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Everything posted by cratercracker

  1. I presume using heatshield as some sort of a round-shaped wing,and after reentering glide down and softly ditch. (better to ditch on kerbal's head,heatshileds are fragile)
  2. We are born to struggle

    In the void of endless space

    We are born to face trials

    We exist to attempt leaving a trace

    We are born to slowly fade out

    We exist to spectate the grace

    Of infinite universe...



  3. Guys. I am going to draw flags for GPP soon. I got everything-patience,screenshots from @Urses and soon I will have time. But what do you think?
  4. @rocketbuilder there is a an Orbital Decay mod. Just search it in SpaceDock
  5. I forgot the answer.. Why to why a why while being a why itelf?
  6. Oh rescue missions you say? Do i really need to tell you such a personall thing? Alrighty m8. Someday when i was a complete noob,i laucnhed a station. (with just one module,because docking was something frustrating for me.) But i didn't correctly knew where the atmosphere starts.. So,my periapsis was 69 045m and then i noticed that my orbit was slowly decaying.. And then i aknowleged the atmosphere height and was terrified. I built a small rescue pod for the crew,and laucnhed it,i spent too much time getting a randezvous,and the station started reentering. And so was the resue pod. Just imagine,trying to claw to something when it is in atmosphere. I managed to claw,and very quickly transfered the crew. THAT.WAS.TERRIFYING But i didn't picture this. But i have and idea of remaking it now in 1.2.1
  7. I slap my face realy hard Drink 5 bottles of water Say "I will fail" 6 times Just do something. Alright,alright i will tell the secret-i have serious problems with sleep,so when i don't sleep i get myself a piece of paper and draw stuff i will be doing. As a sidequest i just look at concepts/projects of real mission and copy them. No insult m8! Just wanted to warn you. Just in case. You know there is "self-prevention" instinct ,it is an example of something opposite ,i just thought ''Wow,nice jet,wow nice tank,but wait,has it something to do with current events?Nooooooooooooo i must tell!".
  8. Hello guys? How is goin' huh? i better stop introducing this way... So here is some things i was doing lately: 1.Launch of the "Blue Dawn" mission. I was sick with my HyperEdited bases,so to i wanted to prove myself that i can do interesting things without using HyperEdit. So here is it ,in it's own minimalistic ,but fascinating way. 2. The "Emperor" mission. This is the largest 2.5m rocket i ever built. It was sent to Duna. Soon,it will descent to the surface and after that,the "Blue Dawn" modules will land nearby. (why would you land a lander near the base,if you can land a base near a lander. logicc). So yeah,laucnhing at early morning,that is my way. 3. Test of an old warhead "Oak".I wanted to turn war machines,into a explorers and scientists. I feal good whenever i do so. Its new usage is delivering small cargo in between peninsulas of Kerbin. 4.Laucn of the an other Mk-3 to the "Triangulurum". The crew had 3 missions-depart "Priroda' to the low orbit,depart "Ursa" resupply vehicle into its last voyage. And about Priroda module:it will be recovered by the first mk3 shuttle. Sorry didn't picture the launcher. 5.Tested a new plane-"Antipod-2". I like it is stable and has a quite low stall speed. 6. Photo of the day: "Emperor" over Duna's valleys.
  9. Clicked because this thread is asking me to click
  10. Because the sun is a hologram. (Jk) Why are there conspiracies?
  11. I will take whatever they landed in and sell it. And after getting a lot of money.I will buy them enough of snacks,to safely live all their life.
  12. Многим знакома ситуация, когда хочется выбрать оригинальный флаг и имеющиеся в игре уже не устраивают. Я набрал достаточно популярности и выполнил достаточно много запросов,что-бы рассказать вам русскоговорящим и моей деятельности. Но,я решил поделится ещё одной новостью - я могу выполнить флаг на заказ (вы говорите что рисовать,я рисую). Но к сожалению я рисую только в MSpaint что сильно ограничивает мои возможности. По этому стоит сказать ,что нарисовать Юпитер с разрешением в 1440p да ещё и с космическим кораблём нарисованным до мельчайшей детали я не смогу. Но я предоставлю вам образцы,чтобы вы лучше понимали как я рисую. Просьба: просмотрите всё до конца,мой стиль меняется по ходу времени) (не бросайтесь критиковать,я не профессиональный художник и не с профессиональной аппаратурой,а если внутри вас сидит страшный критик который готов порвать и порушить всё что я делаю ,то пожалуйста,только конструктивную критику.) Также в этой теме вы можете делится своими флагами.
  13. Don't get political. Please.Please.Please.Please. (i'm Russian,and this somehow offends me,but don't mind me,mind forum rules)
  14. Ohh forgive me for forgetting about this thread!\ Here is some stuff i did lately! Iodine (sublimate). Favourite! Was not quite as simple to do as many others! Natrium. I just like it,no idea why.. A commsion for @Spaceception! Happy birthday bro! Metamorf. Rather simple,but nice for dekstop.
  15. why can't i give more than 1 like!?!? Life is so painful..
  16. Doing some new abstract art dudes! stay tuned!

  17. STAND WHERE YOU ARE STANDING YOU ARE IN CUSTODY OF CRATERCRACKER now make a comment/critique or you will go to the jail! (not spam,just an interesting way to tell you about that i need to see your opinion)
  18. i hate the way i am visited by some really high class dudes. Makes me nervous.

    (by high class i mean people with high rep)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NSEP


      Am i high class? High class peeps arent much more different than lower class peeps.

    3. cratercracker


      I guess ,yes.

      And i think there is a large difference in between high class and low class.

      ( i pressume myself a "Slum Lord")))

    4. TotallyNotHuman


      Low-rep dude checking in. I say: wear your low rep (which is so much higher than mine) with pride. It's just imaginary internet points. :D

  19. leaving this world is not as scary as it sounds



      Anyone can do it if they have deep pockets. Or a large cool collection of balloons.

    2. cratercracker


      FYK i quoted one of the charecters from "Hotline Miami 2" it was his endline.

  20. Best song of 2017! Enjoy this royalty free music as long as you can want!



    1. NSEP


      Wow thats awesome! 10/10! Cant stop listening to it!

  21. Hello again m8s! I had an extremely hard day ,but despite that ,i played KSP! 1. The "Libra" mission. It is the largest and the most serious relay mission ever. I settled up relay on Eve and on Moho. 2. The ending of a very old mission-"Dunion". It took a very long time to get to Duna ,but now its time has come. 3. Launch of the "Ursa" ressuply vehicle to the "Triangulurum". Its launcher used an interesting technology,a small fuel tank with the "Vector" engine. It is supposed to give a powerful push and raise the velocity very quickly! 4.A small flight of the "Antipod" jet fighter! Just a small ivestigation of distant regions... 5. The "Bliztagen" presents a concept of an atmospheric relay. When a dangerous situation strikes and you need a signal ,this little thing will help. 6.Shot of the day: a sunrise at the "Triangulurum'.
  22. I survived all 4 commisions! Hooray!

    1. kerbinorbiter


      not realy...there will be a lot more varients of mine (Expeditionary missions) ill tell you the crew assignments when ive desceided them

    2. Urses


      Oh my CC... wish you strengt 

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