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  1. any alternatives to effectively change AOA without user interaction mods or otherwise
  2. i have to micro manage the angle of attack which can make flying and hovering a masterwork of piloting being able to automate this action would be of great use and should have been a feature in the first place without a way to change the attack angle based off of flight data i cant accurately control my craft with a good level of certainty being able to feed my decent rate into the Kal-1000 and have it change my pitch based on that would make it so that i could focus on maintaining level flight in a hover or a controlled rate of climb or descent each craft would have to change the angles based off of mass and power so it still takes work to get right but whats the point in having a helicopter if you can never land the dam thing without crashing
  3. as the wiki page states you need to have a understanding of the forces at play to get the most out of your turboprop i want to use the kal-1000 to dynamically change my angle of attack relative to my air speed but cant find a way to do so. alternatives are welcome because i cant find any way to change the attack angle passively that would be effective.
  4. so the general idea requires 2 mods we all know and love 1 is bd armory the other is the unwieldy red headed step child extra-planetary launch pads- thank god for the stock parts addon for this . iv seen sw denes add bd armory guns onto a single part model before so if and this is a big if you could take the craft file of the player made ship drone rover etc whatever your going to use to attack with and it takes the parts and aero data from it but turns it into a single part model for low parts count and adds in a bd ai then you should be on the right track for haveing a battle without murdering your frame rate the downside it's one part so it would have a hp bar so to speak rather than dynamic battle like watching a plane go down when it loses a wing. the other piece is bases and iv been thinking kerbin side can add in structures anywhere so why not make a centerpiece like a town hall piece that can be placed off world a part that can be constructed using EPL or transported to another planet it clamps into the ground and the model is replaced with a world part a persistent model like the VAB/SPH then you have a pop-up menu that let's you select the next persistent base model you would like to build and the base starts sucking up resources to build it once the tank stats are full for the building it saves ads the new part and either place's it in a predetermined spot or gives you a base module to place like you did the center piece so that every base can be individualized it would be posable to add in RTS elements other than battle like resource management by using something like the usi mods to manage the populace and usi has a nice warehouse system going for it that would work so that you don't have to directly link all your bases together to share resources i don't pretend to know how to even remotely start coding for this i can't even mod a texture with a tutorial thermal damage for the rts units would be a combined total of all the parts thermal resistance divided by the number of parts it has. example 2 parts thermal rateing is 1500 on one and 2400 on the other 3900 divided by 2 becomes 1950 total so i have no dought that getting this to work and getting the mods involved to work with kerbal multiplayer would be a nightmare but haveing this would bring so much more to the game it would make our dreams of carrier baced space battles real it would make building off-world more important to protect yourself from the rebel army's in the campaign as you head from planet to planet securing your bases against the attacking fleets the easy way to add in space battles with bots is to add scripted events into the game where they add ships in on a collision course when you pass altitude markers between planets they are advanced attackers so they can just warp in/spawn and encounters as for ground/air-based battles spawn in random script events a certain distance away from a planetary base that the player placed some random base's around other planets that the player can attack it adds substance into the sandbox and it makes advancing more rewarding when you actually land on a planet even if you take out the bd weapons pack it would make a nice base/resource management mod if not the best one. think of it like adding a mmo rts to ksp so advancing brings new benefits like money resources science maybe some kind of resource that the attackers drop to create your bases or units with it's just a thought but i think its a good one anyone is free to take my idea, in fact, i encourage it because I want to see this. ps upgrading to a newer cooler looking model would be just like creating a new base module so that we can go from like a first base made out of a shack and cardboard boxes to a thriving futuristic city it's almost a game in itself but maybe someone can run it by the devs and see if wee can't have it as some kind of DLC or something there's a pole as well for people who wish to vote and see what other people think is the best idea in all this I will most likely never look at this so don't expect updates its just an idea hopefully someone takes it and runs with it. so look for more on it if some one decides to pick it up
  5. i made an account to tell you just how much i love this mod and i hope to see more from it in the future. the mod could use some kind of use for your masssive 2-1 salt reactor there is curently no benifit for its cost to weight not even for mineing. keep up the good work its a difficult thred to find if you could put more updates in more places saying that the mod is still active im sure people would thank you for it.
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