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Everything posted by Clonos

  1. I actuallt didn't guess, i've used that visual pack once. Might use it once, it's good.
  2. So if you're wondering; Slyton is a blue gas giant. And Arcturus is red.
  3. Would you mind making a tutorial for planet packs in 1.3? Would be nice :wink:

    1. The White Guardian

      The White Guardian

      There is no difference between pre-1.3 and after 1.3 save for the new value displayName under... properties I believe, basically a more advanced version of cbNameLater and useTheInName.

    2. Clonos


      so i'm not a real coder, but the .cfg file remains the same, just a few more name enhancements? And so would you mind describing them?

  4. Andromeda Visuals: Daydream, huh? Nice shot!
  5. There are plenty of planet pack tutorials with Kopernicus, so i decided to make use of it. This pack adds in a new planet out there, past Jool. It's named Slyton. This pack is inspired by the Saru Planet Pack by tygoo7: These celestial bodies will be added to the game: Green means finished, Orange means busy and Red means not started at all. ~Slyton; The main gas giant. It's a Saturn/Gas Planet 2 analog. ~Arcturus; A little asteroid somewhere in the rings of Slyton. ~Eeloo; Yep, our little friend joins the party! ~Therol; A Titan analog, but also an analog to something i wanted to make ages ago; a DARK planet. That says it's gonna be dark grey. ~Loptus; A Iapetus analog, but then with green/red. Yep. More might be added, but the main plan is this I might release it this summer. After some work and painfull fails, i got it released. Still alpha, expect bugs!
  6. Bugs? Meh, the only one i have seen is that the spacecenter is gone, although it's a known one i guess? P.S. I already found out that the old version (KSP 1.1.2) NH could work as long you use Kopernicus-Master You need to use Kopernicus-Master. idk why but its required.
  7. 1. Yes, indeed i was thinking in bed like: ''Man, Olu'um really is different from the other planets i've listed...'' so yeah, sorry for that. I didn't realize it. 2. Nope, you're not rude at all, but the text ''Stock-alike'', i didn't understand. But thats my fault. And... hmm thats all i wanted to say.
  8. Yeah, realised that Oh, and you missed the Sentar Expansion and the Saru pack
  9. Lemme guess, The packs are the following: Saru Sentar Sarvin Sarnus And Olu'um (the not stock-alike)
  10. Well, Better Atmospheres works fine with me. themaster told me to use KerbalVisualEnhancements instead of EVE. Try it out, it's worth it.
  11. This reply might be late, but i have the same question. I'm going to test this for you if you didn't already
  12. Hello. Will you continue with your channel? I really like it.

  13. Yes. It's a thing that RangeMachine made a mod called ''KerbalVisualEnhancements''. Use that instead of the EVE 7-4 folder(EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements). Works with every EVE 7-4 pack.
  14. Hello. I don't have any experience with making mods AT ALL, but i do have an idea. A mod that kinda adds a surface to Jool. Its actually just clouds, but it acts like water. It is not flat, just random clouds starting at a height of approximality of 1KM. If you manage to have such a heavy ship or use engines, or just somehow sink until 100M, the clouds will stop, and you will fall out of them. and on 50M, an ocean appears. This ocean is the last layer of Jool, and continues until the -250M mark, then your ship will, as always, explode on that height. BUT there is even more! if you manage to somehow accelerate to 200m/s and go through -250M, you will appear on a tiny rock, 10KM the size, and is the core of Jool. it's small, but if you take a surface sample,you will get 7.000 science points. Let me know what you think!
  15. There are tutorials to make mods with new parts. But i want to make a mod that adds a ''ocean'' to Jool, which you can land on.
  16. It looks so good - hopefully it doesn't affect anything from AVP insterstellar v2...
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