The pioneer challenge! By SpaceAstronautX
Daily challenge! Rules for hard mode: 1: Stock parts and Kerbal engineer redux allowed also kerbal alarm clock. 2: No HyperEdit 3: Max weight is 200 tons.
Now the challenge consists on fly an vessel from Kerbin and do an fly by on Moho, Eve, Duna... So pass all the planets.
1 Easy: Hyperedit allowed, infinite fuel enabled just all the planets.
2 Not so easy: Hyperedit just used for misc tools. All planets fly-by.
3 A bit hard: Kerbal engineer and Kerbal alarm clock enabled. No Hyperedit and also some moons fly-by
4 Hard: Kerbal engineer, Kerbal alarm clock. All moons and planets
5 Very hard: No Kerbal alarm clock. All moons and planets sometimes again an flyby in there.
6 LEGEND!: No mods, triple flyby on all moons and planets and fifty year for complete this difficulty level
If you complete an difficulty level just put Example: I've complete this challenge in difficulty level 5!
Well in my opinion this challenge I've invented is very difficult. I've completed the challenge in level 2 and I've land on Kerbin almost 150 years after lift-off! And so that's the challenge. Merry christmas!