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    gopnik from the east
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    nether realm
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  1. When you were drawing/writing/building/creating something and someone interrogates you:


    1. NSEP


      Happends to me too much. I cant stand it when people ask me what im drawing. I always answer with "something". But it gets REALLY annoying when they start geussing what im drawing. Hell, i could have somehow drawn a new technolgy concept that could bring humans to interstellar space in the next 10 years but no, you thought it looked like a giraffe!

    2. Urses


      @NSEP try next time with a Po zitat...

      It is something that will haunt you at night and robe your dreams and give you many nightmares...

      How often they will ask you again? :wink:

    3. cratercracker



      How can a human bean even do such sound?

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