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Everything posted by JoeSheridan

  1. Me too, that´s just how it would have been. That is a nice and simple way to solve this area in an aerodynamic way.
  2. Thats actually looking pretty good, verry nice design. Verry nice MEM and well mad Earth Departure Stage, good work to dock that tanks correctly Good luck for the test mission
  3. You are right, thank you for the answer I think you are right... so let´s kitbash the modules just to stick them on M43´s and H03´s
  4. Okay, that makes sense. I just thought that it could still fit, because you made the Multibody which was from the same timeframe. Yes you are just right, that would be the 1207´s like in 2 or 3 other concepts for an Saturn V-Upgrade Okay, i am highly interested in what you have planed, this idea with the special docking ports alone would solve a lot of my mission-design problems ( i use Kerbalism, so my ships have a lot of mass and volume.... so there comes fast a big problem with the fueltanks). I hope you can make them and the first thing i will do after they came in is to take some MS-II Tanks and make them into External Tanks for a Duna mission Okay, i think you have enough to do for the next decade or so before you get out of new ideas. I hope i can see your work on this things in the future. The whole early space-age and pre Space-Shuttle is more fascinating than the things they have done in RL with the shuttle. The shuttle was a brilliant system with a lot of flaws.... it wasn´t a scientific platform that brought us forward in a way that Apollo and the AAP did or could have done. For me it´s a shame that the Saturn family was brought toward the graveyard after such a short time. It should have been developed further instead of beeing killed..... and with it all manned missions behind low Earth Orbit.
  5. Hello, first i want to thank you for this brilliant mod, it combines so many things that i have searched for a long time before finding this: Good made versions of the american manned launch systems that actually flew, some of the parts that would have been the Apollo Applications Program AND some conceptual Launchers PLUS some Eyes turned Skywards Vehicles. After finding this mod around a year ago it didn´t took long to the actual situation: 95% of my Launchers are completely BDB, the rest is BDB for the most part and my Stations and Ships are at 80-90% BDB and Universal Storage. I am looking forward to your plans for the Saturn / Apollo revamp but before this comes out of you hands we will have enough time to check out what you are building now (i am not using the Dev-build because a have a safegame running that i don´t whant to be compromised by changing mods) And i have 2 Questions: 1. Are you planing to design modules for the other American ETS-Stations, namely its version of "Freedom" and/or the follow-on "Discovery" and 2nd: I have just read the Stephen Baxter novel "Voyage" and i think that there wouldn´t be much missing parts for a Ares-Like Duna/ Mars-mission Complex. We have the modernised F-1A, the J-2S, it´s possible to put some strong SRB´s on the S-V first stage. For the Crewed area of the ship you can use Skylab-parts, we have an Apollo that is just like the one that they use ( in the Block III- Block V version ( no Mission Module). What would still be needed: A Mars Excursion Module (basicaly an enlarged Apollo CSM with a build in Ascent Stage, Descent Engine and 6 legs) and an Adapter for mounting the MEM on the S-VB´s MS-IVB at launch and an insulatet External Tank design based on an MS-II Tank to bring enough fuel to the J-2S for getting into a transfer orbit. I think i will now write more often into this discussion, now that i have reactivatet this old account. And again: Thank you for dedicating so much time to this project.
  6. Thank you for making this mod, it helped me really to get a little bit into working with spaceplanes. For years i was one of the "Apollo-Style"-Guys only but now i think that a spaceplane can be the better (and cheaper) way to bring Kerbals und supplys to my stations around Kerbin and it´s moons. Please keep up the good work, i really wonder what you are bringing in in the future.
  7. Hello, i have the same problem with game crashes. The game is crashing while it is loading in every constellation that includes BD Armory. without this mod and without any mods the game is launching perfectly. I hope that you can find the cause and fix it I am loving this mod and at the moment it ist essential for me to work with the automated aerial refueling mod. The Squadran commands are very very helpfull. Here are the logs from the crash report https://www.dropbox.com/s/st6fa1pgqmena6g/error.log?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/nwcj3w5a0a45gzj/output_log.txt?dl=0
  8. Yes, that´s right. He made a very complex mod here. That ist very much work, and at the end it´s a beautifull mod. When this one here ist updatet i only need three more mods for my complete mod-list to be updatet. Very well done to date I hope you can bring everything you are planing into reality
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