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Everything posted by Greatness101

  1. Really? I thought accretion disks only exist around black holes and neutron stars. And I don't think any more of those are being planned at the time being. You maybe thinking of a possible protoplanetary disk around Kerlanes, though
  2. Will Karkua sport an accretion disk? That way it wouldn't require a white rim to be visible against the darkness of space
  3. The new Mesmo system looks sick! Also @Voodoo8648 welcome back. Hope we didn't alienate you with the lore stuff. No hard feelings
  4. Is that Narath? And is she standing next to an alien tree (we finally have custom groundscatter)?
  5. Just to be clear...(in case anyone was wondering) Most of the time it's taking for KSS 0.7 to be completed is the actual revamp of the Kerolon System and converting to the KSP 1.3+. The other stuff you see on the list (e.g. sciencedefs and *secret* project) is worked on in parallel, so it doesn't effect the development time as much because it's being worked on by different people. Don't worry, these side projects will not postpone KSS 0.7 Same goes for future updates (0.8, 0.9, 1.0)
  6. Whoa there, @TheSpacePotato slow down on the hints a little 0.7 is still a little while away
  7. Haha oops. Those two extra orbit lines were flashing in the background and my screenshot happened to capture them.
  8. Starcrusher has added a new planet, re-textured some of the old planets, and added a lot of new moons for the Kerolon System.
  9. Great News! KSS 0.7 is (tentatively) entering its testing phase! We're getting the bugs ironed out for the completed portions of KSS 0.7 so we can save time later. Expect some more news in the near future.
  10. Perhaps if you have never reviewed or even seen the content, you shouldn't be attempting to criticize it. Food for thought.
  11. It's literally just doing science. You get science points for it, and there's a special science part and special biomes for players to get parts of the story. Unless the science mechanic of KSP is too outlandish for you, there's no reason the storyline addition will hurt your gameplay experience in any way. Please don't make baseless assumptions about new features prior to their release, thank you.
  12. KSS 0.7 will be compatible with version 1.3 Expect a release mid/late September I mean, there's not much left to do in terms of actually writing the story. What we need to figure out now between KSS 0.7 and 1.0 is the actual implementation of said story in game.
  13. I think this should go on the front page: Always ask other planet pack developers to incorporate KSS before asking KSS developers to incorporate other planet packs Especially if you want to replace the home system, because we're not going to to that for you. Starcrusher is pretty busy with this mod, so besides GPP, GPO, and OPM if any other planet pack wants compatibility with KSS it would be great if they could provide the compatibility patch, not us. Thank you.
  14. I mean, if you want it to be the home system so badly you could ask the makers of New Horizons to write a patch for KSS, because it's not going to happen the other way around. Or you could write a patch yourself... or use hyperedit...
  15. Compatibility with other planet packs isn't high on our priorities right now. But if Starcrusher thinks it's worth his time then it might happen. If we were to add compatibility the planets would appear around a distant star, not the home system. It's basically what we did for GPP compatibility (GPO and OPM compatibility is planned as well).
  16. Basically the general continent shapes and geography is the same, but we're adding more mountain ranges, new rivers, and impact craters. This is to "spice up" good ol' Kerbin and make it a little more enjoyable, but not too much so that it's still recognizable.
  17. Wait, the ship just departed Kerbin orbit, and is expected to reach Blalo in a couple of days.... and it takes light half a day to reach Nova Kirbani... You've got yourself quite a fast ship
  18. Sorry, all the custom sciencedefs written for Eve (as well as its new description) center on Eve being yellow. It would take a lot of work and extra time (which would be better spent on other projects we're working on) to rewrite all of that. On the plus side, there's a purple colored Eve-like moon called Sern in KSS, if you really wanted something purple
  19. I wonder what it is... Well, whatever it may be, it's going to be revealed by the end of September (at the latest) along with the official release of Version 0.7 So get the hype train rolling!
  20. Cool! Now we know what the stock system looked like two billion years ago (Before Kerbin) and what it will look like millions of years in the future (GPO). I wonder if that was on purpose
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