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Everything posted by NESD

  1. Open Cockpit v 1.1.1 released bugfix only ( I hope now it will work)
  2. ohh God, I think what i fix all this crap before go out for couple of weeks @linuxgurugamer off course, i do it ( only ROVER type needed, not aircraft? ) Everyone, sorry for this foolish mistake, I just don't have career game and can't check it on my computer
  3. ---- UPDATED ---- version 1.1 for KSP 1.3.1 It's only service release to fix some bugs Added localization support and AVC checker. Fixed some module settings Changed texture type to DDS inside MU file I plan release it with some new parts but work slightly stuck because I spent more time to Streamline mod Hope this update can fix all problems that people reported me
  4. @GenjoKoan First cockpit on picture is already existing part, in work only rear gunner post. For two seater just use two common cockpits (no dual cockpit in single part in my plan now)
  5. @GenjoKoan Always welcome And yes, I'm still here and not sleeping (sometimes ) work continued, and I have many parts almost ready to release . . . to many . . . maybe I split this mod into two parts: engines, RCS and fuel to Propulsion (as exist) and other things to Construction ( or Structures, or something else, don't chose final name) So, what I have at this day . . . Adapters This is a final set, upper row (symmetrical) will be available immediately, other parts (non symmetrical) also included in download, but you can unpack it manually, and only parts that you actually needed for most stupid kerbal style constructions Set of self charging batteries with deployable solar panels And streamlined crew tubes with decoupler, docking port, end cap and smooth fairings to main diameters. You even can fly on it Clean an sleek, no more "dock on cargo bay" cheats
  6. @Aerospacer Weight of engines is a 300kg of tailcone + 250 per each nozzle (and you calculate it correct), but it have gimbal with additional 300kg weight (difference between stock Swivel and Reliant 250kg but Swivel have only 3deg gimbal and lesser thrust) I'm waiting too . . . but I still not update my Open Cockpit for 1.3.1 and work with some new parts
  7. @Tyko sorry for delay, I be far from my home computer Engines specs: Solo - 60kN 850kg + 90-110 fuel Gimbal 7 deg (Advanced rocketry) Duet - 120kN 800kg + 45-55 fuel (General rocketry) Trio - 180kN 1050kg + 22.5-27.5 fuel (Advanced rocketry) Quartet - 240kN 1300kg (Heavy rocketry) Sextet - 360kN 1800kg (Heavier rocketry) ISP of all this engines 270-320 ( Reliant - 240kN 1250kg ISP 265-310 ) Sphere - 30kN 200kg ISP 260-305 (Advanced rocketry) Gimbal 40 degrees S-12 - 12kN ISP 250-315 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RCS tailcone ISP 245-275 8kN per nozzle Ring and linear ISP 240-280 4kN All RCS also required electricity in addition to LF+Ox propellant --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All parts slightly heavier and cost bigger than stock ones, but have much better aerodynamics and slightly better ISP and crush tolerance. Also all of them required higher science level to open @Aerospacer Another nice SSTO But what launch profile you a using? I try copy it, but only can reach orbit with my common launch style ( to 250 - 300m/s on sea level then straight climb with plasma at 8000 -10000 m)
  8. @Aerospacer Something like this . . . @Ruedii I think this parts also answer (partially) for your request Intakes . . . . . . and engines For 2.5 and 3.75 parts I recommend you, at this time, use Tweak Scale mod, because Engines have 8 parts, Fuel tanks - 16, RCS - 4, upcoming Adapters - 5 (symmetrical layout) +3 parts and optional non symmetrical adapters up to 9 more parts. (14 parts from single model, is my personal record ) If I duplicate it to other sizes, it completely overflow parts library, so I'm waiting promised stock mesh switcher to simplify my parts pack. I still have in mind LF+Intake nose cones but don't know how fast it can be done. Don't know about other things, maybe I can do something. And thanks for license info.
  9. @Magzimum @Vila Restal You can find missing parts in advanced mode, just search by size or modules
  10. KSP 1.3.1 mod version 1.1 released changes ------------------------- Added ---------------------------------- DTE Streamline 1-60-S "Solo" Liquid Fuel Engine - Mk1 7deg. gimbal DTE Streamline S-30 "Sphere" Liquid Fuel Engine - Mk0 40deg . gimbal 10 and 20 degrees slanted nose cones 0.625 liquid fuel tank Tweak Scale patches AVC version Localization support 2 Alternative textures inside Extras folder --------------------- Changed ----------------------------- Amount of fuel in Nose cones Fuel Tanks texture layout slightly changed Some other small changes ----------------------- Fixed ------------------------------ Wrong mesh smoothing in engine fairings Nose cone COM position
  11. @steve_v I think this bug appear because my seat have only basic modules without science storage and experiments, but stock seat also don't have it. Second possible problem is a lack of localization. Try to do something in 1.3.1 update
  12. @linuxgurugamer And again thanks for help, if it's possible tell me what I'm doing wrong, in next time I want fix it by myself and not bothering other people. AVC can be soon. @Aerospacer already in work, maybe in next update. @kellven Yes, RCS ring not a fresh idea, and I see it at least in one another mod, but they for MP and i built it for LF+Ox as a control unit for not tilted engines and heavy vessels. Yes its support roll control and allow build a only RCS steerable rockets, but unfortunately, they hard to use due lack of smoothing in RCS modules, that sometimes make rockets shaking and wasting fuel
  13. @ernstsmit I already think about this, but any additional attach surface on slanted walls can look strange without legs, and I don't want use any model switcher mods for better game updates compatibility. Only thing I can make, is a 0.625 tail tip with foldable legs like in SpaceX, but dont know how fast i can do it.
  14. All engine equipment inside ball body, so it can be tilted up to 90 degrees but I think no more than 40-45 It's only quick export and config test, so isp and thrust may change, but maximum 40kN i think
  15. @Lvdovicvs Don't think yet about multiple jets, but Lf+Intake parts in my plan ( maybe not in this mod). @Aerospacer Nice bird @MaverickSawyer This engines can't be gimbal but I make 0,625 "Solo" engine, low thrust but gimbal more than 30 degrees (now 40) early work, still in progress so all may changes @Jim Starluck I don't have Ckan installed now and can't check it, I just enable ckan support in Spacedock
  16. @DStaal Thx for information, also add license info to my Open Cockpit mod. @Rodger Nice mod, maybe try it later. If you want, you can do it, but my textures not finished and possibly may changes. I don't like simple nozzles texture, and also I plan to make 3 different versions of fuel tank textures: pure white with colored caps (in release), Colored stripes on side and with gray chemical signs. But models unwrap stay unchanged (I hope)
  17. @DStaal Done. Yes it's MIT. I still not clearly understand about GPL and other licensing types, but don't want to set strict copyright on my work
  18. "STREAMLINE" Set of engines in aerodynamical cowlings with attach points on both sides, Liquid fuel + Oxidiser RCS modules and MK-1 Fuel tanks separated to LF and OX with various capacity from 50 to 800 Other images (Imgur) Download SPACEDOCK CKAN License MIT Updated to v1.2 (1.4.0 - 1.6.1) NEW PARTS Engines with thrust from 120 to 360 kN have very good aerodynamics and can be used for aircrafts, spaceplanes, SSTOs and other things that need small drag inside atmosphere. Also this engines can be used in pull-type constructions or with "trailer" fueltanks. Fueltanks split by fuel types and have various capacity. They created mostly for fine tuning SSTO's fuel amount, if you need "a little more" fuel or oxidizer. But can be used for clean white looking rockets and aircrafts. I intentionally don't use fuel switchers for maximum compatibility with game updates and prevent save crushes. Also this mod add some RCS modules that use Lf+Ox they have good thrust and ISP but also required ELECTRICITY to operate Note! Using RCS modules to steering may cause your rocket shaking and wasting fuel, to prevent this reduce Thrust Limiter and disable RCS if you don't need it! If you don't like too much unnecessary parts in library, you can delete it inside GameData\StreamlineEnginesTanks\Parts Mk1EngStreamline - Engines, nose cone and control wing Mk1EngStrRCS - all RCS and side engine Ox-LF_Tanks - Fueltanks all folders independent and parts use only stock modules
  19. @CobaltWolf Only with the patented "Rust & Dust" technology from Duct Tape Engineering, new parts can look like junk even just from the store @linuxgurugamer Thanks again for CKAN support . I make a collision volume much bigger than windshield mesh for better protection but can't see visible effect so if you launch SSTO vessel try at climb constantly hold nose attitude few degrees up to protect from overheating but it not protect from aero forces, kerbals have absolutely insane drag, much greater than all other aircraft parts and it fully ignores aero shadow from other parts, so I can't do anything within part configs until SQUAD people add something like aeroforcemultiplier = 1.0 and aeroheatmultiplier = 1.0 into seat module settings, but I think they don't do it for single mod support
  20. Because I split core part into two pieces. Main part have only aircraft modules, all things unnecessary in common airplanes and cars moved to support module. Put this two parts together and you will get a common spaceship cockpit with additional battery.
  21. Hello again, I'm back I change my job and now have less free time to do something. But work on mods still continued and now it's time for next update ( after a half year, sorry ) Recent changes: Main cockpit converted to pure aircraft part, without unnecessary in atmospheric flight reaction wheels and monopropellant, but added 50 units of fuel. Added two new parts to compensate lack of "spaceship" abilities in main seat: Drone core with small cargo bay and high level autopilot and All-in-one support module with reaction wheels, monopropellant and battery. Note : folder structure and file naming changed, so if you update from previous version, complete all flights and missions that include ships with this parts and then manually delete all files in NESDparts folder ( it's my temporary folder, where I drop all my parts and patches, and I just forget to make personal folder for this mod ). Now it's placed in OpenCockpit folder and separated into two subfolders OC1 - first four parts and OC2 - new parts, so you can freely delete needless parts. Some previously announced parts not included in this update, because fuel tank with oxidizer goes to another mod with separated ( LF and Oxi ) fuel tanks and engines. Small teaser: For all engine maniacs
  22. @Skalou You can do it, this part almost finished and i don't plan to changing geometry or add any scripts to it so your patch will work ( if not intersect with other mods ) @fourfa All parts separated by texture sheets and folders, all new parts from 0.91 not depending from first parts and can be freely deleted if you don't like "parts spam"
  23. Hello again, I'm back As my addition to Soviet aircrafts and something like Pitcairn Autogiro @NippyFlippers nice bird, what mod for wings ? recently I don't have 0.65 parts in work list ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upcoming changes in 0.91 version Make Cockpit more suitable for aircrafts ( remove useless monopropellant and add 50 LF ) Add separate Mk-1 small tank for Oxidiser ( exact amount to burn fuel from cockpit or 0.65 LF tank ) Mk-1 SAS module with small cargo bay for science probes or 2 small batteries Mk-1 KIS storage ( or just a spacer if you don't have it ) and small external MP tank in aerodynamic shape, smaller and less drag than stock sphere ( mostly just for fill space in texture sheet )
  24. Something like 0.65 variant I see in Kerbonov mod. Mk2 variant I have in plans, but 2 seats in one part maybe can't work so possibly it can be a empty part with hole and windshield in upper side where you can place stock seats or any other payload Bubble canopy can be hard to make, because pilot entering into chair from any side, but exit only in one point inside canopy
  25. Just finish quick mod, it works very bad only way to see pilot is always hold "see IVA" button ON so pilot head visible through other parts looks very strange at some angles I try various layers for seat in Unity but nothing changed Also I see glitch of external lights direction, due strange Squad idea of parts orientation in editor
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