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Everything posted by Godot

  1. Many (maybe even most) mods from 0.21 also work for 0.22 (although for use with Career mode you will have to add 2 lines to the part.cfg to tell KSP where on the science tree it is located and how much its prototype [something that AFAIK will be implemented later] will cost)
  2. At the moment I use exactly 2 Mods: -Kerbal Engineer Redux -Science Log Don´t think i need anything more at the moment, although i am tempted to include the mod that gives you a city on Kerbin
  3. Being proud when I made my first suborbital hops across a continent, then being proud when I first reached orbit and afterwards being even more proud when I managed to first do a flyby on Mun and later in another mission, land on it
  4. I also don´t put my Kerbals into unnecessary risks and totally avoid manned one way missions. Which is why so far only probes have set a foot (or wheel) on Eves surface. Also my lifters (those who put spacecraft into Kerbin orbit) are most of the tims first tested with an unmanned assembly that has the same weight as the intended payload and my return modules (which return to kerbin) as well as my landers are first tested with short hops at the launchpad (usually with the landers getting equipped with stronger engines than intended so that a TWR > 1 for Kerbin can be reached) ... and only afterwards are cleared for regular service.
  5. My hypothesis on this is, that there are clone tanks for Bill, Jeb and Bob and every time one of these 3 dies, another clone is raised and, a short time later, appears in the Kerbal Spaceport. Unfortunately cloning (and storing the DNA samples needed for this) is expensive on Kerbin, which is why it was decided that only Bill, Jeb and Bob should profit from this technology
  6. Definitely not realistic ... both, NASA as well as their russian equivalent had a few fatal accidents, without any of them having too many negative affects on the space program ... in fact the only fatal accident that that had any longer lasting effects seems to be the Columbia desaster, which led to the premature ending of the space shuttle program. Also killing a Kerbal (or even a whole capsule crew) as condition for GAME OVER could make the game rather short
  7. I use it as well ... definitely recommended ... it makes a huge difference (1000+ dV) to wait for the calculated planetary angles (and to use the calculated escape vector out of Kerbins SoI). Normally I need less than 200 additional dV (after leaving Kerbins SoI) to finetune everything so that the target planets SoI really is reached
  8. Nope, percentages are fixed for each type of experiment/task and cannot be altered by anything being done in game (AFAIK)
  9. The easiest way would be, to complete the Biomes for other planets and rebalance the Tech-Tree (with regards to costs of Nodes, as well as parts associated to Nodes). Also I assume adding Resources and Heat-Management (including Reentry Heat) might add aditional parts to populate the tree
  10. It didn´t work out? Would we have been able to do as much orbital research (and manned missions) during those 2 decades with a purely rocket driven space program?
  11. The space over Eve seems to extend to an even lower altitude than expected ... I made a flyby with a manned capsule to Eve, assuming that, with a close flyby (85km altitude) I could get into the upper atmosphere in order to perform experiments (Goo, Science jr., instruments), as well as do an EVA while within the atmosphere. It turned out however that, even at 85 km, my spaceship was considered to be "in space near Eve" and not in Eves upper atmosphere. Maybe you need a certain minimum pressure before your ship is considered to be within the atmosphere of a planet
  12. Also, if landed, you can only activate the atmospheric sensor on dry land ... not when it is (partially) submerged
  13. Also be careful with those (needed) dV-Values ... you should always assume those dV-Values as some kind of Minimum ... usually you can assume that the needed dV can go upwards by a large margin if your trajectory isn´t optimal ... for example the dV needed for orbiting can go upwards if you spend too much time in the lower atmosphere layers (thereby losing more dV due to friction than expected) or the dV needed to reach another planet can be go upwards if you start while Kerbin and the other planet are aligned at an disadvantageous angle
  14. I don´t for long ... I have added KSP-redux as part of one of the "45-science" - nodes in the tech tree ... so I only have to go without KSP Engineer for a short time. If I hadn´t KSP Engineer Redux, I would return to the practice I used before I knew about this mod ... calculating TWR and dV via Excel-Sheets. Much more time consuming (and grindy), but not that problematic, if you always calculate per stage (from the upper to the lowermost stage) and always take the inactive parts of the next stages as Payload for the calculation of the stage below
  15. Also with conquered cities of another culture it may sometimes be a good idea to just raze them ... this way all inhabitants of the foreign culture are gone and all foreign culture city buiuldings destroyed ... often speeds up the acquisition of the foreign city into your empire Maybe not the most moral way to deal with foreign populations ... but hey, the victor determines what´s moral and what not
  16. In fact (as long as there is nothing in the stock game) there is a mod that does exactly this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/53952-Research-Development-Overview-*Permanent-Update-Thread
  17. I somehow assume that telescopes are de facto something we´ll get at some future update ... after all one of the planned features are undiscovered planets in the Kerbol system ... don´t see any other way to discover them than with telescopes
  18. Unmanned probes would require electric power (and Batteries and ways to generate power (aside from the rocket engine) are only unlocked deeper into the tech tree ... also you would need some scientific instruments from the beginning on if you want to have unmanned probes make sense (after all, in its current state (aside from recovery of vehicles that survived the flight) the only way to generate science in the beginning are crew reports)
  19. Radiometer definitely would be a necessity ... after all we would want to know how much rad our Kerbals or probes get on Eve
  20. I agree ... there should be a certain percentage of the sience pool from (Surface sample, Mystery goo, Science jr) that can only can be gathered by returning the data ... maybe 20%, so that, if you only ransmitted the data, you would only get 80% of the total points of the pool and only would get 100% if you had sample return missions in your mix that accounted for at least 20% of the total possible science
  21. They do if you add 2 lines into the part.cfg of each modded part, that determine where on the tech tree it is located and the associated costs with the part
  22. I also had Jet Engines as support of several of my rockets rom, I think, 0.20 onwards ... usually attached to the Main Rockets via radial decouplers
  23. Yep, or to say it in another way: The efficiency percentage doesn´t only modify the scientific yield, but also the decrease in scientific yield for the next scientific result of the same kind ... so, with other words, if you have a transmission efficiency of 20% it also means, that the decreasy in scientific output also is just reduced by 20% (of the value of a return mission )
  24. That´s not correct ... there is Kerbal Engineer Redux which gives you a huge number of Stats ... during built as wel as during flight ... including TWR and dV for each stage (which is why it is the first and only mod I have integrated into my Tech Tree)
  25. Might have to recheck that, but AFAIK can store one surface sample and one EVA report of each region per pod ... so, if you do EVA in Muns NW craters and return with sample + EVA report and then go out again and get sample + EVA report from Muns canyons, both will fit into your pod. AFAIK you can, however, only carry a single surface sample with your Astronaut on EVA ... so to get samples and reports from different regions you will have to do multiple EVAs
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