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    Genesis Industries
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    Los Angeles
  • Interests
    KSP. SSTO. HyperDrive. Halo 1-2-3-Reach. C.O.D. F.I.F.A + M.C.

    (I Love building space planes because they are far more capable than rockets).

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  1. Ah, I just made an account there and uploaded two of my space crafts. I really like the analytics and user friendly-ness of their site. Anyhow, here's the link https://kerbalx.com/Andrew2070/SSTO-H-BroadSword-mk7
  2. Thank you, For some reason I can't find the CKAN script (haven't updated mods in months), but a rough idea of the mods used in this space plane: OPT, MK4 space plane, Near Future (all of their mods), and BDArmory. The first 3 account for about ~95% of the spaceplane, fuselage/body from OPT/MK4 and engines from Near Future. I'll pull up the entire list and edit it in at some point.
  3. I like where you're going with the B-1B. I made a similar version myself, but just couldn't stop "adding to it". Regardless the B-1B is a beautiful aircraft and I'm sure you can do it justice. I don't know if my spaceplane counts as its a mix of OPT and other mod parts, but the older "longsword" Mk12 variant had been posted on this thread (many many years ago). So here's the new one. It's twice everything the original was, in lethality, speed, size, evasion, and fuel capacity. Basically if the longsword from Halo and the SU 57 had a baby, it would look something like this. Complete sensor fusion, packs AESA and TWS radars. Loaded with 16 AMRAAMS and Nuclear gravity bombs. Uses LH2 for fuel in vacuum, and nuclear atm breathing engines can function in any atmosphere.
  4. Hello everyone! A few days ago, I decided to remake an old SSTO design that I had once posted about on these very forums. I named it the "longsword" (after the Halo series fighter/bomber). The original SSTO incorporated "primitive" technology, and a lack of SSTO engineering knowledge. Having gone through 12 iterations and two rebuilds, I settled on the Mark 12 variant of the Longsword. It was easy to take-off/land anywhere, had a good top speed, excellent structural integrity, and all the onboard equipment required for science/return missions. However, it was small, and the 190+ part count (without any weapons) was painful for Kerbal maintenance upkeep (and my poor mac). At 30.2 m in length and 29.1m in wingspan, the Mark-12 was powered by 2x Rapier, and 6x OPT engines (can't remember the name). So, I decided to recreate the Mark 12, keeping the same airframe in mind, with a touch of SU-57, and sprinkle of GA-TL1 Longsword. Here are some before and after pics and I'll include an contrastive analysis at the end of this post: Before (Mark 12): After: (3.0 - D) Wingspan: 50.6m, Length: 51.0m Propulsion: 2 Nuclear "Eeloo" engines (V:LH2/All-ATM), 2 ARI reverse LH2 engines, 2 ARI forward LH2 "afterburners", 2 VTOL engines. Power Generation: Engine alternators, onboard Fission Reactor, one RTG. Radar: Track While Scan (TWS), Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radome (Forward and Rear), extra Air-Air radome, Radar Warning Receiver, Radar Data Receiver. Countermeasures: 2x ECM Jammer. 6 (360 degree) lasers (2 rear-underwing , 2 front-underwing, 1 nose mounted, 1 tail mounted). Chaff & Flares. Weapons: 6 Laser turrets, 16 AMRAAM (A2A) missiles, 2 50. Cal turrets, 1 GAU 30mm cannon, 4 AGM's, 4 Nuclear Bombs. Fuel: Primary: LH2, Secondary (VTOL - Oxidizer). (Enough fuel for most round trip missions). Additionally, the entire fuselage and airframe is armored, so it can withstand a direct hit from 4-5 AMRAAMs. Here it is in the hanger: In flight: Nuclear Bombing Run: Escape Orbit: Eve Entry: Kerbin re-entry: AI war games with a Surface to Air Missile Unit: Dodging AMRAAM Missiles: In conclusion, the new design is roughly twice the size of the original. That being said, it also packs twice the offensive capability, many more countermeasures and advanced radar systems (allowing it to track dozens of targets simultaneously, with the ability to fire on multiple). It also has tons of extra fuel that can be very useful in striking celestial bodies. The new design also features a nuclear reactor, with the capability of powering the spacecraft and an entire space station or base. It cannot be shot down through conventional means, as there are far too many laser turrets onboard, which counteract barrages of seeking anti air missiles. Not to mention it is stealthy. Enjoy!
  5. I don't know if modded is out of the question, but here's one that I made. Basically a multi purpose heavy SSTO, with nuclear engines capable of providing thrust in any atmosphere, and a large LH2 capacity making round trip travel possible from any celestial body. I call it the broadsword.
  6. Greetings everyone, Originally designed as an orbital freight ship, the heavy SSTO "broadsword" saw many months of augmentations to make it the perfect multi-role space craft. The initial design parameters emphasized endurance and maximum payload capacity, with the goal of reaching any celestial body's orbit on a single tank of gas. The spacecraft was never intended to touch down on any other planetary surfaces, and would rely on smaller towed "fighter SSTOs" for refueling missions. Unfortunately, achieving the initial goal pushed the total part count to 170, making it not worthwhile as a potential "aircraft carrier". The spaceplane was put in cold storage until Kerbin's military strategists wanted to explore its role as an orbital bomber, capable of delivering hundreds of 1.5 MT nuclear warheads at a moment's notice, undetected. This initiative called for a series of "survivability tests", which would push the airframe design to its limits. After some great successes between scientists and military strategists, a final design was approved that could withstand the conditions of all celestial bodies. The H-SSTO Broadsword Mk 6. Clocking in at roughly 1700 tons, with a width/wingspan of 74m, length of 83m, and relative height of 20m. This spacecraft carries about 6,670,000 units of liquid hydrogen fuel for its 11 nuclear, 8 VTOL, 2 SURGE, and 2 ARI reverse thrusting engines. In total the space plane is powered by 23 engines of various designs and purposes, as well as a large fission reactor. The nuclear engines do not consume fuel in any atmosphere. Maximum survivable airspeed is about 1800 m/s in low/less dense atmosphere, and 3500 m/s+ at higher altitudes. (I don't keep the throttle at more than 10% for non orbital atmospheric flight). It can transport a crew of 7 in the immediate cockpit and more in the additional crew compartments. Thanks to excellent usage of airframe integrated radiators and thermal control systems, the spaceplane can withstand the pulse of a thermonuclear weapon, as well as atmospheric entry up to 2,500 m/s. The broadsword is also capable of high G maneuvering, because of its strong structural integrity, variety of large control surfaces and thrust vectoring systems. The instrument suite was also enhanced to feature advanced communication systems (including a detachable orbital relay), celestial analysis equipment, and every resource converter known to kerbal kind. Despite the ~3.5 thrust to weight ratio, the spaceplanes mass places great stress on its landing gear, making it difficult to land or take off without employing the STOL or VTOL capabilities. This is largely due to a lack of advancements in landing gear technology, and so the broadsword can only survive touchdown at less than 5 m/s vertical velocity. A skilled pilot can easily operate within these parameters. Surprisingly, the design allows for incredible buoyancy, making landings on liquid bodies not only possible, but more attractive. Lastly, the spaceplane features a robotic arm, two (two crewed) escape pods, AESA air to ground radar, 360 degree track while scan air to air radar, surveillance cameras, two drills, and many other fun gadgets. It also features a nose cargo ramp for deploying vehicles on extraterrestrial bodies. When fitted for military operations, the spacecraft can deploy every weapon possible, from artillery to lasers to nuclear weapons. (Note I have around 50 mods, and I don't know how many were used to complete this spacecraft). Here are some pictures: More bombing pics:
  7. Hello! After spending ages on perfecting my LongSword S.S.T.O, I developed a fantastic variant. This is the LongSword Mark 12 Variant, the best iteration ever produced! Changes from Previous Released Version: 2 New Wing Mounted Air Breathing Engines. 2 New Wing Mounted Fuel Tanks for New Engines. 2 New Wing Mounted Air Intakes. 1 Experimental J Cargo Bay Added. Wing Size Increased from 160% to 200%. New Gear Positioning and Break Torques. New 2 Hidden Fuel Tanks between RAPIERS. Repositioned Vertical Stabilizers. Take-Off Speed brought to 100 m/s. 4 Fuel Valves for Dumping Excess Fuel. Better positioning of AirBrake Systems. 2 New Engine Mounted Small Docking Ports (For Ground Refueling). Better alignment for the Air Intakes mounted on the wing's engine fuselage. Maximum Speed under 100,000M Altitude = 1600 m/s. Maximum Cruise Velocity under 100,000M Alt = 875 m/s. Air Intake Value Increased to Astonishing: 22 (+ Overall Aesthetic Improvements to Hull) If anyone wants it, I can upload it.
  8. I have a question. How do you improve take off speed or lift to get 80 m/s take off? I screwed something up in my mark 8 version that made my take off speed go to 150 m/s. (No weight was added, wheel height remains the same).
  9. I honestly can't edit in the new IP Board. Thats why i transfered everything into one topic. (Spoilers are a giant pain in the neck).
  10. Greetings! This is a showcase of all the various aircraft designs that Genesis Industries has come up with. Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile [ZEUS]: A converted MinuteMan III (MMIII) missile that has been retrofitted with a single 25 MT warhead as opposed to 8 of 350 KT warheads. The single warhead re-enters at 2200 m/s and impacts at near 1700 m/s without the aero brakes being engaged. Should the optional brakes be engaged, the warhead will slow down tremendously, use with caution. Inter-Planetary Ballistic Missile [MM-III]: A converted Minmus Rocket carrying 8 Nuclear warheads to targets not exceeding Duna. (Unless Scott Manley). Designed with automatic guidance for warheads. Simply assign one a GPS and fire, and continue doing so or all at once on one target. Warheads will only strike their assigned targets if the descent trajectory is within 5km of the target. (Blast radius about 800m).
  11. Greetings! This is a showcase of all the various aircraft designs that Genesis Industries has come up with. Inter-Planetary Ballistic Missile [MM-III]: A converted Minmus Rocket carrying 8 Nuclear warheads to targets not exceeding Duna. (Unless Scott Manley). Designed with automatic guidance for warheads. Simply assign one a GPS and fire, and continue doing so or all at once on one target. Warheads will only strike their assigned targets if the descent trajectory is within 5km of the target. (Blast radius about 8
  12. Max speed 1100 m/s before leaving atmosphere (70km) No aerodynamic forces act on it except when in solid boost stage. (first 20 seconds).
  13. Ill put a link up on DropBox by tommorow: You'll need a few mods though. Whole list of requirements is here: It should work in all 1.0.x versions: As long as you have the corresponding mod version.
  14. Orion is a sham. I don't think the Japanese people colonized the moon after hiroshima. I mean it is possible to propel a spacecraft with nuclear explosions, but it's rather insufficient. I believe that if a very large spacecraft like those seen in Science-Fiction movies with Submarine like architecture we'd be better off. A submarine uses a 10 KG uranium pellet to do so many functions that allow naval officers to live under sea for many months. Sea Water --> Reactor --> Steam --> Turbine --> electricity/propulsion --> drinkable water/Breathable Oxygen --> urine --> reactor etc. If we can solve the problem of transporting a huge ton of water into space in a contained enviornment, I think space travel would be easier. But to answer the O.P. We cannot nuke the sun because coming close to it would either do two things. 1. Spontaneously combust our missile. 2. Irradiate the warheads and force them into super-critical state (mushroom cloud before reaching sun's atmosphere).
  15. I've got one too! It's a replica of the Minuteman III but I call it "Thor" cause of it being a I.P.B.M rather than I.C.B.M. Basically just took my old Apollo series rocket and traded out the lunar/command modules for additional boosters/warheads. Original version carries 6 warheads, 370Kt each. New improved version carries 8 warheads, 370Kt Each. Current features: Conventionally self destruct. Decoy Chaff and Flare Pods. Disarmed Warhead Ejection. Simultaneous Warhead Arming. Ability to jettison unnecessary fuel. Powered by single RTG Generator. Contains GPS Targetting Pod. It can also strike the Moon, Minmus and Duna with relative ease. However all targetted celestial bodies must be in optimal alignment.
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