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Everything posted by StupidAndy

  1. with the extensive discovery of exoplanets and discoveries near earth making other celestial bodies in the Kerbol Solar System, do you think aliens exist before you say no, listen to the evidence the milky way has over 200,000,000,000 stars each of those stars might have one or two planets around them, maybe more those planets probably have moons and that's only our own galaxy, there are hundreds of billions of other galaxies, each with hundreds of billions of stars, each with one or two planets, each with a chance of having a moon, the probability of us being alone in the universe is about 1 in 1x100100 at my rough estimate that took me longer to write then think the evidence against practically nothing
  2. I cant see any of the pictures. all it says is screenshot___.png might want to fix it, wait, all of them say that, might want to reupload them. the story looks good so far! EDIT: IT WORKS!!!!! it fixed itself! thanks to the magic of SCIENCE!!!
  3. KILL IT WITH FIRE and yes, I had those in mind
  4. the Sentenial Telescope will be stock! what does it look like?
  5. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyznowiknowmyabcsnexttimewontyousingwithmE RWAR! IM A RED DINOSUR!!
  6. banned for having the evilest avatar ever something from minecraft
  7. the only ones I know are the Boeing Family and the A380 and the F14 Phantom? is that a thing?
  8. I hate it when I'm checking the KSP forums during the middle of the day and the "athletic cool people" say, jokingly, "huy andi, wut r u plaiin?" I'm the only one who goes on the internet for science while the rest of them go on for FPS games and cookie clicker, where all you have to do is get a startup and wait a day and you get a billion cookies, literally a billion cookies FPSes are the worst things ever invented
  9. KSP:1000000000 Every FPS ever:-100000000000000000 I hate everything they like and like everything they hate I am a true antisocial nerd
  10. lets search it up! Geostationary Satellite-Nothing The Earth Is a sphere-nothing Moon Landings-only the last two the earth isn't flat-just a bunch of dumb stuff for a dumb basketball player I'm using bing for some reason
  11. with KCT installed I have to name my crafts or else I have no idea what I'm launching
  12. I sent three probes to Duna! now I must figure out how to get pictures... MISSION REPORT!
  13. I HAVE cities skylines, but it lags so much that its better if I don't play it and its with maximum amount of graphics on low I'm a bit confused, can you describe it better? are we all on the same map just we have one section to ourselves? sounds like a good idea, if I get CS to not lag, I'll join in
  14. probes, lots and lots of probes, oh and scansat and DmagicOS kind of cheating but it works! now I have to land on them to get the SCIEEENCE!!!
  15. I think Jeb wants a turn!
  16. I cant imagine what your doing, to me 80% is low! I've unlocked up to 160 per tech node on the tech tree and I still haven't landed on the Mun! really should do it...
  17. integration of mods? what does that mean? nobody knows? when will it come out? nobody knows!
  18. I figured it out! Kerbal+localization=more money for SQUAD=more updates! GO LOCALIZE!
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