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  1. Been a while since I've been active on KSP forums (college is hard) , but nice! I'll be checking these in as soon as they get onto CKAN.
  2. @StarCrusher96 Is there any way I can play with only the stock planets? Of course , everything looks awesome , but my poor computer won't be able to handle it .
  3. Not my first " Video Game " , per se , but I used to and am still playing Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 since I was five . I'm nearing sixteen now and I wouldn't abandon it even today . It has aged well and I have a copy of it stored in cloud. @Mjp1050 Everything except RCT 2 works on my windows 10 laptop And frankly , now that I come to think about it , i'm rather afraid of offending anyone here . You all seem to be adults , and i don't know about abroad , but adults in India don't take kindly to the "cheekiness" I am currently exhibiting. @Slam_Jones Thankyou thankyou thankyou !! i had been searching for that game for such a long time !! It was the second or the third I played! Thanks for bringing back memories.sniff.
  4. When, while studying Ionic Equilibrium, you see the dissociation constant of sparingly soluble salt, which is represented as Ksp , and immediately think about your first Duna mission, which just launched yesterday p.s. this incident happened to me today lol
  5. I once got a contract to test the launch clamps in kerbin orbit. Beat that
  6. I think i encountered a feature the first time I loaded this up.... http://imgur.com/a/8uiEl
  7. Hello , a KSP Player here. I have a laptop which was purchased in 2008 , with around 3GB ram. I first heard of KSP when it was at version 1.0 , and it ran quite smoothly. Even RO+RP0 I was able to run at a modest 20fps. The stock game ran at around 40. However, as soon as I upgraded to version 1.1 , I found that stock struggled to run at even 15fps.I still use a few mods which help me run the game at around 12-14fps. Does anyone know how to solve this problem of lag and whether 1.2 will offer any performance improvements? Naturally , all settings are turned back (except max physics delta time) and force opengl has been enabled. I used windows 7 when running 1.0.5 and am now on windows 10 running 1.1 . But 1.0.5 still runs faster even on windows 10.
  8. 32GB RAM ..... How rich are you ?!! my poor 2008 acer aspire has just 4GB .... and I wont be able to get a new laptop until I pass school... Goodbye , to any hopes of running this !
  9. Will this work on ksp 32 bit if I run it in opengl mode and also delete some bodies ? (not sure if that is allowed). If not , what will be the amount of Ram required for this ?
  10. Thanks sarbian for all you have done for ksp , and also as modder


  11. @Andem Yes, I fully agree with you . We need answers , or even just a statement. It's sad that they didn't even say goodbye to the devs in the devnote.
  12. Uh... uh.... [Jaw Drops] Was this made by Elon Musk? This and Kerbal , is Awesome!!
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