. [R]:Individual part action-this would be different for each part; for example, for all solar cells, it would say [R]:Clean, and for all communications devices, it could be [R]:Adjust. for this to be important, over time, efficiency of certain parts could go down(data transmission takes longer, solar cells produce less power, manned modules require more power); this could be configured in-game in the difficulty menu or on the individual part's right-click menu. It could also be turned on and off and configured in the mod's .cfg file. MORE SCIENCE: this is would work via the kerbal's right-click menu, the same way EVA report and Surface Sample do. HUGE bonus points if each action has its own animation! Take Depth Sample: kerbal takes a sample of sub-surface soil, sand, etc. Run Conductivity test: kerbal tests surface and/or atmosphere for electro-conductivity(or lack thereof). Test for atmosphere if off of ground(standing on something or flying), surface if on ground. Good luck!
  2. you know how some of the contracts require you to take multiple science readings from all around an area? this would be a perfect way to make science as a whole way more interesting! you should make that into a separate mod altogether.
  3. Press Conference: (Year 2, Day 36) Gene Kerman: "With the successful landing of the JOOL 1 probe, we step into a new era of exploration and discovery. a few hours ago we received JOOL 1's systems and status report; all systems are online and ready to perform their respective functions. In other news, the DunaSurveyor 1 spacecraft has completed its first orbit of Duna, and is beaming back thermal imaging pictures as we speak. DunaSurveyor's resource scanning module will be activated to scan the planet after its fifth orbit is complete, two days from now. Along with its sister satellites, this will provide us with enough information to begin the final selection process for the ARES 1 mission's landing site. The ARES 1 HAB design is almost complete, with only a few more modifications to section 1's main structure to go. any questions? Q: Sir, when can we expect bios of the ARES 1 crew? A:the crew is currently occupied with their training. bios will be coming in about a week, when we do the final Psych Evaluations on them. Q:the ARES 1's MAV is still orbiting duna, correct? A: yes, that is correct. Q:when can we expect the final site selection info, and how long after that will the MAV land? A: you can expect the site to be released next wednesday. after that, the MAV will begin its descent within a day, once it comes into position over Duna. No further questions at this time. thank you."
  4. This thread is a place for me to post my mission logs/ksp press conferences and reports. Here's the first one; It's the first data ever recieved from the joolian system: JOOL 1 sytem log: System Startup: waiting... waiting... waiting... System Is Online Begin SystCheck solar1:online solar2:online solar3:online RTG:online mainComm:online SecComm:online imager:online GRAVMAX:online MYSTGOO:online ACCEL:online ATMO.F.S.V.:online TEMP:online BAR:online SRFSCAN:online SystCheck Complete listening for telemetry signal... listening for telemetry signal... listening for telemetry signal... Signal Acquired Sending StatReport... StatReport Recieved Entering Remote Control Mode(MAIN)...
  5. I am 1. Proud that I started this thread and 2. Extremely sad and angry that the announcement turned out this way Sorry for starting up the hype train for nothing, guys.
  6. I'll be really surprised and SO Angry if it's just a port and not some actual new game content.
  7. I would pay good money for a 6-kerbal 2.5m inflatable module and a 10-kerbal 3.75m inflatable module. wait... I already paid $40.00... okay, let me re-phrase that: I will pay you MORE good money.
  8. jesus... okay... sure, why not. also, go vote at the fancy new poll on the top of the page!
  9. no fair! also, according to my complex calculations (KSP Weekly thread timestamps) I've Been able to narrow the announcement time down to in between 2:00 PM and 5:00 PM Tonight! ALL ABOARD THE HYPE TRAIN! -sort of Edit Number 3: thread name changed to day-of-the-announcement discussion thread
  10. they keep talking about herbal 'Repotology' Noun retopology: (computer graphics) Modification of the topology of an object. so... they're making changes to the kerbal mesh? okay... What do you guys think that means?
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