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    Atomic rocket lovers

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  1. I wounder is there are a Best propulsion isp(Ve)?And best Eco Mass Ratio? it decided by Propulsion system's thrust power and Kinetic energy change rate (△Ke/Tp) is that number important?
  2. Hi everyone :P Do you ever check this Amazing Space Sim Game? Name Alliance Space Guard(ASG) . Better take a look, I thing It's a pleasure to communicate with that developers. 0w0 it give really detial for how linear fusion engine works.
  3. I more likely to put that temperature higher, and just use enough radiators Area to make a good Power/Mass Ratio.
  4. that numbuer just some theoretically Max,like that LOX/ LH 2 Rocket Combustion in chemical equilibrium can get 510s + at max 100% Eff Sorry I dont make that clear pic from :https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/67562119 I just look again, it a Solid CO Mix LOX, thing might get different
  5. I Just think up a new thing We already have a multi fuel-functional chemical engine. So why not add a new fuel mix-- CO/O2 rockets? look for that isp about 250-280s if it can add to NTR after burn mode that will way more better.
  6. Will that Resistance thruster coming soon? I hope that at 300sci level node (same with First power generator)
  7. Wow that a really Quickly Fix, how can u do that :P So quick that For Now we just made some free time to watch Space X Lunch there New Firewor..... Eh... The New test rocket that will gona Booooom (in plan)soon.
  8. Long time not see First I want to say that New UI of Propellant selection are really great to use, I really appreciate it And that TEG come with Variable installed capacity also very useful for build light weight craft. But still look like has some minor bug like, when u reduce that capacity of generator to 20%, that reactor still been require as 100% power, and that rest of Heat Power beem turn in to Waste heat , that make those generator are not beem reduce capacity but efficiency as -80%, For example:Heat to MJ power efficiency with 20% capacity of TEG: A Reactor that with Max 100MW HeatPower, TEG current efficiency in 50%,capacity 20% ideal: H×20% , 0.2H × 50% Reactor run in 20MW to support 20% capacitygen to get 10MW power. Waste heat 10MW current: H ×(50%×20%) Reactor run in 100MW to support 20% capacity gen to get 10MW power. Waste heat 90MW. "H"as Reactor power level. Result in a lot of waste for energy and Over Heat Radiator......
  9. Long time not see First I want to say that New UI of Propellant selection are really great to use, I really appreciate it And also Gen come with Variable installed capacity also very useful for build light weight craft.
  10. LOL I remember that Deinonychus 1-D Chem Eng was put in Fusion Engines type, some how feel that partly correct because they have operate in a similar way —— by putting two thing together to make it heat up and eject out.
  11. I Remember it have Isp throttle For MIF engine , For now It been remove ? again ?
  12. Temporary solutions, If you have Filter Extensions and switch to Squad tag for all part you can see that old part . that can be show that old part still here and have RF feature. Perhaps that is another bug by Filter Extensions that cause Failure to hide old part .(but helpful)
  13. Try use Pebblebed and other reactor like MIF in Same ship, both have link on TEG . And save/load or Warp time. that may happen again
  14. Same Problems, when you open debug— you will see " [KSPI]-managed ProvidedPowerSupplyPer SecondMiniMumRatio illegal Values." that flash very fast and push over other messages. Is that kind of Bug? Edit: I running on KSP 1.4.5, Have RSS and RF,That ship have pebblebed in 1.25m, MIF Fusion Engine 2.5m,2 CANDLE as payload use(Tiny airless lander). one TEFR 0.625m on payload. Pebblebed and TEFR Have no power and lock in Active (0.00%). No fuel consume on Power Generator . However that MIF still can use and work normal. other Solid core NTR are normal too.
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