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Everything posted by StupidAndy

  1. is there a way to do it without imgur? using a different website?
  2. Zoidberg 3020!
  3. 9/10 WHATS UNDER THE BAG? diamonds? jewels? a human face?!?!
  4. Yeah, it went downhill after they got rid of tix, now you have to pay with real money
  5. English, a bit of French, gibberish (ab bognam) and tuba music I can read and play tuba! it counts as a language! Playing counts as speaking! I also do accents!
  6. so earlier today, I was forced to go to roblox I said, "hey! lets see how its gone from the last time I played six months ago!" badly, it went badly. there are maybe a few games that are good, like Blood and Iron, or retail tycoon, that have hard work poured In to them, but the rest are...ugh heres the grading: Community-C- the community, you might find some good people, but the rest are classic internet people, not good games-B+ as hard as it is to say, some of the games are pretty good, I found one that has you fly rockets to the best of Roblox's ability, here it is. its not the game is bad, its kina good, killed an hour playing it, and there are some detailed things, its kina good, it is just showing how good you can make games on roblox, but not great groups-F you get spammed for groups every five seconds! play a game-Huy, I want u tu join me grup, it iz calld de united stats of emarica, cum join uz plz Scams-F------ you get pelted with scams every five seconds! total-D+ you see some good games, some good people, and five good groups, but that isn't enough to bring it up, that's why it will always be considered, in my eyes, as a waste of time
  7. kerbal komets! just installed that! sadly haven't found any comets yet
  8. flying brains destroy the moon after absorbing all of the knowledge, the brain's hill OH NO THEY'RE HEADED TO EARTH!!!
  9. i sneak up, plant a bloontonium bomb, and run away my demolished hill
  10. I broke it again... do I have to delete the KCT settings in my savefiles? does anyone have step by step instructions for installation? is reason it broke above? NEVERMIND I just had to delete my settings from my savefile
  11. I glitched an asteroid and managed something like 50,000 m/s? I forgot
  12. TO THE VEHICLE DESIGNER!!! can we request to make a space station? like someone wants one thing to dock to the other to eventually build a space station?
  13. am I the only one who is still wondering about that grand tour contract from the beginning?
  14. Eeloo Flyby Today! Article by Andy Kerman Today, the Kerbal Space Program probe, Eeloo One, is going to make its closest approach to the “dwarf planet” Eeloo, after traveling through space for four years, it will make its closest approach (called ‘Periapsis’) at lower than 20,000 meters above Eeloo We here at The Daily Kerbal Journal Mirror will get you all the latest details. The commander of the mission Markov Kerman, tells us this “after 4.89 years, its finally happening, all the years of flying through space doing nothing was boring, BUT NOW WE HAVE FUN!!!” After that, he went on to break several mirrors, shout the word woop several times, and run out of the room, he later returned. The octagonal space probe has gained its speed due to flying by Eve, Kerbin, and Duna, giving it enough speed to get all the way out to Eeloo. The spacecraft entered the Sphere of Influence of Eeloo five days ago, gathering some science from high above Eeloo, and returning fantastic images of the white dwarf planet. the probe will have, at this moment, six hours to closest approach, where it will gather science, and fly straight out of the Kerbol system, to join in forever space with other space probes such as the Jool Flyby probes, Voger I and II, and the other probes who lost control right before their flybys and managed to gain enough velocity to be flung out of the Kerbol System. After the flyby is complete, every single planetary body in the Kerbol system will have been explored, it will definitely give us enough science to somehow find out how to build bigger space probes and RTGs. How this happens we really don’t know.
  15. banned for being a narwhal, the sworn enemy of the walrus, who comes from the planet glopdose
  16. here's mine! my first time competing in a community challenge! WOOP! Eeloo Flyby Today! Article by Andy Kerman Today, the Kerbal Space Program probe, Eeloo One, is going to make its closest approach to the “dwarf planet” Eeloo, after traveling through space for four years, it will make its closest approach (called ‘Periapsis’) at lower than 20,000 meters above Eeloo We here at The Daily Kerbal Journal Mirror will get you all the latest details. The commander of the mission Markov Kerman, tells us this “after 4.89 years, its finally happening, all the years of flying through space doing nothing was boring, BUT NOW WE HAVE FUN!!!” After that, he went on to break several mirrors, shout the word woop several times, and run out of the room, he later returned. The octagonal space probe has gained its speed due to flying by Eve, Kerbin, and Duna, giving it enough speed to get all the way out to Eeloo. The spacecraft entered the Sphere of Influence of Eeloo five days ago, gathering some science from high above Eeloo, and returning fantastic images of the white dwarf planet. the probe will have, at this moment, six hours to closest approach, where it will gather science, and fly straight out of the Kerbol system, to join in forever space with other space probes such as the Jool Flyby probes, Voger I and II, and the other probes who lost control right before their flybys and managed to gain enough velocity to be flung out of the Kerbol System. After the flyby is complete, every single planetary body in the Kerbol system will have been explored, it will definitely give us enough science to somehow find out how to build bigger space probes and RTGs. How this happens we really don’t know.
  17. oh okay, thanks everybody! it does make sense, but one last question due to the first falcon 9 being the first rocket to land upright without parachutes, were the first landings manned? as in controlled by humans?
  18. I type random letters and come out with something like Dragoon or Meiigo its all in the making it belive its Kerbal!
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