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  1. Love to the whole current and past Squad team for making an unforgettable game. I have not killed any Kerbal in a while but I will definitely come back to make some launchpad explosions in the last and greatest version. Also, I’m looking forward to next year!
  2. No! The fun would be over on the next morning already!!
  3. No, it does not work, you can read about it in this thread. Also, you're making too sharp turn with your rocket
  4. I'd love to finally see announcement on what next DLC is going to be
  5. He seems to live in Poland and he speaks polish but his english is better than his polish
  6. I'd recommend installing all recommended () mods too (you can skip RT and TACLS if you want) and FASA+Taerobee from suggested mods list. Make sure that you configure KCT to use RP-0 config.
  7. Thanks a lot, really appreciate your support!!! Maybe ckan expert @HebaruSan knows a magic solution to the problem?
  8. I guess this trick is not possible for HangarExtender or RCSBuildAid as they do not "provide" anything. Thanks anyway!
  9. Hi, mods sometimes depend on mods which had been taken over by another maintainer and the newer versions are published as a separate mod (continued, expanded, reloaded, etc). A good example are FerramAerospaceResearch and FerramAerospaceResearchContinued. I'd like to make my mod dependent on FAR in a way that would first check whether original one is available to be used in my KSP version - if it is then FAR is installed by CKAN and if not then FARContinued is installed. With such a setup, original FAR would be installed on 1.3.1 but FARContinued on 1.5.1. Is this possible?
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