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Everything posted by PiezPiedPy

  1. No idea but I'm pretty sure Trajectories has an API method that exposes the direction indicator, I know there are methods that expose the impact and target positions. If RPM or MAS access the API they could display the indicators.
  2. Updated list for KSP 1.12 0 : Default 1 : TransparentFX 2 : Ignore Raycast 3 : 4 : Water 5 : UI 6 : 7 : 8 : PartsList_Icons 9 : Atmosphere 10 : Scaled Scenery 11 : UIDialog 12 : UIVectors 13 : UI_Mask 14 : Screens 15 : Local Scenery 16 : kerbals 17 : EVA 18 : SkySphere 19 : PhysicalObjects 20 : Internal Space 21 : Part Triggers 22 : KerbalInstructors 23 : AeroFXIgnore 24 : MapFX 25 : UIAdditional 26 : WheelCollidersIgnore 27 : WheelColliders 28 : TerrainColliders 29 : DragRender 30 : SurfaceFX 31 : Vectors
  3. Did you delete the Trajectories folder before Installing ? Definitely need your logs, blind without them. Left-Alt + T Turns the Trajectory on/off and Right Alt + T should pop up the Gui.
  4. New release is up! Version 2.4.3 for KSP 1.8 to 1.12.x Download from GitHub or Spacedock Full Changelog:
  5. Tbh I can't work out what you are trying to achieve, We need more info than a picture, are you using parachutes, airbrakes, retro braking etc, Have you read the Faq on the first post ?
  6. I fixed RSSDateTimeFormatter because of this problem, you can find the unofficial release here :GitHub Have you tried deleting Trajectories from GameData and reinstalling, it's rare but sometimes a mods config file gets funky when errors start popping.
  7. First major error is [LOG 11:46:35.026] [Kopernicus] ShaderLoader: adding Kopernicus/Rings [ERR 11:46:51.471] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: ToolbarControl, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ERR 11:46:51.482] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: ToolbarControl, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Have you installed ToolbarControl ? it is a dependency for a lot of mods and it appears KSP can't find it, you also have 100k+ errors !! - Search "Err" (163054 hits in 1 file of 1 searched)
  8. KSP loads mods via a for each loop with no try/catch block, so one error in a mod while it loads means all other mods after it using a scenario module will not work. Something only the devs of KSP can fix. MM logs are of no use, we need the games logs KSP.log will do, it's in your KSP root installation directory.
  9. Trajectories throws that exception when another mod has failed to load prior to Trajectories. Also I don't think you posted the right log, it's dated - Log started: Tue, Jun 01, 2021 18:37:28
  10. Fair enough but we can't do anything without your log file, the log file holds important data and will show any errors that may be causing the issue.
  11. Should do, Trajectories works by using the games orbits, if a mod changes them it should be transparent to Trajectories. After looking at how Principia works it will be interesting to see how you get on, Trajectories reads the orbits and then creates its own orbit data using the games orbit methods after any atmospheric entry is detected. I am going to assume that you will see the results of the mods display together but not combined if that makes any sense, Trajectories should although, pick up on Principia's orbits until atmospheric entry is detected, from there on Trajectories will show its own orbit calculations on top of Principia's. I'm now thinking if it would be worth while detecting if Principia is installed and using API methods to communicate between mods, as is done for atmospheric mods like FAR.
  12. Updated list for KSP 1.12 Advanced SS/Volumetric/Sphere Volume Aerodynamics/DragRender Aerodynamics/DragRenderNoBump ArrowPointer AtmosphereFromGround Depth Mask DepthMask Diffuse Wrapped Emissive Multi Ramp Sunspots GUI/Text Shader Hidden/BlitCopy Hidden/CubeBlend Hidden/CubeBlur Hidden/CubeCopy Hidden/CustomDeferredShading Hidden/CustomScreenSpaceShadows Hidden/Highlighted/Blur Hidden/Highlighted/Composite Hidden/Highlighted/Cut Hidden/Highlighted/Opaque Hidden/Highlighted/Transparent Hidden/InternalErrorShader Hidden/Internal-Flare Hidden/Internal-GUIRoundedRect Hidden/Internal-GUIRoundedRectWithColorPerBorder Hidden/Internal-GUITexture Hidden/Internal-GUITextureClip Hidden/Internal-MotionVectors Hidden/Noise Shader RGB Hidden/Noise Shader YUV Hidden/UI Default (Soft Masked) Hidden/UI Default ETC1 (Soft Masked) KSP/Alpha/Cutoff KSP/Alpha/Cutoff Bumped KSP/Alpha/CutoffBackground KSP/Alpha/Translucent KSP/Alpha/Translucent Additive KSP/Alpha/Translucent Specular KSP/Alpha/Unlit Transparent KSP/Bumped KSP/Bumped Specular KSP/Bumped Specular (Mapped) KSP/Bumped Specular (Stencil) KSP/Bumped Specular (Transparent) KSP/Diffuse KSP/EditorGizmos KSP/EditorGizmos (Emissive) KSP/Emissive/Bumped Specular KSP/Emissive/Bumped Specular (Mapped) KSP/Emissive/Diffuse KSP/Emissive/Specular KSP/FX/Depth Projection KSP/FX/ReentryDepth KSP/FX/ReentryFlames 10-Pass KSP/FX/ReentryFlames 20-Pass KSP/FX/ReentryFlames 5-Pass KSP/InternalSpace KSP/Lightwrapped/Specular KSP/Orbit Line KSP/Particles/Additive KSP/Particles/Additive (Self-Illuminated) KSP/Particles/Additive (Soft) KSP/Particles/Alpha Blended KSP/Particles/Alpha Blended Scenery KSP/Scenery/Alpha/Translucent KSP/Scenery/Bumped KSP/Scenery/Bumped Specular KSP/Scenery/Decal/Blended KSP/Scenery/Decal/Multiply KSP/Scenery/Diffuse KSP/Scenery/Diffuse Detail KSP/Scenery/Diffuse Ground KSC KSP/Scenery/Diffuse Ground KSC Specular KSP/Scenery/Diffuse Ground KSC Specular Far Fix KSP/Scenery/Diffuse Multiply KSP/Scenery/Diffuse Multiply (Fixed UV) KSP/Scenery/Emissive/Bumped Specular KSP/Scenery/Emissive/Diffuse KSP/Scenery/Emissive/Specular KSP/Scenery/Reflective Water KSP/Scenery/Specular KSP/Scenery/Unlit/Transparent KSP/ScreenSpaceMask KSP/ScreenSpaceMaskAlphaCutoffBackground KSP/ScreenSpaceMaskBumped KSP/ScreenSpaceMaskBumpedSpecular(Transparent) KSP/ScreenSpaceMaskNoAmbientHue KSP/ScreenSpaceMaskNoAmbientHueBumped KSP/ScreenSpaceMaskSpecular KSP/ScreenSpaceMaskUnlit KSP/Specular KSP/Specular (Transparent) KSP/Unlit KSP/UnlitColor Legacy Shaders/Bumped Diffuse Legacy Shaders/Bumped Specular Legacy Shaders/Diffuse Legacy Shaders/Diffuse Detail Legacy Shaders/Particles/~Additive-Multiply Legacy Shaders/Particles/Additive Legacy Shaders/Particles/Additive (Soft) Legacy Shaders/Particles/Alpha Blended Legacy Shaders/Particles/Alpha Blended Premultiply Legacy Shaders/Particles/Alpha Blended Premultiply - UI Legacy Shaders/Self-Illumin/Diffuse Legacy Shaders/Self-Illumin/VertexLit Legacy Shaders/Specular Legacy Shaders/Transparent/Cutout/Bumped Diffuse Legacy Shaders/Transparent/Cutout/Bumped Specular Legacy Shaders/Transparent/Cutout/Diffuse Legacy Shaders/Transparent/Cutout/VertexLit Legacy Shaders/Transparent/Diffuse Legacy Shaders/Transparent/VertexLit Legacy Shaders/VertexLit MaskedTexture Mobile/Diffuse Mobile/Particles/Additive Mobile/Particles/Alpha Blended Mobile/Particles/Multiply Mobile/VertexLit Parallax Specular (Alpha) Particles/Standard Unlit PieChart Shader Forge/Monolith Shader Forge/Tumbler Solid Color (Alpha) Sprite/Simple Texture (Unlit) Sprites/Default Sprites/Mask Standard Standard (Specular setup) Terrain/Gas Giant Terrain/PQS/Aerial Cutout Terrain/PQS/Ocean Surface Quad Terrain/PQS/Ocean Surface Quad (Fallback) Terrain/PQS/PQS Main - Optimised Terrain/PQS/PQS Main - Optimised With Fast Blend Terrain/PQS/PQS Main Shader Terrain/PQS/PQS Main Shader - Fast Blend Terrain/PQS/PQS Main Shader - Triplanar Zoom Rotation Terrain/PQS/PQS Triplanar Zoom Rotation Terrain/PQS/PQS Triplanar Zoom Rotation Texture Array Terrain/PQS/PQS Triplanar Zoom Rotation Texture Array - 1 Blend Terrain/PQS/PQS Triplanar Zoom Rotation Texture Array - 2 Blend Terrain/PQS/PQS Triplanar Zoom Rotation Texture Array - 3 Blend Terrain/PQS/PQS Triplanar Zoom Rotation Texture Array - 4 Blend Terrain/PQS/Sphere Projection SURFACE QUAD Terrain/PQS/Sphere Projection SURFACE QUAD (AP) Terrain/PQS/Sphere Projection SURFACE QUAD (Fallback) Terrain/Scaled Planet (RimAerial) Terrain/Scaled Planet (RimAerial) Standard Terrain/Scaled Planet (Simple) TextMeshPro/Distance Field TextMeshPro/Mobile/Distance Field TextMeshPro/Sprite UI/Default UI/Default Font UI/KSP/Color Overlay UI/KSP/Default (Transparent +2) UI/KSP/UnlitMeshStencil UI/KSP/UnlitMeshStencil (+2) UI/Unlit/Text Unlit/Color Unlit/Transparent Unlit/Transparent Cutout UnlitAlpha
  13. There is only half a log file in the link, it should be much longer, all the needed info is closer to the end of the log which in your case is missing, did you cut and paste or upload the log file ? You should upload the file rather than cut and paste as the log is usually much bigger than your clipboard buffer.
  14. Hi Trajectories dev here This mod when installed on KSP1.12 is not loading obviously due to not being updated for 1.12. yet. That said though, due to the number of people having issues with the Trajectories mod not loading because RSSDateTime fails to load and causes KSP to have issues loading other mods after it has failed, I decided to build an Unofficial release of RSSDateTime, I have also included @talchascommit into this release. Rather than only posting on the Trajectories thread I decided to also post here. You can download it from here GitHub RSSDateTime-v1.10.2.0 KSP 1.12.x Unofficial.zip Fork on GitHub is here https://github.com/PiezPiedPy/RSSTimeFormatter/tree/KSP1.12.x
  15. I've just built an unofficial release of RSS DateTime Formatter for KSP 1.12.x you can download it from here GitHub RSSDateTime-v1.10.2.0 KSP 1.12.x Unofficial.zip It will at least allow Trajectories to run
  16. Just popped over to RSS Date thing to nose about and raise an issue but they don't seem too friendly over there Forum Discussion of Issues encountered in KSP 1.12 · Issue #17 · KSP-RO/RSSTimeFormatter np
  17. I cant see how that would help, Trajectories does not depend on any other mods apart from Module Manager. The issue is with KSP, If KSP is loading a mod before Trajectories and that mod fails while it is loading, then Trajectories will also fail to load.
  18. One thing I have noticed is if a mod that loads before Trajectories has a problem loading then Trajectories also fails and always at the same place. Exception loading ScenarioModule Trajectories: System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Trajectories.Settings' threw an exception. ---> This error occurs while Trajectories is constructing its settings and calls the method KSP.IO.PluginConfiguration.CreateForType, the error occurs inside KSP's code and thus the problem can't be fixed by me. Next release I'll put the call in a try block and catch the error and exit Trajectories gracefully with an on screen warning to the user. Try updating RSS DateTime Formatter to the latest GitHub version, although even that is for KSP 1.8 - 1.10 Release 1.10.1 for KSP 1.8-1.10 · KSP-RO/RSSTimeFormatter
  19. Could you upload your log to say Google drive or dropbox then post the link here. Posting the log in text form on the forum will probably get it deleted due to it's size, also the log is clipped short when its posted on the forum and emails to users notified by this thread will be huge due to the posted log file.
  20. Strange ?? You got a log I can take a look at ? Tweakscale is also showing errors.
  21. The Trajectories toolbar icon is only available while in flight and does not require Blizzy's Toolbar to be installed.
  22. New release is up! Version 2.4.2 for KSP 1.8 to 1.12.x Download from GitHub or Spacedock Full Changelog:
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