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Everything posted by PiezPiedPy

  1. I'll say it again, those using RemoteTech will need the latest release of RemoteTech. You will also need the ContractConfigurator dll posted on the Discord server if you are using ContractConfigurator and RemoteTech. Also if you want to use an old savegame with RemoteTech you will need Kerbalism v1.8.1 from the source as it contains the fix for old savegame compatibility with RemoteTech.
  2. @eberkain Only the monoprop resource is added to EVA, the jetpacks themselves are not touched. @scottadges the CKAN install is useless. Also I suggest you download the v1.8.1 source from GitHub (it has the savegame compatibility fix) and use the copy of Kerbalism in the GameData folder that is in the source. Delete your old Kerbalism folder before install. And use the latest versions of RemoteTech and Toolbar Controller they have had changes made for Kerbalism, also you will need the ContractConfigurator dll I posted on the Discord server
  3. @Dia Science transmission does not cost more ec anymore because antennas are now always on if deployed, reason being is that they are transmitting telemetry, the ec cost is used for extending range and transmission speed. Jetpacks have not been touched in Kerbalism, no idea why they are not working for you. tbh I think CKAN is a waste of time for installing Kerbalism, it always causes trouble.
  4. @Lisias That's all it needs, you got it nearly right, take out the return false public bool PowerShutdownFlag { get; set; } I added the new method to RT for Kerbalism. Here is a build for those who need it https://www.dropbox.com/s/3vhw8kteydjzwk2/CC_RemoteTech.dll?dl=0 @wartime @nightingale I've posted a PR to GitHub with the fix
  5. @Daedalus451 There is a fixed dll over on the Discord if you want to grab it
  6. @Citizen247 Glad you got it working, a lot has changed regarding the signals system including EC costs of internal antennas used for control
  7. @Daedalus451 I've found the problem with the saves, It's due to old RT antennas not having the new data attached to them. I am going to attempt a way to detect the rouge antennas and apply default values, hope it works. @Citizen247 manned craft using large amounts of EC is due to a mod conflict. If I remember right it was Near Future
  8. @Daedalus451 Problem is due to old save game compatibility. Looking to see if the old save game file can be edited to get it to work, otherwise I'm afraid it's a new game start
  9. @Daedalus451 Can you try a new Save Game, I think the problem might be old save game incompatibility. I'm working on the problem right now with someone, It would help if you joined the Discord Server and posted your KSP.log there @andre___da What solar panels? stock or from a mod
  10. For those having issues, try deleting your Kerbalism folder and reinstalling manually from the Spacedock release, not ckan. @Daedalus451 Are you using RemoteTech? if so you will need the latest RemoteTech release v1.8.13
  11. @Daedalus451 You will only need to adjust the Rule interval rates for Eating and drinking (multiply them by 4 for 24hr days), all other processes are calculated per second and will scale automatically. rates for breathing, atmos leaks and some others may need changing, I will look into it, with plans to add a parameter to the settings.cfg for adjusting scale for a future release.
  12. @bunjatec there is an EPL.cfg file in the Kerbalism/Support folder, you could add MM patches in there. @eberkain Could be a number of issues why, could be a mod conflict, would need more info to help, i.e. screenshots, version etc. @scottadges Something weird has happened there, Kerbalism has thrown an exception because the Kerbal has mysteriously exploded and disappeared from memory.
  13. @bunjatec CO2 for the MRE process is in v.1.8.0 which has not ben released yet. @lajoswinkler Add an issue on GitHub, maybe one of the other devs will pick it up, Radiation belts aint my thing, probably best to ping Gordon Dry on the Discord, as far as I know he knows how to edit the Belts.
  14. @lajoswinkler FYI the containers in the next release have been recalculated using their real volumes and densities of the resources contained within also the radial containers will use pressures used by IRL industry e.g. The Huge Radial Containers with XenonGas @180 bar is 185418.00 units in v1.8.0 If you ask nice on the Discord server you will get a pre-release
  15. @Daedalus451 I am going to assume the problem is with scrapyard, I've never had the problem your having regarding malfunctioning parts, but I have never used scrapyard, Kerbalism see's parts as individual parts, no idea what scrapyard is doing to upset that
  16. @Daedalus451 Try changing KSP's Settings->General->Gameplay->Display Kerbin Time to Earth timing.
  17. @Darkherring The icons bug is hopefully fixed, should be available in the upcoming v.1.8.0 release
  18. @Darkherring It's a known problem, one of the reasons that causes it is if you Alt-Tab out of KSP while it is loading. On a side note when installing mods you should delete the mods folder before installing an update, sometimes files can be moved or deleted in the mod and just copying the folder over can cause there to be duplicate files and/or files that should be removed remaining in the folder which can cause all sorts of mayhem. Kerbalism v1.8.0 is an ideal example because of the changes to the Parts folder.
  19. @Aelios All rates are units/second. Don't forget densities matter. I don't see any discrepancies in the UI. The rates in the config are maximum values a process can process per capacity. Capacity is defined it the config slots, for example the pods have a capacity of 1.67 per crew for a single slot, so one slot in a pod for the scrubber with a capacity of 1.67 allows (0.0202/s * 1.67 = 0.034/s). Also in game you may not reach these values if the resources are not available, the processes will only process what they can up to their limit. If you are running a scrubber while you have a greenhouse then the scrubber will take priority. Note that one Greenhouse can only process the WasteAtmosphere and produce the O2 for one crew member and only half the food requirements for that crew member. So two crew members with one scrubber and a greenhouse is 0.04/s WasteAtmosphere from breathing, the scrubber will process a max of 0.034/s leaving 0.006/s for the greenhouse which will then need 0.019/s CO2 from storage which makes the 0.025/s required. 0.034/s - 0.019/s = 0.015/s excess CO2 which will remain in storage if there is space or be vented overboard. All to produce 0.028/s O2 for one crew member with the other crew member using its 0.28/s of O2 from storage. If you have any more questions it's easier to chat on Kerbalisms Discord. Also here are some images that may explain better See the image below with the Scrubber running. Breathing produces 0.020/s WasteAtmosphere, Scrubber converts that into 0.020/s CO2. Greenhouse then takes 0.025/s CO2 and produces 0.028/s O2 which is then used for breathing and the cycle repeats. The image below without the scrubber. Breathing produces 0.020/s WasteAtmosphere, Greenhouse uses it in place of CO2 but it is not enough so it takes the extra CO2 it needs from storage at 0.319/m (/60 = 0.005/s). 0.020 + 0.005 = 0.025/s total CO2 The greenhouse then converts that into 0.028/s O2 which is used for breathing.
  20. @Krik At the moment a Kerbal's WasteWater output is equal to its Water input. What goes in comes out. The water recycler reclaims 85% of the Water in the WasteWater, same as the ISS design targets. I plan on adding Wastes to the Planner for the next release if N70 is ok with it @AngrybobH I'm not familiar with the reliability code yet, hopefully someone else can help. I would assume that last and next are the times that the last failure happened and next is when the next failure will occur, whether these times are in seconds or milliseconds I do not know.
  21. @scottadges All I can suggest is to delete the Kerbalism folder, reinstall Kerbalism and try again, or maybe there is a typo in your settings.cfg above the ui settings, a typo in the .cfg will stop it from being read by Kerbalism. @Masochist As @lordcirth pointed out, Universal Storage 2 is coming soon, so I wouldn't work on it until then.
  22. @Masochist There are no support files for Universal Storage in Kerbalism. Post an issue on GitHub asking for its support and it might get added one day
  23. @scottadges v.1.7.1 has a big problem with MM and should not be used, you should use v. that has the fix, you can download it from Spacedock. Don't forget to also install CRP as Kerbalism depends on it for the resource definitions. For the UI scale just keep setting it higher until you can read the text. Also the monitor panel is not moveable, one day that might change but it won't be any time soon. @AngrybobH You can use v1.7.1.1 with any KSP 1.4.x version
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