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Everything posted by Godot

  1. Godot


    Almost all of my one-use manned landers have a small rover on the underside, that gets released after landing. I found them to be extremly useful in order to extend the range of my Kerbon auts ... either to visit Biomes a few kms away from the landing site, or to do sightseeing of Muns anomalies. Guess, when Duna gets different Biomes, Rovers will become even more useful
  2. We are the worldmasters äh champions
  3. Every update is "worth it" so yes, also version 1.0, whenever it will come, will be worth it
  4. Looks interesting. How much of the gameplay is already functional? (especially considering that they (already) want 30$ for it)
  5. Don´t underestimate it ... Scott Manley, in his video where he unsuccessfully tried to shift Muns orbit, also calculated the dV he would need to shift Muns orbit (if it weren´t on rails) in terms of numbers of orange tanks ... and it was insane² The dV needed for Minmus would surely be still insane
  6. Space Shuttles I have used never so far ... but I used a reusable Mun Lander in connection with an orbital station around Mun, which refueled it and reset its experiments (together with tankers that brought huge fuel tanks to the station) Also I always take care that launcher stages that fall back to Kerbin are equipped with enough chutes, that they make it to ground in one piece
  7. Godot


    Baba Yetu (Civ IV) definitely is worth mentioning, I agree
  8. Tried them and they were useless. I guess either they would only have helped if, by chance, their lightbeams had directly hit my spaceship (after all, Vacuum of socae -> no diffraction of the light) or I already was too far away from the ship when darkness came (or both)
  9. Godot


    Hard to tell ... for individual music pieces I would choose "Sway" in Simlish from the College Rock Radio in Sims 2. Purely general however I would choose the atmospheric music pieces for every region of Space in X3 (especially the one for Kingdoms End, the home sector of the Borons)
  10. Godot


    Unless you have a good sight (i.e. unobstructed by clouds) of mountains and other landmarks which you fly over (and of course have good places near a window to watch them)
  11. I have 3 naming schematas that I use concurrently: 1. Functional abbeviations for the subparts of a spaceship ... as my spaceship usually are modularized, I have Subparts like RM_1 (Return module), LM_1 (Complex of Landing Module and Return Module) 2. Greek Lettering + Numbers for assembled spaceships (that is, interplanetary craft + mission parts + launcher) Greek Lettering will get increased to the next letter, if the next launcher has a significant increase in dV of the whole spaceship complex ... else the greek letter stays the same and just the number gets increased (Example: Gamme_1 = 3k dV ... Gamma_2 = 3.6 k dV, Delta_1 = 4.9k dV ) 3. Mission naming ... Name of the Target planet (or "Test", if it is just a certification of a spaceship/probe on Kerbin [atmospheric craft] or Mun [Vacuum craft]) + optionally P if it is an unmanned mission + number ... For example: Mun_P_1 = First Probe to Mun ... Minmus_2 = Second manned mission to Minmus I might add that I have an Excel table, where I note Subparts, assembled spacecraft and missions
  12. Addendum (to my last posting about EVAs on Mun): I just remember that one of my Kerbals (I think it was Bob) already made a longer spacewalk than the EVAs on Mun. It was a little bit more than a full orbit around Mun. The reason for this was a bad construction of the ladders and exteriors of the capsule for my spaceship. I did an EVA in lower munar orbit in order to get science points above one biome when Bob slowly slid from the ladder of the spaceship. At this time I still thought it wouldn´t be dramatic as it was still several minutes till the terminator and therefore the spaceship was in full sunlight (I should mention that it was a one Kerbal capsule, so I didn´t have access to the ship with Bob, as only crewmember being outside). Well, I made several attempts at getting hold of the ladder and each time I wasn´t able to grab it (or directly enter the c aspsule) ... then, when the terminator came, I had a slight problem, as the last attempt had led me drift some distance away from the spaceship ... so I decided to wait till the orbit would get Bob and the spaceship into sunlight again, as I wasn´t able to locate the ship (which also didn´t have exterior lights). Well, when sunlight came, I spend 10 minutes or more trying to locate the ship, as it was so far away, that it was only a tiny speck (which I only was able to locate when it was flying in front of Kerbin). I then spent almost the full sunlight period (before reaching the Terminator again) aligning my owb orbit to that of the ship and finally getting into the ship. I never felt so alone during a spacewalk as during this time (especially as I was playing with TAC liefesupport, meaning that the supplies of O2, Food, Water and electricity (to heat) of my Kerbals spacesuit were extremly limited (and a rescue mission from Kerbin therefore not possible). Hadn´t I reached the ship before my RCS fuel ran out, Bob would surely have been dead. This experience has taught me, to first test the ladders of every spaceship on Kerbin launchpad ... and to include extensive exterior lighting for every ship (so that it is still visible for Kerbals on the nightside of a planet/moon)
  13. If we talk about EVAs without the help of a rover, I guess it was around 10 km far away on Mun and 10km back, which took me about an hour, because the jetpack fuel wasn´t sufficient. So a total of 20km. If we include EVAs via Rover, it may be double or triple the distance ... IIRC the longest must have been 20-30km to and 20-30 km back via rover, so 40-60km in total
  14. Godot


    I hope you didn´t push the wrong buttons while playing Pacman
  15. Exactly ... they are like us before we began to develope technologies, build cities and develope cultural advances in order to cope with a high population density (for example laws, courts, a monetary system)
  16. Godot


    Or the first hack of the flight computer in order to remotely hijack the machine or pilot it into buildings
  17. The constant and monotonous splashing of raindrops onto my windows
  18. No travelling to other continents/countries within a few hours No central heating for cold weather like in northern regions No talking with relatives and other people who are hundreds of kms away No movies or photographs or recorded music No writing system (in order to preserve knowledge for generations to come, even if your own memory fails and transfer it to other people without having to talk to them in person) No halfway secure methods of contraception No Latex clothing and High heeled boots ... uhm forget the last one I typed
  19. Godot


    Actually even if a worst case scenario happens, it is sometimes incredible how a good pilot still can save a lot of passengers. For example in the famous case of UA 232 (an MD-10). Due to an explosion in the 3rd engine(in the tail) all 3 hydraulic systems of the plane had their pipes severed and lost pressure, which meant, that the pilots were unable to move even a single of the control surfaces of the plane (with other words, from then on they were unable to steer the plane via normal means). even more fatally, just before the hydraulic presure was lost, the pilots had initiated a right turn, meaning that the ailerions remained locked into this position when control over the control surfaces was lost. But in a masterpiece of pilot skills (and with help of a flight instructor who was on board the plane) they still managed to stabilize and steer the plane with help of the remaining 2 engines alone (by selectively increasing and/or decreasing the throttle for both engines independently) and land the plane on a nearby airport (saving the lives of over 60% of the passengers) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Airlines_Flight_232 http://www.airdisaster.com/special/special-ua232.shtml As for flying itself: Yes, it definitely is fun ... I´d care more about not having a full bladder during embarcation (the plane might take some time to taxi to the runway, especially if it is a busy airport with only 1 or 2 runways ... meaning that it you will have to endure your full bladder for some time, till you have finally reached cruise altitude) than about accidents that might happen.
  20. Godot


    Definitely not: http://shouldidoit.com/decision/1880504/ The update will come on wednesday: http://shouldidoit.com/decision/1880505/
  21. seems like the zip file is damaged and cannot be extracted (incorrect checksum)
  22. Not much with regards to manned return missions ... Kerbin, Mun, Minmus, Duna ... most of my missions (i.e. all missions to other bodies) were either manned flybys (Eve) or unmanned flybys/landings
  23. My genders .... at the moment I have only one, which is male ... never thought about getting a second one
  24. As Nuke said. Especially (if it doesn´t even get to the point where something is displayed on the screen) are there any POST beeps?
  25. They have rings that actually (realistically) consist of millions of different sized rocks that orbit the planet? Now I am impressed
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