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  • About me
    Kerbal rookie
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    Poland, Warsaw
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  1. Hi. Checkout my YT channel im making KSP videos. Cześć! Chciałem się trochę zareklamować ale również wysłuchać waszej opinii, tak więc podzielcie się nią. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8ZrD8jWP4No1cM5v5nwTxA
  2. Do you know any mod (pls do not write kebcam) for cinematics?
  3. Hi! I have made a new video about my Eve ground base. Check it out! https://youtu.be/1G4n2wop8Yo
  4. Hi! I have made a new video about my Eve ground base. Check it out! https://youtu.be/1G4n2wop8Yo P.S How can i put the video inside my post?
  5. Fan works are cool
  6. My plan is to send two more modules it should be able to accomodate 4-8 kerbals @purpleivan Yeah thats very nice.
  7. Its some kind of mission like: Scientist: We will send first kerbal to Eve! Journalist: How you will be able to send him back? Scientist: We will work on it. We should be able to send him home in next 50 years (kerbal years)
  8. 9999999999999 million gallons of fuel should be enough XD
  9. I think it should be able to build spaceplane that could takeoff from Eve's surface.
  10. There is no way to make Double Lunch Rocket system (without mods).
  11. one way ticket XD
  12. Any ides how i can transport crew to it? XD
  13. I have made a video in which i have constructed ground base. And have puted it on the Eve's surface. Take a look! https://youtu.be/Jx8cyo1Bu9E
  14. What's the best nocopyright music for KSP video. Let me know your opinion and suggestions.
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