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Everything posted by Jeq

  1. Top part is user input. Lower part is results for suggested engines for that vessel. It show at ksp2 most light weight setup for 1.6twr and 2600dv from eve surface would be 35 dart engines and it would weight 152.83t. For ksp most lightweight setupf for 1.6twr and 2600dv from eve surface would be 1 mammoth engine and it would weight 100,1t. For other engines, things gets even worse. You need 11 vector engines 180t or 5mammoths 271t or 11 rhinos 180t. Upper stages weight would look almost identical for ksp1.
  2. Left side we have KSP 2: 20tonne vessel from sea level, right side we have same vessel in KSP 1 Calculator uses same info as ksp and ksp 2 provides in tracking station and part info at VAB, planet gravity, asl pressures, engine vacuum isp and asl isp for kerbin, then asl isp for eve can be calculated using this parameters. I have no opinion is this better or worse, just bringing facts here, no one need to get offeded. Like escaping from Venus, it would be impossible for our current tech in real life if i estimate it right, it has Earth gravity but multiple times bigger airpressures would make any engine not make thrust at all. Eve escape was ultimate achievement for ksp players, it still can be done in ksp 2 but its way harder. On the other hand, when colonies arrives Eve escape comes lot easier than in KSP 1 if you don't have to land your whole rocket first.
  3. Orbit is same than in KSP 1, 46,400km, when i played and calculated orbits at KSP 1, speed of minmus and orbit speeds matches at that altitude for real calculations.
  4. Because KSP must be mathematically correct. If its incorrect then developers will have huge problems making anything work. If minmus moves at incorrect speed at its current orbit then its incorrect and cannot be calculated.
  5. I tested in this video. Both videos i set apogee to 46,400km and moved maneuver node until it matched arrival at apogee with minmus. At navball you can see how different positions minmus is at KSP 1 than KSP 2 at start of burn. This is worrying me a lot. I am not talking real trasnfer angle, i am just using angle of target from prograde when making burn.
  6. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: win 11 | CPU: I7 | GPU: rtx 3080 ti | RAM: 32 Parachutes didn't deploy staging them. Vessel did drop over 200m/s second to water and survived .ipsImage { width: 900px !important; }
  7. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: windows 11 | CPU: i7 | GPU: rtx 3090 super | RAM: 32 Watch after 9:00. i don't know why parachutes didn't activate. And how command pod survived that crash.
  8. I think KSP 2 is so much beautiful. But currently there is some problems: It is faster and more accurate to make maneuver nodes in KSP 1, basic vessel has better basic colors and patterns at ksp 1 you have to tweak things in ksp 2 to make basic vessel look tolerable, UI is more clear at Ksp 1, timewarp seems to be too slow at low orbits at minmus in KSP 2, it is x4 when at 10km, so its almost better to use physical timewarp because at least it orientes vessel to correct direction when using sas maneuvering. 1)For texture patterns i would like to have options for patterns and some of them should look like original KSP. Especially first command pod must have original texture pattern, it is almost iconic. 2)For UI i would like ability to move some HUD elements to different location and resize them. 3)Timewarp low altitudes must be fixed, it takes too much time land from orbital maneuver with hoffmann, current timewarp engouraces suicide burns. I noticed this at Minmus, 4x time warp at 10km is way too slow. 4)maneuver nodes needs accurate user inputs, but i think this is under developement and changes at least when interstellar traveling comes and what we have now is just basic system to get it done. 5) At vab building, at ksp 1 pressing alt would only accept parts to attach to joints, while at ksp 2 pressing alt would accept parts to attach only surface, this is little bit confusing. Had hard times to understand how engine plates works. (at ksp if you attached anything on horizontal surface, it would count as unprotected from drag, at least this was case in fairings.) fixed: 6) I don't see TWR info in VAB or anywhere.
  9. At ksp 1 minmus transfer angle is 45 degrees, as almost any other moon and planet in game. Why it is almost 90 degrees at KSP 2? Mathemtaically was it wrong in ksp 1 or is it wrong in ksp 2? I noticed this when i were making comparison of ksp 1 and ksp 2 flight to minmus. https://youtu.be/P23Z5W8xYfQ?si=kMqlk8zWeBBnDIS6 KSP 1 maneuver is at 9:47 and KSP 2 maneuver 12:00 in video FIX: i am not talking real transfer angle, i am meaning angle between apoapsis of maneuver, kerbin and minmus. FIX FIX: It seems it doesn't differ
  10. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: win 11 | CPU: I9 | GPU: RTX 3080 TI | RAM: 64 happened twice: 1)In VAB, hit ESC button. Change from fullscreen to borderless and after that game seems to confuse everything, you can timewarp, you can't edit vessel. If you go to main menu, main menu doesn't have any UI. 2) This happened today, but not at same situation at all: I crashed very large vessel at launch pad, returned to VAB, pressed launch button and then this freeze appeared.
  11. This could be great, we all spend lot of time at Ksp 1, it would be great traveling between Ksp 1 and Ksp 2 world, bring old worlds to new. There are worlds where brains has used hundreds of hours time, let's not get that time go waste.
  12. Yes KSP had VR mod, unfortunately it seems project was abandoned. VR was very easy to enable in KSP 1 version of unity, even i could enable offical VR mode of unity to KSP, but hud adjusting is very difficult to do with mods. KSP 2 Version of unity to implement VR is more difficult, it isn't just couple of parameters in-game files you change, VR has to be enabled inside of editor itself.
  13. Based on my 4k time in kerbal, SAS kraken is happening mainly because of SAS gimbals engines so violently. Engines gimbals are very unrealistic fast from one point to another. Even upper stage engines, which doesn't have yet decoupled to use, are gimbaling inside vessel. You can get almost all kraken problems of space stations away if you turn off engine gimbals. Gimbal should be more dynamical.
  14. AI has ability allready to generate missions for KSP, now if we could get it implemented into KSP 2 it would be great! No more mirrored missions of couple part differences.
  15. I am using lot of spreadsheets at ksp, until i figured out i can make them as an web app. (I have rocket planner, hofmann calculator, trajectory calculators, engine suggestor etc etc) It could be handy if user could make own in-game apps which helps giving some info about current goals and situations. Maybe shareable programs. This could be mod but to get most out of it at future and get into every aspect of game (deep access to modules, robotics too) this should be stock.
  16. I was actually thinking this too at work today. AI could help with number crunching but its human task to make correct formula. You might be right. But i remember one bug at KSP which i found using KOS mod which revealed that any vessel were rattling small amount of xyz position, it was almost impossible to see but it caused vessels move at surface for no reason. I reported my founding to KSP developers and they found a way to dampen floating errors, today vessels stay mostly still if they are at even surface, some kraken still exists especially with those long thick metal poles. This same rattling may happen at KSP 2 too if it uses same coordination system as KSP.
  17. Are you planning of making sounds work at Luna Multiplayer too? Any of new sounds are silent on other players, except rover wheels seems to have sounds. I was excepting to hear propeller sounds, dobbler effect and sonic booms, and make them hear from lot further. KSP vehicles cannot be heard very far away from, like real planes. And plane close flyby should be very frightening sounding, ARMA 3 did it well.
  18. I think they should add VR unoffical just for people whom want's it can try it. It could even be one thing which modders would be interested about, and ksp is all about mods.
  19. While you may calculate accurate force between joints, game doesn't currently simulate vessel self collisions: Now when two parts are connected together just from one point you get bending rocket. In real life if you have two invidual cubes, if you put force on top cube it doesn't make cube fall sideways and away from other cube because cubes collides together even when they are not welded together. My suggestion is to make every part vessel self collide, game could check if there were clipped parts when building vessel and make new hitboxes for those parts for rest of vessels life. Either new hitboxes or hitbox mask which prevents collisions from preflight clipping parts. Material bending is what real life rocket engineers have to take on account, not material ghosting trought other material. If self collision isnt automatically on, it won't be realistic, ever. And i think simulation game should aim for realism.
  20. If human can detect it, it can be mathematically solved for computer to detect it. There is allways a solution. Even KSP log shows whenever something did collide to surface/other vessel.
  21. I believe kraken is bug in unity physics and before unity does something to it, developers has to find temporary solutions
  22. If ksp 2 will have vr support and robotics parts, how cool it would be to control your own robots with motion controllers and those parts following your movement. This could acually be tool for real life human controlled robotics.
  23. If you add variable for total momentum force of vessel, each moving part increases that force, game math could use that to detect if vessels momentum is growing for now reason (impacts or player inputs) and then game could actually damper those forces to their origin states. Even impacts and player inputs game could calculate how much new momentum force should be and correct and dampen anything abnormal activity. Just one variable.
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