basically I uninstalled rss and now kerbin is messed up engines dont put out thrust and what can i do to fix or should i just reinstall ksp
it's like the entire planet has been scaled up and engines just dont work.
edit:nvm just deleted kopernicuis or whatever it is and its back to normal
I'm not sure that any SRBs gimbal in stock KSP. As for why they don't im not sure. I personally think the "Kickback" and the "Thumper" should be gimballed but smaller SRBs like the "Flea" and "Hammer" shouldn't be gimballed.
Hey! I made a shuttle and I was unsatisfied with the way the SRBs had no gimbals... so I introduce to you a way to get SRB gimbals!
Here is the link:
Video of the gimbals in action:
NOTE: The video above uses my Shuttle and I know that Shuttles fly into space but just for the purpose of time i separated the boosters and Fuel Tank and then began gliding the Shuttle.
To install navigate to your KSP install folder then drag and drop the downloaded "GimballedKickback" into the "GameData" folder. You should now have a new kickback SRB listed in the VAB and SPH!