Either the Load Game dialog or the Save Game one must have a 'Delete Game' option like the initial load game selection does
Staging view in VAB must remember its setting and not reset to 'icons only' every time the ship is changed. (KSP1 suffers from the same problem)
Staging view in VAB should default to the 'dV + TWR' setting rather than 'icons only'. (KSP1 suffers from the same problem)
Staging view in VAB should only have the 'icons only' and 'all info' setting choices. I personally, have never, ever, cared about the burn times but to each their own. dV & TWR are essential, always - the 'dV only' view is just noise
Panning the VAB view must not use Maya style middle-click-drag control. A long term gripe of mine, just because 3D artists are used to that, does not make it an acceptable control for games. When Wavefront, Maya, et al, started that, mice had three actual, real buttons by default. Spare us the RSI please
Following up on the above, no in-game control system ever should use middle-click-drag for anything, ever, as default
In the KSC buildings, transfer to the current building must be disallowed (Mission Control -> Mission Control, VAB -> VAB). Transfer to all other buildings should be allowed. (VAB -> Tracking). Probably a bug
In Tracking, maximum warp must always be allowed
Ship (workspace) thumbnail files must be deleted off disk when the workspace is deleted. Currently, only the .json and .meta files are deleted but the images are not. Probably a bug
In general, more warp! Especially on smaller rocks - Ike, Gilly.... 10-15 minutes real-time wait for the ship to make its way to the surface is not fun. KSP1 suffers from the same problem. Or possibly suffered? I've never gone to either rock a second time in 2k+ hours in KSP1, so I've no idea what the situation is nowadays.
It's been mentioned quite a few times, but worth repeating - the fonts, especially the smaller texts, are utterly unreadable. In my case, both on the 24-ish inch 1080p side monitor and the 19-inch 4k laptop screen.