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Everything posted by StupidAndy

  1. card games are boring, trading card games are almost free advertising, I tend to both not do and out-rightly disapprove of trends and "hip stuff"
  2. OH YEAH ONE MORE THING I made a subway tunnel to City of squares, luckily it went under the highway so it didn't interfere with anything
  3. okay, I did nothing, and whoever owns City of the Squares, my hearses went all the way to your city to pick up one dead person http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=887434860 all I did was try to differ traffic, make a wood chopping zone, and watched a hearse go to City of the Squares
  4. just to remind everyone ITS MINE!! ALL MINE!!! MY SAVE!!!! MINE NOT YOURS!!!! and thanks @WinkAllKerb'' for bringing me Le Highway
  5. ...about to crash into jupiter this giant walnut...
  6. we should stop pinging @Tex, but we have to get told by @Tex himself if we are to stop pinging @Tex what do you think @Tex
  7. after @WinkAllKerb'' I'll take the save your wince right?
  8. I really think we annoyed @Tex what do you think @Tex? how did this start? @Tex?
  9. I have a health crisis? must be the nuclear power station only a kilometer away from the residential zone...
  10. in my career I haven't even built a 2.5 meter rocket, so I would go electrics, but I think heavy rocketry has a few 1.25 meter rocket parts, like the asparagus strut (fuel pipe)
  11. I think @Tex doesn't want to be @Texted right now, because I think he's in @Texas, its not a real guess, but I think that @Tex likes to type using a @Textpad who shall I choose? @Tex? what do you think? I think @Tex wants to be chosen, okay then @Tex!
  12. is that your city? I don't think anyone will be taking it anytime soon oh and I just want to point out, I turned one of the borders into a highway because I wasn't anywhere close to the highway and I didn't want to intrude on probably @WinkAllKerb'''s land to attach to his highway, so I just made the border useful! and here's the location of random dot!
  13. yay! dirty water! and yes, City of Glopdose is mine (from a story I made) i'll do it when I take the save
  14. look out for random dot! its in the middle of a lake!
  15. bobmagoo-someone who is named bob magoo
  16. banned for hypocrisy of being a hypocrite
  17. I eat you since you are a sandwich my hill and nummy sandwich
  18. yes, but @Tex probably wants to be @Texted like this @Tex@Tex@Tex five is the new magic number
  19. ...destroyed itself when a bionic walrus from the planet glopdose attacked and ate all of the ambassadors, yet the walruses are still peaceful this giant taco on a collision course with earth...
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