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Everything posted by NESD

  1. Many times launch airplanes and flying low at supersonic speed but never see this bug also many times do a crush-landing and kerbal just rolling on ground after cockpit explode I see only one problem, at very high speed pilot have huge drag and he pushed back into rear wall, but it's only visual effect and almost invisible inside plasma glow
  2. @Murican_Jeb It's possible but not a very soon ( reason, 3 posts before ) But if you don't like Take Command you can built something like this I mean detachable pod for pilot loading, not a launch cart it's another my weird idea If you don't like "barbecue cucumbers" It's hard but possible to launch and return spaceplane without any overheat markers Jeb alive and angry, because key from snack box forgotten in locker room
  3. Even if I start to make it, it's not be fast. I say more, it can be veeeeeery long time Just because I already have some parts in development some of them almost ready, other is only untextured meshes and few just in ideas but all of them need lot of time to finish and pack in mods ( and I'm too lazy ) also THIS mod need some time to finish ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- by the way, i still not choose exact content of main part so any ideas about included modules and resources ( and it's amount ) will be heard
  4. @linuxgurugamer if it's possible, it will be great @CobaltWolf OK thanks @StereotypicalBrit I-15 early series Cool
  5. Spacedock and CKAN upload done if not appeared in CKAN please inform me
  6. Sounds great, thanks I add CKAN support later, as I learn how it works
  7. legoclone09 For biplanes, rovers, StarWars pod racers, rockets from vintage Sci-Fi comics or any strange weird and pervert things that only can fly in KSP
  8. Open Cockpit Mk1 (stockalike) more images http://imgur.com/a/ka5OW Download Kerbal Curseforge Spacedock also available in CKAN MIT license This mod add 7 parts Main cockpit, Gunner seat, Small windshield, Big windshield, Headrest, All-In-One module and Drone core Basically this "cockpit" is just only external seat in Mk1 size part so all abilities and problems of external seat also exist You can board from any side if Kerbal stay close enough, without any "grab" and "board". Kerbal sometimes can survive even if cockpit explode due hard landing But you can't load Kerbal in seat at launch without other mods ( "Take command" mod can do it ). Also pilot take all Aero and Heat effects ( and it have absolutely insaaaaaaaaaaaaaane drag ). I make it as a "chair" only by this reason, open Kerbal head without any heating looks very strange Small windshield and Headrest is only decorative parts, but Big windshield have collision volume much larger than it's visible size and can ( sometimes ) protect pilot from reentry overheating, so making spaceplanes and rockets with this seat hard but posible. Main problem is a huge drag of Kerbal, so spaceplane with 1 pilot per 1 Rapier just can't climb at speed faster than 300 - 400 m/s at low altitude This mod tested with Kerbalism and works fine, just set priority of batteries and oxygen tanks on vehicle higher than default to prevent discharge pilot spacesuit, and not forget reload it manually after EVA mission Tested with Take Command, works fine Thanks @linuxgurugamer for help
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