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Everything posted by Acetylcholine

  1. @Gordon Fecyk Thank you for your response. I had actually forgotten that I was using your fork, and not the main. As it stands, I have already been using the version of Kopernicus you recommended. Is there any insight on the SCANsat issues, or should I bring the issue up to the developer for that mod instead?
  2. There seems to be some issues with this mod and Transfer Window Planner and SCANsat. Whenever I attempt to calculate a transfer with with Laythe (Where I set my KSC) to another of Jool's moons, the plot it gives is completely blank (Like so). As for SCANsat, I can only view maps for Jool and its moons sans Laythe. As far as I know, the SCANsat issue is not a result of user error, but I may be wrong.
  3. Has an update for the current version been jerry rigged for this? Alternatively: What needs to be updated for this mod to work with the current version?
  4. Sadly I don't think it's an issue of ignorance as much as it is of a... lack of experience in life? A lot of these types who makes those sorts of posts strike me as being pretty young, so I don't really want to sound too harsh when I talk about them.
  5. It's kind of a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario. The current situation is mildly frustrating to everybody involved. The alternative would be frustrating to everybody involved in that it would likely cause the thread to be inundated with impatient people who fundamentally do not understand how mods work complaining about it not working ("I know the thread says the version isn't up to date, but I downloaded it on CKAN and nothing even works, why????") Though, from poking around in the files myself, I wish it was easier to manually change the version lock related stuff, to work as a filter preventing the type of comment mentioned above, and to not completely screw over those who understand that things could very well get broken by letting the mod get loaded.
  6. Because I'm an idiot and I mixed up what tab I downloaded a link from. I think that solves the issue, that successfully pointed out to me that I had the incorrect OPM enhancement mod, though.
  7. I've been attempting to bootstrap a mod into working for 1.2, and the very first issue I've noticed is related to a modulemanager cfg. Modulemanager mentioned a list of errors from a specific cfg, and within the game's logs, every single error is of the same type - "Cannot parse variable search when editing key Cloudspack =" and then the filepath for what it was attempting to edit at the time. So I've looked into the cfg, and it's relatively simple. It goes as follows: It seems that the error is occuring with the first case given - I can't say I understand fully what is going on (I am a bit ambiguous as to what "HAS" means, but I'm assuming it's some sort of conditional), I'm thinking that's the case since in all of the circumstances where the logs mentioned the second part being activated, there were no errors. Can anybody provide any insight/advice?
  8. I do. It's worth trying without it, though it would take a bit of fiddling in sandbox. I could report back on that momentarily.
  9. I've been experiencing a strange problem with some OPM bodies, at the very least, Eeloo and Hale, but I feel that I've noticed it in a few other places - I'll amend this if I notice more. At certain distances, they assume an incredibly blocky look as pictured. Is this the aforementioned ugly normal map issue? Edit: I found it in a few more places, so I'll just include where I've seen it so far as follows: Eeloo Hale Priax Tal has a strange issue. Karen
  10. Thank you for your reply. Would CPS also explain the behavior I was encountering in the second post, too? In that one I was attempting to use @FirroSeranel's suggestion, using manual vertical velocity control, but I think I also had VTOL Assist on too. I'm just trying to understand all of the nuances of this system such that I can apply it to my own (convoluted) designs.
  11. I was attempting to use the cruise function at the time. Using autothrottle for velocity control did make it slightly easier; however, there was still a system that made it feel like I was attempting to force two magnets together due the fact that it would direct me away whenever I got close.
  12. Is there a way to disable the collision prevention system? I've been attempting to use the autopilot to land a ship on top of another vessel I made, and what I'm assuming to be the CPS keeps kicking in and shoots me away from the ship whenever I get close.
  13. So, I've recently attempted to install this mod and have been having some difficulties. I can't find any information related to whether or not command parts have TCA functionality, and there is no evidence of TCA in the applications bar, VAB, or KSPedia. However, it does show the modules within the research tree. I have performed multiple tests, both in career and sandbox, and have now reduced the contents of my gamedata folder to: Squad 000_AT_Utils ThrottleControlledAvionics ModuleManager.2.7.2.dll and have been still encountering this same issue. Addendum: Disregard, had the incorrect version installed.
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