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Everything posted by NippyFlippers

  1. You can get floatplanes and flying boats to work. I built some old timey planes using your parts which can take off and land on water: There are well working, low drag float parts in the SXT contiuned mod. But they are are only of one size and shape and thus of limited applicability. These LF-01 parts from the SXT Continued modpack are the ones in question:
  2. I love your content. Is there a remote possibilty that you'd make some more open cockpits and floats/pontoons for amphibious planes and flying boats?
  3. The flying boat in development is the "Whale". We managed to get it into the water. Now our best engineers are working on getting it out of the water again under its own power.
  4. Oh, that one is cute. I am a total sucker for old timey vehicles. I wish there were more mod parts intended for such designs.
  5. The next one is a technologically more advanced entry: Waterfowl MK2 No, those are not Bombs, they are scientific buoys.
  6. No, it is modded as stated in the tags of this thread. To build something like that you will need: Open Cokpit B9 Procedural Wings Fork Airplane Plus Restock+ Procedural Parts There are some more, but that should do the trick.
  7. Today's entry: the Leviathan MK1 Extra rickety and laden with fuel for its trip around the World, it needs a bit of a rocket boost to get off the ground. I really whish there were some propper boat hull parts.
  8. The third entry is the Whirly MK2. Why not having the cabin in front of the cockpit? You can see her on her expedition flight to No More Fuel Island. Final approach for landing on No More Fuel Island, gliding with empty tanks and on a prayer.
  9. Next up: the Albatross MK1 It is just as hard to get off the ground as its namesake.
  10. Hi, I hope this is the right subforum to post such contraptions. I will keep updating this thread with some of the airplanes I build, airplanes that try to capture the charme and sense of adventure of a past that never was. As you can tell, I am quite fond of flying boats and float planes and a huge fan of old school open cockpits. I really, really whish there were more part mods to support such crafts. EDIT: Screw it! I'll make the mods myself, then. First up: the White Swan MK1
  11. There are a few problems, indeed. I tested with a fresh save game in sandbox mode. textures for procedural parts are missing in the parts menu procedural tanks have very small and odd max. diameters and lengths in some parts the option to change parameters is missing completely
  12. Thanks! The Menu now works. But now another bug popped up: The procedural nose tank has a weirdly small diameter and crashes the game when the length is changed.
  13. I use the one CKAN downloaded as the most recent update. Description in CKAN points to that one: https://github.com/KSP-RO/ProceduralParts
  14. Still, the right click menu is not showing up with this version. Previous worked fine, though.
  15. I am experiencing a bug with the newest version of this mod. The right click context menu to change parameters is not showing up.
  16. My bugs produce exactly the same kind of problems: As soon as I come from a long distance outside the PRE-range into the set PRE-range of another vessel, the camera automatically switches fous to the nearest vehicle and I can't switch back. Plus the exploding and glitching through terrain.
  17. Sadly landed vessels still explode once the game starts unpacking terrain. I know that placing them on static objects is a workaround, but it kind of defeats the purpose of building mobile things. Staging battles on other planets is completely out of the question this way. Is there any chance to see a fix for the explody landed vessels problem?
  18. Maybe I am just dumb, but is there a way to have the AA performing a continuous turn at a constant turn rate? (While keeping a constant speed and altitude)
  19. Bombs and missiles still cannot hit their designated target accurately using GPS. Whenever I designate a GPS Target the marker starts to drift. Anybody have the same problem?
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