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    Space Nugget
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  1. That makes more sense now - thanks for the info!
  2. Yup - agree - that O2 should be in liquid form for use in storage - I thought it was strange just to have it as "oyxgen" - I remember tripping over all the containers on the carrier (LOL)... (nice you used a pic of a F/A-18 - love that plane) Will ask @RoverDude- he did mention something about using oxygen in the USI-LS and want to see the direction he is taking before I start trying to change things.
  3. Looks good - but I was leaning more into using raw materials => Chemicals => Glykerol. Trying to keep it in the Wolf Realm of resources. But your example has given me some ideas - thanks!
  4. I will take that challenge ! --- Testing with the Shipyard Konstructor shows that making a vessel results in all it's tanks being empty - could be a problem
  5. Is there plans to allow the making of Glykerol in lifesupport for the freezer pods? Currently, the only way to get it is to add it in the build area. In some playthrough testing, once I am out in the black, unless I stored extra Glykerol, I am out of freeze juice with no way to make more. I have been playing around with cfgs and can have it working in Wolf, and using MKS items - (checking for USI-LS of course) - can add a PRR to Github
  6. Ah - gotcha! I take it would need an engineer in the crew to get that bonus - like other modules...
  7. @panarchist If you make Oxygen LoX (LO2) - would the cfg for the karbonite distiller have to be changed to output LO2 instead of Oxygen, or would they be considered the same thing? I am thinking not. New to MM patches - so learning as you go !
  8. a quick question @RoverDude and/or @DoktorKrogg - 1. What is the design idea behind the Atlas harvesters? One is automated, and the other says crewed, but the latter has no capacity for crew. Other than the title name, there appears no difference in what they do. I would imagine the crewed one should operate more efficiently, but since you can't get crew on it, it does nothing special. Finishing up on my project - should be able to upload real soon (tm) now...
  9. They do not hold Oxygen, they do hold Oxidizer, which is not the same. I went through the config files for the tanks, none list Oxygen as a resource, even though it's listed in the CRP - plus there is a LiquidOxygen entry, probably for NRE. The PAW of the BSX-100 can make LH2/O2 resource, with and output of Liquid Hydrogen, and Oxygen from Karbonite. The tanks handle LH2 - but no O2.
  10. Which Kontainer can hold Oxygen (O2)? I went through all the configs, can't seem to locate one. When I use the BSX-100 Karbonite Distiller, I can't store the LH2/O2 it produces because it says it's full (O2), because no tank to hold it.
  11. SAS? Make sure it’s on the same stage as the container, and the computer, the same - try that.
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