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Everything posted by dok_377

  1. The fairings themselves can be essential for some crafts. Building custom capsules with rovers in them, for example. That's how I found that bug, because my Duna rover with custom capsule doesn't work how it should anymore. Even if you somehow manage to get rid of the decouple bug (which i figured out how to do in this case), then you get slapped in the face by the byproduct of that bug: rcs doesn't fire until you de-render the fairing, which is impossible in the atmosphere due to extended render range. And my skycrane relies on rcs for orientation. I'm not even going to start imagining how many designs are going to be broken due to this change. Even the basic rockets in some cases. I'm not saying that it's straight up unplayable, but it can be almost as bad as broken aerodynamics. Some people might not even see that much of a change, but other people crafts might not work at all. Either way, no biggie, my duty here is to report a bug, not tell people how fast they should do their job.
  2. It seems like 1.7.1 is needed indeed. I found a bug with interstage fairings: https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/21915
  3. You just need to make a copy of Trajectories16 and rename it to Trajectories17. That's it.
  4. Can confirm, seeing it as well. It seems like developers renamed some of the files and structural elements on kerbal's body during the revamp process, if I had to guess.
  5. That's some good texturing work, I'm impressed. It's basically seamless. Sadly thumper isn't revamped (yet). Maybe in the next update.
  6. Where is the third SRB (the biggest one)? It's on the picture, but I don't see it in game.
  7. Yes, i can clearly see what's happening on the tracker (on my own report, frankly), but it's a little bit concerning. Especially if you consider that it was reported three months ago and there was already two patches released with quite some time inbetween them.
  8. Is this even going to be fixed or not? https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/18712
  9. Yes, tried all of that. It's like my steam client doesn't see the other files for the localization and thinks there is only one choice, seems like that's why when I'm choosing other language nothing is happening. Steam restart does not forcing the update because all the files is up to date, they just not the ones I need. And for the same reason ksp runs without any complaints for updates. Oh well, I guess I'm just gonna live with that for now. I'm playing on the english version anyway, just wanted to test this localization and see what's new. Maybe when the full update is out it's gonna sort itself out. Thanks for your time.
  10. Of course I'm changing the language of the game and run the correct copy. It looks like my steam properties for the language is not doing anything for some reason. Even if I change it, nothing is downloading. Might be a problem on my end, tried other game and it didn't work either. Edit: Nope. Just tried it on fallout 3 and it immediately queued an update. For some games this works, for some don't. Sadly for me, ksp is one of the not working ones.
  11. It seems like I can't switch it to russian. Language switch does nothing, game just downloads original english files even if I delete it completely and redownload from scratch.
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