I have a problem using this mod.
I got a station around the mun. i got a cyclotron there aswell as a lab i got 8 solar panels and a lot of battery power. i got retrograde quarks experiment there.
When i start the experiment and wait till the eurrkas are full and start the cyclotron it says load 40% and does not provide enough quarks to finish the experiment even though i do have enough power...
I habe quite a few mods installed is that a bug resulting from some kind of interavtion or am I doing something wrong?
Would be awesome if you could help me.
Thank you:)
i figured it has something to do with the engineer. if I have a level 5 engineer on the same station it goes up to 70%. how do i get it to 100%? (2 engineers or an additional scientist wont make a difference)
i have performance issues since the last update.... I will try to track down if its actually LS thats causing it...;) just letting everyone know in case there are others having the same issue
Thanks for the help!
Didn't realize the settings were different...
I changed the settings ingame and changed her back to crew in the save. After that the return went smoothly;)
LOVE the forums, the mods, and the fast replies i get here:)
I think I might have found a bug or something.
I read that the 4 veteran Kerbonauts never refuse to work... BUT Val just did... she liftet off 7 days ago and is now on a flyby at minmus.
Since the mission isnt even 15 days long yet she should keep working.... and it is VAL so she should never stopp.....
I woult be very happy, if someone could explain this behaviour to me and help me restore normal USI LS....
If it is meant to be like this. Is there a way to rescue my Kerbonaut? I tried a lot in the persistent.sfs and the settings of USI LS but didnt manage to get her back.....
wow thanks for the superfast reply!:) I kept trying heeps of different things and seems I had an old StationScience mod. With the updated one from @tomf it worked out:)
I just registered to this forum to ask this question.
The missions just do not start. I cant even find a mission "launch a space station core" or something like that in the list. (not even locked)
I read the FAQ! I unlocked the labs and the docking ports as well as some solar panels. Is there a common mistake that people do? Or is it probability that gives me those contracts? Is there a maximum number of available contracts? (I am also using GAP contracts tourism and other contract packages)
I would love to play those missions.
Regards VSky
I also installed the newest version deleted contract configurator and the contract packs and reinstalled everything..:/