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Everything posted by itsaps

  1. Sadly this was not what I was looking for.... You got some aspects right, but all in all I wanted to get rid of any force while dumping fuel. If the "dump" RCS port would be for dumping only this would not be bad at all, one could still put on normal ports for manoevering and control the dump ports via action toggles, just on and off... But I think I would have to edit the .mu models itself so to exchange the RCS Thrusters with normal Engine thrusters on a 4 way RCS. This is to tricky for me now and I would go for a different solution now: Take the 1kN tiny engine which runs on different fuel sources, edit exhaust and consumption rates, drop the thrust and place 2 of them in mirror alignment around a very tiny fuel tank. Save as a subassembly and done. This satisfies me needs for now.
  2. Uh that's a very good hint, I'll try that soon!!
  3. That was my idea too so that's exaclty what I've done, but the activation is the problem... Even the linear thruster is only responsive to the rotation/translation controls. If I could get rid of that, the problem would be solved...
  4. Hmm I thought of that already, but often I have a few round and pressurized tanks placed inside some fairing or storage bay - so the vent placed directly on the tank could possibly not be accessed. In RO you get a plugin, which lets you configure which resource is used by an rcs port (you select it in the VAB). There are pressure only resources like helium and there are hypergolic resources like UDHM + NTO. In real life if the hypergolic fuels are mixed, they instantly react and produce thrust. For a realistic experience, I would like to maintain the thrust values for pressure-only-resources and lower the thrust for the hypergolic ones, where I need a vent for each one of the resources. So I already can assign a RCS thruster to have like 0.1kN Thrust and just use UDHM for example. But it fires only with the typical control and center-of-mass scheme... I'm trying now to force a engine like behavior on them (so if you throttle up - just "vent is open" and fire on all ports, independent of the COM or controls) but had no success yet. Do you think I can grap the plugin behavior of the e.g. Smart Parts mod and use it for throttle action on the RCS port?
  5. Thank you for your response! Yes had a look at them but the thing is, smart parts does only drain one tanks content and then you cannot select which resource... And the vapor vent is afaik only the effect but not the drain of fuel...
  6. Hello community members! I'm quite extensive messing around with mods on my RSS RO 1.22 Version. Recently I got the feeling it would be nice to have a fuel vent for getting rid of those toxic and reactive fuels in rcs systems etc. before reentry or recovery. Searches in the forums suggest mostly the http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/tac-fuel-balancer-v1-0/ which would do the job, but there is one thing that bothers me with it: no effects - there is no smoke tail coming with it... So here is my idea for a "simple" solution: Take a normal quad rcs asset, modify the .cfg with minimum thrust values and single fuel source modes (like the rcs selection in RO, just split the components up to prevent hypergolic reactions) and increase the fuel drain rates to realistic values. The rcs has already the beautiful firing effects and staging and enabling comes along with the "stock" version but what I have not figured out yet: Is it possible to modify a quad rcs so to use all four directions thrusters together so the total applied force is nearly 0? Fore by throttle and always full action would be preferred... After this I would try to link a different sound to the firing, would be nice tho. Otherwise, if anyone gets an idea for any other fuel vent solution for RO fuels I would appreciate your opinions.
  7. Hello, maybe a little late but here is what I found out in my RO version: The cells work fine with hydrogen and oxygen (both not liquid!) but the problem is the storage density of them which requires huge tanks for storing a decent amount... But there is a slow rate of conversion (and I'm currently searching for it's origin, might be realheat) between LH2 to H2 and LOX to OX if you have both tanks and the not-liquid one was drained. Actually this transfer happens at a very low rate and I think this is now only practicle for emergency power source rather than long duration electric supply from fuel cells....
  8. Update: I tracked Research Bodies had the last action before the messages started, I removed the mod and it looks good now. Since I'm in love with RB I will try a few things now to get it running... Sorry for the initial blame on your mod
  9. Hello, thanks for the great mod first of all @Nereid!! I can only image how much work this is at all... I just wanted to report a problem whose origin I do not know up to now but it causes FF to spam up the logfiles in an endless loop and so also nearly freezes KSP. It happens sometimes when I leave atmo at Earth (playing RSS,RO..). Could be related to when I have 4x time-acceleration and keep it while flying into space... The game starts to simulate very slow and the logs show FF messages like: FF: kerbal added: Ernest Hale FF: hall of fame refreshed FF: kerbal status change: Ernest Hale from Available to Assigned at time 35401160.5199481 FF: hall of fame refreshed ..... in an endless loop. Log files are here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9a02bsarwcra5lw/AACgA6zM1EXppSEdJHFdZLDOa?dl=0 I know I run not the latest KSP version and a bunch of other mods, but maybe someone has an idea whats going on.
  10. I'd love to have this log too! Other mods like Kerbalism could use it too, to store the messages there after they showed up on screen. Please someone own this challenge.
  11. You are right, I tried "clever sats" but already removed it again (because of the exceptions). Still the error is there, I've no clue from where it comes. I'll try your suggestion later on.
  12. @Galileo Alright, did not know this file before but here is the output_log.txt from KSP_x64_Data: https://www.dropbox.com/s/o2285brqaywye8m/output_log_02.txt?dl=0
  13. @Galileo Here is the whole file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/b9tuqcu4tufqkup/KSP_02.log?dl=0 I'm cleaning up and so gone thought the EXC parts first.
  14. Hello, does anyone also has these lines in the KSP log file? I'm using KSP 1.2.2 x64, GPP and few other mods....
  15. hey very nice work alex! I got to dig into my log files for an other reason but I could find following lines: I'm using 1.4 installed by ckan. Spacedock is currently down so I could not check if the files are there in the zip... In my case these files are not present and somehow requested by the parts. Anyhow it's a tiny thing and might not cause a problem yet.
  16. Thanks for the response! I double checked on the PP Version and I had downloaded the same version you specify, strangly in the version file it says 1.2.8 but ok this should be the same you have. Yes I installed DR 7.5.0 (via CKAN) but I'll try again now also manually and post the logfile then. EDIT: With the manual install it seems to be working now, I get no errors any more and all goes well what I can see. The failure was reproduceable yesterday but either a pc restart or the different installation solved it.... I tried again also with CKAN it was ok now. No idea why it was so weird yesterday, maybe something with module manager cache. Nevermind, fresh restart solved it - alright.
  17. Tryed to install this mod again (already used it with pleasure on 1.1.3) but I get failures on parts then. When I enter the VAB only a few filter sections work to be displayed and when I select a non working one I get a exception, the parts of the selected filter are not displayed and the previouse section stays there. Also any switch afterwords is not working any more. Search for a part also... could this be a problem with interaction of another mod?
  18. I get the same issue here. When timewrapping the screen flashes red - as soon as the wrap stops all goes back to normal. Edit: I uninstalled persitent thrust an the effect is gone
  19. Hm althougth I own a huge amount of mods, EVA handrails seems to be none of them... Guess I will either have to check it part by part or I take a big step forward and upgrade to KSP 1.2, start up clean with testing each mod seperatly. I'm just sad about the hours to spend on design and launch a venus orbiter with extreme realism style and now I can't travel there . Here is my small GameData list: 12.12.2016 19:47 <DIR> 000_Toolbar 12.12.2016 19:47 <DIR> 000_USITools 12.12.2016 19:47 <DIR> AJE 12.12.2016 19:47 <DIR> AsteroidDay 12.12.2016 19:47 <DIR> AtmosphereAutopilot 12.12.2016 19:47 <DIR> AtmosphericSoundEnhancement 12.12.2016 19:47 <DIR> AviationLights 12.12.2016 19:47 <DIR> B9_Aerospace_ProceduralWings 10.12.2016 15:42 28 672 BackgroundProcessing_V0.4.4.0.dll 12.12.2016 19:47 <DIR> BDAnimationModules 12.12.2016 19:47 <DIR> BetterBurnTime 12.12.2016 19:47 <DIR> BTAProceduralPartsTextures 12.12.2016 19:48 <DIR> CactEye 12.12.2016 19:48 <DIR> CommunityResourcePack 26.12.2016 22:47 <DIR> CommunityTechTree 12.12.2016 19:48 <DIR> ConnectedLivingSpace 12.12.2016 19:48 <DIR> Constellations 19.12.2016 02:00 <DIR> ContractConfigurator 12.12.2016 19:48 <DIR> ContractPacks 12.12.2016 19:48 <DIR> CTTP 12.12.2016 19:48 <DIR> CustomBarnKit 12.12.2016 19:48 <DIR> DeadlyReentry 12.12.2016 19:48 <DIR> Diazo 12.12.2016 19:48 <DIR> DistantObject 12.12.2016 19:48 <DIR> DMagicOrbitalScience 12.12.2016 19:48 <DIR> DMagicScienceAnimate 12.12.2016 19:48 <DIR> EasyVesselSwitch 12.12.2016 19:48 <DIR> EngineGroupController 12.12.2016 19:48 <DIR> EngineLight 12.12.2016 19:48 <DIR> EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements 12.12.2016 19:48 <DIR> EvaFuel 12.12.2016 19:48 <DIR> ExperimentTracker 12.12.2016 19:48 <DIR> FerramAerospaceResearch 12.12.2016 19:48 <DIR> FieldExperience 12.12.2016 19:48 <DIR> Firespitter 26.12.2016 23:23 <DIR> FogOfTech 12.12.2016 19:48 <DIR> ForgottenRealEngines 12.12.2016 19:48 <DIR> FP_DPSoundFX 12.12.2016 19:48 <DIR> FShangarExtender 26.12.2016 23:10 <DIR> HideEmptyTechTreeNodes 12.12.2016 19:48 <DIR> HotSpot 24.02.2017 22:19 <DIR> HullCameraVDS 12.12.2016 19:48 <DIR> Impact 12.12.2016 19:48 <DIR> JSI 12.12.2016 19:48 <DIR> KAS 12.12.2016 19:48 <DIR> KAX 12.12.2016 19:48 <DIR> KDS 12.12.2016 19:48 <DIR> KeepFit 12.12.2016 19:48 <DIR> KerbalConstructionTime 06.03.2017 17:41 <DIR> KerbalEngineer 12.12.2016 19:48 <DIR> KerbalFlightData 12.12.2016 19:48 <DIR> KerbalFlightIndicators 12.12.2016 19:48 <DIR> KerbalHacks 12.12.2016 20:24 <DIR> Kerbalism 12.12.2016 19:48 <DIR> KerbalJointReinforcement 12.12.2016 19:48 <DIR> KerbalKrashSystem 12.12.2016 19:48 <DIR> Kerbaltek 12.12.2016 19:48 <DIR> KerbQuake 12.12.2016 19:48 <DIR> KipEng 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> KIS 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> Kopernicus 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> kOS 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> kPM 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> KRASH 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> KSCSwitcher 06.03.2017 17:41 <DIR> KSP-AVC 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> KWRocketry 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> LightsOut 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> MagiCore 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> MagicSmokeIndustries 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> MainSailor 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> MechJeb2 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> ModsByTal 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> ModularFlightIntegrator 05.12.2016 19:53 62 464 ModuleManager.2.6.25.dll 09.02.2017 11:57 <DIR> MyConfigs 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> NavyFish 28.02.2017 22:09 <DIR> OLDD 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> PersistentRotation 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> PersistentThrust 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> PlanetShine 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> PluginData 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> ProceduralFairings 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> ProceduralFairings-ForEverything 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> ProceduralParts 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> RCSBuildAid 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> RcsSounds 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> RealChute 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> RealFuels 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> RealHeat 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> RealismOverhaul 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> RealPlume 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> RealSolarSystem 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> ReentryParticleEffect 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> RemoteTech 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> REPOSoftTech 19.12.2016 11:15 <DIR> ResearchBodies 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> RN_Skylab 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> RN_Solar_Panels 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> RN_US_Probes 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> RoverScience 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> RP-0 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> RSS-Textures 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> RSSDateTime 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> RW Saturatable 12.12.2016 19:49 <DIR> SCANsat 12.12.2016 19:50 <DIR> scatterer 12.12.2016 19:50 <DIR> ShipEffects 12.12.2016 19:50 <DIR> ShipManifest 12.12.2016 19:50 <DIR> Sigma 12.12.2016 19:50 <DIR> SiliskoIndustries 12.12.2016 19:50 <DIR> SmokeScreen 12.12.2016 19:50 <DIR> Solar Science 12.12.2016 19:50 <DIR> SolarSailNavigator 12.12.2016 19:50 <DIR> SolverEngines 12.12.2016 19:50 <DIR> spacetux 12.12.2016 19:50 <DIR> StageRecovery 12.12.2016 19:50 <DIR> StationScience 12.12.2016 19:50 <DIR> StockVisualEnhancements 12.12.2016 19:50 <DIR> SurfaceExperimentPackage 12.12.2016 19:50 <DIR> SurfaceLights 08.02.2017 20:47 <DIR> SVEKopernicus 12.12.2016 19:50 <DIR> SwitchVessel 12.12.2016 19:50 <DIR> SXT 12.12.2016 19:50 <DIR> Taerobee 12.12.2016 19:50 <DIR> TakeCommand 12.12.2016 19:50 <DIR> TextureReplacer 12.12.2016 19:50 <DIR> ThunderAerospace 12.12.2016 19:50 <DIR> Trajectories 12.12.2016 19:50 <DIR> TriggerTech 12.12.2016 19:50 <DIR> TweakScale 12.12.2016 19:50 <DIR> UmbraSpaceIndustries 12.12.2016 19:50 <DIR> UniversalStorage 12.12.2016 19:50 <DIR> VenStockRevamp 12.12.2016 19:50 <DIR> VesselView 12.12.2016 19:50 <DIR> WaypointManager 12.12.2016 19:50 <DIR> WheelSounds 12.12.2016 19:50 <DIR> WhitecatIndustries
  20. Hi, I know this is quite an old topic now but just wanted to say that also I'm currently facing a similar problem. I've got a vessel launched, circularized, escaped and corrected fine without a error in one session. Days later when loading the save, I can see a "Mass = NaN" in the tracking station and loading the vessel unleashes the kraken with errors, empty screen and a crash if I try to go back to space center with "pure virtual function call" error message. If you got already a clue what's up with this please, please, please let me know . I already relaunched the same vessel to earth orbit - then save game - copy the vessel into previouse savegame with keeping the previouse orbit data, but still the same outcome with NaN and so on...
  21. The orbit introduced power change on the solar-panels is still here, now the screenshots follow. What I could find out already, it sems there is no dependency on: - altitude - inclination - degree to periapsis - temperature - biome - remote connection status But the higher I raise the craft - the shorter the zone seems to be. And I think there is at least one quickload needed (my simulation mod does it always) to enable the behavior. Before the zone: Entered zone: 4 times power In the zone Still in the zone And finally left decreasing to the nominal value
  22. What were your actions for updating? Was it like: install game version, install all mods? Or also transfer own configurations and stuff? I recently start digging into the config files deeper and the closer I look the more I can find missmatches/collisions between mods and also a bunch of work to enable "non RSS" mods to apply their stuff also for my RSS version... The last months I spent more time outside the game than inside Ok I guess you are more into plane constructions? Have you used/ Are you using FAR? BTW: does anyone have a CommunityResourcePack version for RSS (materials assign to the corresponding planets)?
  23. Hello Astronauts and Kerbonauts, I wonder which version is currently more popular among the modding community. For some reasons I would appreciate 1.2 and further more due to stability and some stock game improvements, but currently for my realistic modded KSP I still use the version 1.1.3. Althougth it takes about 10GB Ram and a whole 10min startup time - there are some mods I am completly missing in higher versions and as long as they will not be updated, so won't I. What's your opinion? Which versions do you prefer and why?
  24. Ok since I could not figure out what is the origin of the downscale factor I just modified my power multipliers and this works now. I wonder when the orbital changes come back....
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