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Everything posted by Godot

  1. Now they increased the countdown to 32:07 well, maybe they will launch the rocket sometime before the end of the week
  2. They already reset the countdown to -13:00 looks like they are planning to restart it soon
  3. Rather a Dud ... t + 00:00:02 and nothing started ... rocket just stands there
  4. Only in career mode if there is still enough science to be gained
  5. Ah O.K. Well, I have to admit that, even if we take into account a 1:1 conversion of $ vs. €, it is strange that the US-prices are 5$ below the rest of the world. Maybe some Super Duper extra sale for the US of A (that isn´t listed within the 50%)? Or are the normal (100%) prices for spore (outside of sales) de facto 10 $ cheaper for US customers than for everyone else?
  6. Nope, I don´t find it boring at all, although I restarted a few times ... first with deadly reentry added and now with deadly reentry + TAC live support
  7. But why a bus? Wouldn´t it make more sense to send something else up there? For example this?
  8. With regards to Europa vs. US and Canada the reasoning always is VAT (which, in contrast to the US of A has to be included in (most) european countries). Therefore (despite the fact that, if real exchange rates were taken into account, you should see a much lower €-price) you will rarely see a game on Steam where the US-$-Price (or, in this case, canadian price in US-$) isn´t taken 1:1 for the €-Prices
  9. With a thought experiment one might even show that indeed they are different persons ... just imagine that the scan process is non destructive ... also imagine that the technoloigy is sufficiently advanced that you can take out a biological brain and keep it alife outside of the body. Now lets do this experiment: You scan the "Victims" brain and create the artificial silicon brain out of these scans. Now you take out the original (biological) brain of the victim and connect this to an artificial voice generator, artificial eyes and ears and so on, so that the biological brain has the means to communicate with its environment. Into the original (biological) body you implant the artificial silicon brain that you created from the neural scans. Now you have 2 different entities with whom you could lead similar talks. Now, 2 questions arise: 1. Which of the 2 entities would house the original consciousness? (IMHO it would be the biological brain) 2. Could you kill one of these 2 entities without calling it murder? Well, I think if you can answer the 2nd question with "No", then you also have to answer the question, if killing the biological brain in situ (in order to replace it with an artificial neural network) would be murder, with "Yes"
  10. Only the current, most modern versions. Earlier versions of Soyuz from just a few years ago took 2 days from start to docking with ISS
  11. If you talk about "replacing" the brain of the human body with electronic circuitry, then this basically would be murder ... even if you are able to map the neurons of the brain with such an accuracy, that the result would act like the person whose brain was mapped, you basically destroy the substrate of its consciousness and replace it with an artificial version of this consciousness. You would basically get something that may act like the original person, but isn´t it (considering the fact that you replaced the biological brain with silicon chips, you may even find differences in the development of the person with regards to its later learning/development) (there was a nice short story in the 80s about something similar involving teleportation ... detective had to research a case where human remains had been found in the waste of a research lab ... he then found out that it was because they exprimnted with a form of Star Trek transportation: The Original was scanned atom for atom at one source transmitter station, the data sent to the target transmitter and then a 1:1 copy assembled at the target station, while the (unlucky) originals were disintegrated at the source transmitter station [whose remains then were cleaned up by cleaning robots and put into waste bins] ... technically similar to what IMHO would be if you replaced your brain with an electronic circuitry) Would be different however if you just talk about "duplicating" the human in some kind of elctronic form (that is, the brain of the "source" person is scanned and a cyborg duplicate is created (while the person itself lives on with its brain intact))
  12. No suicide missions (i.e. missions that are planned to leave my Kerbals stranded somewhere) Safety first (i.e. LES for all manned ships per default, as soon as I have reserached Sepatrons ... also, ideally, testing of parts on Kerbin or Mun before they are used for longer missions) On manned missions no more than one transmission on this mission per situation (with other words, exploiting a Biome via repeatd transmissions is disallowed for me and returning samples makes sense) Don´t be wasteful 1 (If you know you can design a rocket with certain dV requirements at cheaper costs, you shall do so) Don´t be wasteful 2 (all stages that are released low enough to be recovered and won´t burn up (I play with deadly reentry) shall be equipped with parachutes, so they may land intact and can be recovered by the ground crews for further use) No clogging up of LKO if possible ... try to design your rockets in a way that the orbit around 90-120 km stays free from debris (and instead debris either falls down on Kerbin or has an orbit that doesn´t interfere (too much) with said orbits
  13. Just like normal action groups. The Action Group menu has a separate entry for "Abort", which is activated when you push the "Abort"-Button in game, or the Backspace - Key. Just put everything into the Abort-group which you want to get activated upon an abort. In the case of my LES of 0.19, these were, for example, all of the Sepatrons of the escape tower, as well as the decoupler that separated the capsule from the rest of the rocket. (with the separation of the empty sepatrons and the activation of the parachute being mapped to a different action group)
  14. Yep, I implement launch escape systems since separation boosters and action buttons make them feasible. Only rarely a manned rocket goes withoiut one (well, with 0.22 career mode, they go without one until I have reached the necessary tech level for separation boosters, which usually doesn´t take too long, however). Here an example of one of my LES in KSP 0.19 in action: http://imgur.com/a/OZHUb#0
  15. I agree with Algiark ... I would guess that the kinetic energy released by a single large impact has the potential to hurl the dust/ashes further into the atrmosphere, than the multiple medium impacts would have (thereby probably reaching altitudes, which the dust/ashes wouldn´t have reached by means of normal stmospheric convection). Therefore I would think that the nuclear winter of a single large impact lasts longer (as the ashes rom the higher altitudes might take much longer to get down to earth again)... and there are much more dangers of particles from the impact reacting with gases in the upper atmosphere (and causing negative effects for life on earth)
  16. Ich weiss ja nicht ob Du nun nur ne einzelne Kapsel am Fallschirm hast, oder noch mehr, aber generell denke ich beim Abreissen von Fallschirmen an 2 Ursachen: 1. Das Raumschiff ist zu schwer für den/die Fallschirm/e (bzw. umgekehrt gesprochen, Du benutzt zu wenig/zu kleine Fallschirme für das Gewicht deines Raumschiffs) 2. Du hast die fallschirme zu früh ausgelöst (empfiehlt sich, die erst auszulösen wenn das Raumschiff schon stark verlangsamt hat, etwa auch unter 200 m/s oder gar erst bei 150 m/s)
  17. Godot


    In this case the 5 visits would be: 1. Palestine around Jesus times (to discover the truth behind the stories in the bible) 2. Europe at the time when Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis were around (to find out how they lived together (whether peacefully or sapiens driving neanderthalensis to extinction)) 3. Alexandria before the library burned down (in order to 1. read/photograph as many lost books as possible and 2. in order to locate the tomb of Megas Alexandros) 4. Gizeh, at the time when Ramesses II was entombed ... to see/photograph the pyramids and Sphinx in their full glory and to see what the tomb of Ramesses II contained 5. China, tomb of Quin Shi Huangdi, at the time when he was entombed, to see/photograph the wonders that his tomb was said to possess (among them a huge map of china, with mercury instead of water that filled the rivers) As an alternative to any of these points: *. Greece at the time when the Antikythera machine was shipped, in order to see what technologies the greece posessed and how the Antikythera machine looked like in working condition
  18. Godot


    Ah O.K., only observations ... and also a 2 way ticket, not a one way one (which i assumed when I made my earlier posting). So it is somehow like Walters mirror into the mirror universe in Fringe. In this case, and if it is governmental funded, I assume it depends on the country in which the machine was developed and the scientists would probably first go to times and places of national importance. (which for americans would be maybe JFKs assassination as you mentioned, but maybe also the signing of the declaration of independance, for french maybe the secret aroudn the death of Napoleon, for other nations mybe other things)
  19. Wow, that is definitely cool
  20. Godot


    Well, I for my part would try to get buy as much 25+ years old money as I can afford, then go back ~25 years and invest heavily in Microsoft Stocks
  21. Considering the fact that Squad tries to stay close to reality (what, I think, most players of KSP like) and in reality even the manned travel to one of our next stellar neighbors is an endeavor, that might take decades of travel (and High tech that still is still a long way off), I don´t think that travel between galaxies will (or should) ever be implemented
  22. Well, I guess it´s not easy to replicate the shuttle, considering the problems you will surely get with the (shifting) center of mass.
  23. Exactly this. It is definitely good enough to look up for first informations ... but one should better not cite it as source in university or scientific papers
  24. This is a Jupiter Moon Europa ... it is adorned with hanging rings of spacedust and covered with menacing spikes of ice on its surface there is graved a picture of a Jupiter Moon Europa and a Kerbal Lander ... the Jupiter Moon Europa is striking a menacing pose, the Kerbal Lander is making a plaintive gesture
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