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Everything posted by Godot

  1. Congrats ... my first Docking was at the first version after the introduction of maneuver nodes and docking ports, when I tried my first Kerbal Spacestation. Aterwards I never used it again (that is, docking ... in contrast to Rendesvouz, which I used in almost every manned mission (for Apollo style landings) That is, till 0.23 ... the one time use of science modules and the ability to reload them in spacelabs made orbital stations (especially around Mun) and docking really useful again ... and, on my first docking mission to my mun spacestation I already had to fight with some unforeseen problems ... instead of quadro-symmetry I had only used bilateral symmetry for my RCS thrusters, forcing me to constantly use Q and E to turn my spaceship around, in order to make up for the missing RCS thrusters on one axis
  2. Was Du allerdings beachten musst ist, daß die Kapsel jedes Instrumentenresultat nur einmal pro Biome aufnehmen kann ... wenn Du zum Beispiel planen solltest, 2 Goo-Kanioster mitzunehmen um mit Beiden Messungen auf der Duna-Oberfläche vorzunehmen, wirst Du am Ende nur eine der beiden Messungen mit in die Kapsel nehmen können ... die andere Messung wirst Du wohl oder übel verwerfen (oder übertragen) müssen. Sollte hingegen eine der beiden Goo-Container Messungen in der unteren Duna-Atmosphäre durchführen, der zweite hingegen auf der Duna-Oberfläche, bekämst Du beide Resultate problemlos in die Kapsel hinein
  3. As this is multiple choice, I chose Jool and Eve ... with only one choice I would have chosen Jool
  4. Das dürften Procedural Fairings sein ... benutzt man den Mod im Basis-Spiel, sind die nur hübsches Beiwerk ... wenn man im Spiel (wie Jasmir) ebenfalls den FAR-Mod installiert hat (der eine realistischere Aerodynamik ins Spiel bringt) dann sind sie hingegen bei komplexeren Raketen ne nützliche und notwendige Sache
  5. Software-Billionaire I could work on (or sponsor) a lot of hobby projects (no matter whether programming related or not) without having to worry about the money
  6. Ich weiß zwar nicht wie es mit der realen Raumfahrt aussieht ... aber in KSP sind Falschirme schon ein großer Kostenfaktor ... diese radialen Fallschirme von denen Du sprachst kosten schon 700 pro Stück ... für die von Dir vorgeschlagenen 2 zusätzlichen (aber unnötigen) radialen Fallschirme bekäme ich da schon fast nen FL-T 800 (diese langen Treibstofftanks)(1600), fast nen Rockomax Poodle (1600) oder 3 von diesen kurzen Solid Fuel Boostern (1350)
  7. Nope ... die Fallschirme haben problemlos gereicht und ich hatte sie immer unter 5 km (sobald die Geschwindigkeit unter 200m/s sank) ausgelöst. Wenn man mit der Anzahl an Fallschirmen bei der Schiffsgröße nicht auskommt, benutzt man offenbar die falsche Technik (vor allem wenn man versucht, seien Raumschiffe ein wenig kosteneffizient zu machen ) (auch wenns jetzt mit 0.23 irrelevant geworden ist ... dank der Tatsache daß wir jetzt die Forschungsergebnisse transportieren können ... seitdem lass ich die Hauptkapsel mit einzelnem Fallschirm zurückkehren (die restlichen zurückkehrenden Stufen kriegen zwar auch Fallschirme (wegen RPG, damit diese von meinen Bodencrews wiederverwendet werden können [wenn sie die Wiedereintritt****ze [dank DRE] überleben [was sie für gewöhnlich tun]) aber deren Überleben ist nicht soo wichtig)
  8. Forgetting the parachute for a Mun-Spaceship+Lander and not noticing it until I was in Kerbins orbit and about to descent (well, acutally I was in descent when I noticed it ... fortunately early enough in descent, to return to orbit and later rescue jeb via a rescue mission) Also, in 0.23, building a spaceship that should dock at my munar orbital station and then, shortly before docking, noticing that I had used dual symmetry for my RCS thrusters instead of quad one, meaning that I had only translational movement along 2 axis (instead of 3), forcing me to make up for the missing axis by making extensive use of rotation (i.e. the Q and E -Keys)
  9. Yep, your numbers are off ... FAR extremly decreases the air pressure ... without FAR, at 3.1km/s, you would already burn between 35 and 40km
  10. Oh yes, I know the page, have also spent a lot of time there ... lots of stuff for ideas/inspiration
  11. Purely subjectively I would guess the dV hasn´t changed ... I am still able to cover around the same distance on Mun/Minmus via Jetpack, as I have been before
  12. They just changed the units for the display ... in earlier versions it was percent, now it is absolute numbers. And it is Monopropellant that drives the jetpacks ... so, if you add additional monoprop tanks to your lander/spaceship, you will have fuel for more EVAs than you have with the standard amount of Monoprop on the capsule
  13. Of course there are aquatic humans ... have you never seen the documentary series "Man from Atlantis" with Patrick Duffy? (but well .. in reality I don´t think it would make much sense ... humans aren´t very well adapted for a life in the ocean (even if we disregard the lack of gills) ... just look how many adaptation the only land vertebrate to return to the water underwent ... the whales)
  14. I think it is possible ... in germany we cannot get things like the uncensored version of Fallout 3 / Fallout NV and other things that, because they are too violent for minors, which is why the german youth protection agencies don´t want their adults to see them (well actually a little bit more complicated ... all games destined for the german market have to undergo an examination for violent/sexual content by the USK ... if they are rated as adult, they cannot be publicly advertised (like on Steam) an donly sold "under the counter" ... which is, why Steam in anticipatory obedience doesn´t list these games in their portfolio for users of germany ... and video game developers usually create special low violence versions for the german market). Well, nevertheless for us it is still possible to get these games (like the full violence version of the Fallout games) via Steam gift certificates (which is why for titles like these you will usually find a lot of requests by germans, to trade a gift of this game for anything the gifter may wish to get ). I would guess that it is similar for games not available for the US market.
  15. O.K., auch wieder wahr, da hatte ich nicht dran gedacht. @OP: Was hingegen die 5 GB betrifft ... denke mal die Lösung findest Du im Ressourcenmonitor. Ich schätze mal das ist der Speicherplatz welcher dein System einzelnenn Anwedungen (und sich selbst) zugesichert hat (während der Wert den Du bei den Prozessen siehst nur der tatsächlich verwendete Speicherplatz ist)
  16. There is one example of which I can think of already now: As soon as Biomes on Duna (and other planets/moons) are unlocked, it makes sense to split a mission into 2 stages: 1. Remote-Launch an orbiting station to Duna ... this station consists of a science lab and as much fuel as you can get into Duna-Orbit (also, if using TAC, a lot of supplies for Kerbonauts) and of course one or more docking modules 2. Launch a manned mission to Duna ... with an interplanetary spaceship and a docked lander and all types of science modules that you have available fitted onto the lander. Upon arrival your spaceship + lander docks to the Duna station (which you launched in mission 1), your lander crew goes into the lander can and then the laner is used to explore all Biomes, docking to the station after each single mission, transferring the science to the spaceship and resetting its science modules and refilling its tanks with the stations facilities. Finally, after the Biomes have been explored, the spaceship returns to Kerbin, with all science and its Kerbal crew. Much more efficient (and cheaper) than using a single mission for each Biome on the planet. (in small scale this already can be used now, for Mun and Minmus)
  17. Wieviele Mods benutzt Du? Und wieviel Debris und Missionen schwirren bei Dir herum? (Bei mir verbrauchts nur 2.4 GB, was für mich auch kein Problem ist bei 12 GB RAM ... mit DRE, TAC, FAR, Proc Fairings und Engineer Redux installed )
  18. Try to get your Apoapsis as low as possible (the higher your Apoapsis, the higher your speed at Periapsis [and the hotter your vehicle gets]). Also try to enter at a rather shallow angle (I for my part usually make my final reentry at Apo < 1.000 km and Peri ~30-40km) and often have such low temperatures, that even parts without shields survive
  19. Depends on how many listen. If only the american, russian or chinese government receive the call, the spaceship will most probably be landed from orbit in all secrecy and then be disassembled in order to gain knowledge of the technology. Its alien pilot will most likely get imprisoned, then interrogated about his race/star system, his technology, how one flies the spaceship and so on ... afterwards he will be dissected to gain more knowledge about the alien physiology. If many/all humans are able to receive the aliens cal, however, all countries will try to be the ones where the alien lands ... also, all TV stations will bid large sums of money to get exclusive interviews with the alien and all countries will try to get the alien to reveal secrets about its advanced technology (for exaple by offerng huge sums of money, or a life in luxury)
  20. There is also a Biome called "Lesser flats" It is (if I look at the map of the OP) the flat area at the western border of the map (somewhat above the equator) (Addendum: Seems like others mentioned its presence already ... well, now I also mentioned where it is )
  21. Not to forget that a race that is developed enugh to master interstella travel also should bedeveloped enough to perform genetic manipulation (well, the alien equivalent of genes that is) in order to create slave races perfectly tailored to the task they are about to fulfill
  22. Nope, after you removed the science from a science module, it stays inoperable. It can only be reset with a science lab
  23. I would have guessed that, accordng to your Nick "NASA-Fanboy", you would be one of the first to embrace changes that make the game more realistic, so you can design rockets with the same constraints as the real rocket scientists at NASA have to consider
  24. And it is where fairings come into play ... enhancing the realism and making our rockets look more like real rockets (after all that´s what´s used in RL rocketry)
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