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Everything posted by NippyFlippers

  1. The bug has also appears on AMD systems. Your card and driver are fine.
  2. The symmetry bug is still there. I suspect, the mod/game does not correctly calculate the part's individual centre of lift when mirroring tapered control surfaces. Wings seem fine, though. aircraft with installed surfaces: aircraft without installed surfaces: strange glitch while positioning control surfaces on vehicle:
  3. I made these screenshots to clarify the issue. You can see how the centre of lift dramatically shifts as the control surfaces get transformed.
  4. For some reason the controll surfaces produce asymetrical lift in Kerbal 1.8.0. I have no other mods installed.
  5. Can confirm. I tried a clean install with no other mods than AtmosphereAutopilot, resulting in loss of control authority.
  6. Same problem here. Game stuck on launch screen. Alt f-12 displays: exception: reflectiontypeloadexception: Exception of type "system.reflection.reflectiontypeloadexception"was thrown
  7. Man, I love this mod! Is there any chance we see more open cockpits? Because I'd reeeeally love to find a small 0.625m cockpit somewhere.
  8. Yes, the .cfgs in the GameData\AviationCocokpits folder were the problem. Easily fixed. Thanks!
  9. There seems to be a problem with the Tech Tree implementation of this mod. In Career Mode ONLY the MK1 S39 cockpit shows up in the research tree/part browser.
  10. Somehow only the the MK1 S39 is showing up in my part browser. Anyone else have this problem?
  11. Thanks for the update! This mod deserves much, much more attention.
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