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Everything posted by PiezPiedPy

  1. No, just lazy on my part most process rates have been calculated using 100% efficiency, Only Life Support has had losses calculated into their processes.
  2. That's caused by a bug from a previous version that has manifested itself into saves via vessels built in the VAB at the time the bugged version was being used. Have you tried building a new ship in the VAB with the latest version ?. Note that any vessels saved in the VAB while the bugged version was installed will probably still be bugged when loaded back into the VAB with the latest version. One way to fix a bugged saved VAB vessel is to load in your vessel into the VAB and replace any offending parts, as for those in flight the only way is with a savegame editor. Kerbalisms units have a volume of 1 Litre, masses are dependent on individual resource densities from CRP. Kerbalism is highly configurable via the .cfg files, you could edit the support .cfg for RealFuels or completely rewrite the .cfg's, its up to you. There is basic information in the documentation, see the OP for the link.
  3. @kerbalspeed Does the panel do the same in the VAB/SPH ?
  4. For anyone using that dev build I posted on Discord then beware, as it was built for only a quick test by a couple of the discord users so I had some results to verify I was heading in the right direction regarding the VAB/SPH stuttering bug. I suggest NOT to use it
  5. Basically yes. A Profiler for an entire dll would be good but I don't know off the top of my head how it would be implemented.
  6. Excerpt from CONTRIBUTING.md in the GitHub repo's In your code, wrap the code you want to profile in pairs of MyameSpace.Profiler.Start("MyLabel") and MyameSpace.Profiler.Stop("MyLabel"). In-game, start it by pressing Ctrl-P. It shows each code entry belonging to one label as one line. The columns show: NAME: The Label for the code being profiled. LAST: Code runtime for a call in the last executed frame. AVG: Code runtime averaged over all the calls since start or reset. CALLS: Number of calls in the last executed frame. AVG: Number of calls divided by the number of frames since start or reset. You can reset these counters with the Reset button. You can enable/disable the display of any calls not called in the last frame with the Show zero calls button.
  7. @linuxgurugamerA compliment to this great mod for coders is to use the Profiler that is in the Kerbalism and Trajectories GitHub sources. See the Profiler.cs file
  8. New release is up! Version 2.2.2 for all versions of KSP from v1.3.1 to v1.6.x Download from GitHub or Spacedock Full Changelog: For those not aware, the latest version of MM that works with your version of KSP is recommended. np, needed doing
  9. Did you mean: New release is up! Version 2.1.2 for literally every KSP version since 1.3 now supports MM 4.0.2 Download from GitHub or Spacedock
  10. @Xordus You will get a faster response on the Discord server, especially anything regarding the code side of Kerbalism, see below @garoand_ran There is an error in a file that ckan uses to do its thing and has caused a few issues, you can install manually from GitHub, Spacedock or get a dev build with a few extra bug fixes from the server linked in the discord faq channel Discord Invite
  11. @Abrecan what @JebIsDeadBaby said is correct, you will find the files that contain the references in the GameData/Kerbalism/Localization folder. To anyone using VSR and having problems I'm just letting you know that a bug was found and fixed lately that may (and that's a slight may) have also been causing your VSR problems.
  12. I have something for the next release that should if it works ok, allow for a single Trajectories release to work on all versions of KSP. Same thing that is done with the latest releases of Kerbalism
  13. @Waseemq1235 You need this dev build of kOS https://www.dropbox.com/s/ykvqsqlgc8714h3/kOS_develop.zip?dl=0
  14. I've stated multiple times in this thread that Trajectories is compatible with 1.5
  15. The forum thread title is out of date as @Kobymaru has not updated it since he has been awol, personally I don't have privileges to be able to update the title. Trajectories latest release is working fine on 1.5.x I might start a new thread tbh.
  16. @squidgeny RemoteTech can be used with Kerbalism. Read the docs more closely
  17. @KiltedKerbal Best place to ask would be on Discord
  18. @BadManiac @Brigadier @GrayTech @rsparkyc Same issue. Updated CC_RemoteTech.dll is available here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3vhw8kteydjzwk2/CC_RemoteTech.dll?dl=0
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