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Everything posted by Greatness101

  1. I think at this point if you want KSS to be compatible for planet packs that have not already been somewhat implemented (GPP, OPM, GPO), then you should go ask them to make a compatibility patch with KSS (instead of the other way around). Starcrusher is busy and KSS is still under construction, so we can't possibly afford to do all the compatibility stuff at the moment.
  2. AARGH I missed the release again!!! Just a few more days of finals and I can finally get my hands on this beautiful update Just got to hang on a little longer...
  3. Make sure to always thank @StarCrusher96 He deserves a vast majority of the credit. Also TheSpacePotato for having to take over the sciencedefs when I started to slack off due to school work. Hope I can contribute more in the near future after finals are over, though.
  4. Probably further down the line. Say, 0.8 when most of the bodies will be finished (maybe). The thing is SigmaDimensions should already work on KSS, it's just that we're planning custom configs for SD (like GPP's rescale options) in the future.
  5. To be fair Starcrusher is pretty lenient about how long you take to do sciencedefs. Plus, you usually have two other people helping (TheSpacePotato and me, although admittedly I've been slacking off lately due to my schoolwork) so it's not a lot of pressure at all. Plus you get the benefit of knowing what's going on behind the scenes and influence development, which if you're into this mod, is a pretty good thing to have.
  6. Starcrusher is working on Principia compatibility so if you really want realism you should be able to get it in due time.
  7. KSS 0.7 Part 2 is not out yet. Go to this page http://kerbal-star-systems.wikia.com/wiki/Planned_Features and look at the section for 0.7 part 2 if you want more information.
  8. Beautiful. There really is no other planet pack with the quality or sheer scale of KSS out there
  9. Like all planet packs, KSS requires Kopernicus. Also KSS includes way more solar systems than just the Kerbol System, and more than 70 beautifully crafted worlds, so I don't think you'll have a hard time finding aspiration.
  10. Looks interesting! I will definitely be keeping an eye on this mod
  11. Updating existing systems is always higher priority than making new systems. Tropical Laythe is already high priority which is why it's slated for 0.7 part 2, the very next update scheduled to be released. We never confirmed a pulsar planet system, so stop asking for it.
  12. You can wait for 0.7 Part 2 like how you wait for the next iPhone, or the next episode of a TV show. Patiently. Because you know a lot of work goes into those things. KSS takes a lot of work. Be grateful it exists at all.
  13. Are you sure those aren't real pictures of Titan? They look too real.
  14. Did you download any visual mods that add clouds? You need EVE for clouds to work.
  15. Wow I see your point now. I guess we shouldn't have made the Kerbol System, either. He basically just copied the stock planets, am I right? Oh yeah, I guess Karkua is copying the Kargantua mod, so we should get rid of that too. Also since there's a ton of Alpha Centauri mods out there I guess we should get rid of the Nova Kirbani system as well. Actually, now that I think of it, so many planet packs add new planets that it's starting to get old. I think we should get rid of all the extra planets as well. From now on KSS will be known as Kerbol Stock System. Happy now? (If you don't like Trappist one then don't download the Kelnis System. It's that simple. We're not going to stop updating it because one user decided it was redundant)
  16. That has been a thing on KSS a loong time ago. You don't have to download it if you don't want it. Exotic stars are planned (Karkua, Kirimo). A pulsar system is a nice concept but low priority because we have a large planetary system planned for 0.8 (Kelaris/Kerbos) plus Starcrusher still has to finish the rest of 0.7. He has enough on his plate already.
  17. I know... I'm part of the dev team We've been planning that for a while now
  18. A lot of parameters have changed though, and the bodies for 0.8 are not even remotely final
  19. There will be custom SD configs for KSS in the future. It should be able to work even without custom configs, though.
  20. Woah... looks like I missed a lot... Congratulations on the release and enjoy the wiki!
  21. Probably in a day or two... Full release one week after that That's the plan, anyway.
  22. You don't have to wait much longer... A test release is just around the corner, along with the public release of our *secret* project After bugs are ironed out and things are finalized then the full KSS 0.7 will be available.
  23. @Saltshaker Understanding on everything KSS related will become a lot easier to attain once our top secret project is out.
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