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Everything posted by SirBriguy

  1. I think I figured it out. I have to switch back to the editing mode after changing the crew. Once I do that, it updates the Kerbal Health window and I can train the correct Kerbals.
  2. Hello. I have been trying to use the Kerbal Health mod and am running into issues with the training. I tried following the wiki to train the kerbals before sending them on the mission. But no matter which kerbals I assign to the crew, the training in the Health Report window always uses the default kerbals that were originally assigned. For example, If I drag a 2 man crew pod into the editor and it assigns Orfry and Munble as the crew (a pilot and engineer). Then I open the crew tab and swap out Munble and add Bartfry (a scientist). When I open the Health Report, it lists Orfry and Munble as the crew and those are the only ones I can train. Is there something I need to do in order to train different kerbals? This is on 1.10, in case it matters.
  3. Lol I am an idiot. Yes, the All view was correct, but I was looking at the Active view. Nothing to see here... move along...
  4. Hello, I am having a weird issue with Contract Configurator. I recently started a new modded career and it was working fine. Then after a while, the UI screen in the Mission Control reverted back to the stock game version. (ie. it no longer shows the break down of missions and does not group things together). Did I do something in the game that broke it or is there something I can do to get the grouping back? I don't see any major errors in the log as far as I can tell. I can upload it someplace if you need to see it.
  5. I think the problem is he does not know where to get the 3.2x, 6.4x or 10x config file. It does not appear to be in the Sigma Dimension download or the GPP download. Is there a separate place to get those configs?
  6. Hello. I am having an issue with TAC-LS in my heavily modded game. I am not sure if it is a conflict with one of the other mods or not. The problem is when docking 2 vessels, it seems that TAC-LS adds a 'phantom' entry in it's tracking data for both vessels, even though one of them gets merged with the other when docking. For example, I have a station (with a science lab and hitch-hikers) with no kerbals on it. I then bring a crewed vessel (command pod + engines) and dock it. Before docking, the TAC-LS status window shows the crew pod as the only thing with kerbals life support. After docking, the status window still shows the crew pod as if it was a separate vessel but it also has an entry for the station. I put the KSP logs up on my google drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6VIZ-8kBTMGVnZ1MlFXZW1GRXc/view?usp=sharing I can work around the issue by saving and then editing the save file and removing the extra entry in the TacLifeSupport Scenario section. Thought I would see if anyone knows the issue before I start digging around in the code or removing mods to try and figure it out.
  7. Hey Galileo, I am happy to help test a 3.2x or 6.4x scale version if you need it.
  8. I mostly wanted it for more sensible progression and need it to work for GPP which I am about to start. I just learned about Strategia yesterday. I will check it out.
  9. I have a question about how Contract Configurator coverts CelestialBody to a string. I am trying to make a generic progression for pack. Whenever I have a celestial body that is the Mun or the Sun, when it gets converted to a string (in a title or description for example) there is an extra 'the' in front. Is it possible to have a way to strip off that? for example, I have the following psudeo-config: CONTRACT_GROUP { name = GenericContracts displayName = Generic Contracts DATA { type = CelestialBody sunBody = Sun } } CONTRACT_TYPE { name = LowSunFlyby group = contracts title = Low @GUBMcontracts:sunBody Flyby! description = The @GUBMcontracts:sunBody is super bright. Must get closer. } This has the output of: Low the Sun Flyby! The the Sun is super bright. Must get closer.
  10. Yemo, I will probably make a whole separate mod, that mimics the SETI one. At the moment, I think the easiest way will be to make global variables to designate the important planets/moons. Then those variables and be overridden with patches based on the system.
  11. Hello Yemo. I want to try out the new Galileo's Planet Pack mod but I like to run with your Unmanned Before Manned contracts. Would you mind if I worked on converting the contract pack to make it more 'generic' so that it would work for other systems? I am more than happy to work with you to get the stock version of the changes back into the source (not sure if it was on Github or not).
  12. I reproduced it by: Start a fresh career in the settings for the monthly budget, set the reputation decay on and set the reputation decay percentage to 1 Used the cheat menu to add 500 reputation Time warped to the first budget period The reputation gets mostly removed I uploaded a log file here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6VIZ-8kBTMGWTNyTHNQX1BDZ00
  13. Hello. I have been playing with your mod for a few days and have noticed something that I think is a bug. The Reputation Decay setting doesn't appear to always work as expected. Sometimes it seems that the decay gets set to 0% and when getting the monthly budget, will destroy all my reputation. I took a look at the code and I think the problem is in OnGameStateLoad and OnGameSettingsApplied . In both functions, I think you need to use a float 100.0f when converting from HighLogic.CurrentGame.Parameters.CustomParams<BudgetSettings>().RepDecay since that is an integer, otherwise it ends up a 1/100 as in integer which is 0. So something like: RepDecay = HighLogic.CurrentGame.Parameters.CustomParams<BudgetSettings>().RepDecay / 100.0f; Also, the code in OnGameStateLoad was not converting it to a percentage. Btw, I am loving the mod. Thanks for making it.
  14. Hey, I seem to be seeing a bug when using the Science Sampler, or I don't understand something. If I put experiments on my vessel (like thermometer or gravity scan) and launch, it will automatically perform them the first time. But if I keep the experiments and transfer to a holding part or transmit it back to Kerbin, it will never prompt me for new experiments when I enter a new biome. I can run the experiment manually, so the part seems to work correctly. I believe the problem is that the reusable experiments are being flagged as deployed after running them. I am not sure if this is a change in KSP or something. Your code in DefaultActivator.CanRunExperiment fails the check for baseExperiment.Deployed and then it tries to reset the experiment and it fails because baseExperiment.Inoperable. Perhaps the CanRunExperiment check needs to be something like: if (baseExperiment.Deployed && !baseExperiment.rerunnable) { _AutomatedScienceSamplerInstance.Log(baseExperiment.experimentID, ": Experiment is deployed and not rerunnable"); return false; } Here is a link to the debug log: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6VIZ-8kBTMGUDdwZVRYeHRjQXM
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