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Everything posted by falcoon

  1. I have no idea, I'm total layman in that matter, but one of the Lisias conclusions was that it's caused not by particular mod itself, but rather by interaction between some mods.
  2. Hi @FreeThinker , You may be interesed in an issue I had. My vessels were randomly exploding when entering physic range during randezvouz. you can see it here @Lisias tried to brake down the problem, but didn't reach any final conclusion yet. You will find log files in Tweakscale topic, starting here (and few posts below) I'm writing all this here, cause uninstalling IFS solved the problem. I have made multiple tests with various vesssels, everything works fine without IFS. Hope you will if it usefull.
  3. Can't say 100% sure, because these are not in-game names, but I'm 99% sure all 3 were in use.
  4. Should I run it with your beta tweakscale or with regular one? Edit: nvm, i run it with beta version as had it already installed ksp log output log @Lisias
  5. @Lisias Remember my question about exploding ship ? Here are files you requested KSP log MM flies Wasn't sure what do you mean by 'all MM files', if anything is missing, just let me know. Thank you for you time.
  6. Uninstalling / reinstalling KJR doesn't change anything. Uninstalling / reinstalling Tweakscale doesn't change anything. Unless anyone got other ideas, I'll try uninstalling mods one by one when i have time. Thank you for your comment, unfortunatelly i have no idea what does it mean.
  7. True. Save file is old, very old. I used to play with 70+ mods few years ago. Game was freshly installed not so long ago tho. Didn't know that inforrmation about previously used mods is stored in save file. Does it matter? Can it cause problems? I'm not sure what "whichever has PartJoint" mean. InfernalRobotics is not installed currently. I'll try uninstalling KJR. Hope it's not Tweakscale what is causing problems, that thing is essential Thank you for help.
  8. KSP.log , right? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1E9NmFVW-M6ZMC8GihfmJAB8n95L28Vn2/view?usp=sharing
  9. It does not matter which vessel is selected. Always the other one (not active) explodes. (tbh not always, almost always. So far I have tried like 30 times, one time it didn't, all the rest... booom)
  10. If I can help you with more data, just let me know.
  11. I might have the same problem. I used to have fancy power grid working perfectly, it was like year ago or so, and I remember that it wasn't complicated to set it up. Now I'm having a problem getting any relay to work. Direct transfer between beam producer and test probe works just fine, but i can't make relay work at all. Or maybye I forgot about something very obvious? There is my relay sat: Also tried with one of the mirrors instead of dishes, doesn't work.
  12. What will happen if I will place more than one beam generator (each one set on different wavelenght) on a single space station, powered by a single reactor? Is it going to work? Or is it better to stick to the rule "one station - one wavelenght" ? And the same about relays... Is it possible to make a relay satelite mirror/relay more than one wavelenght? (for example - 6 dishes on a satelite to relay 3 different waves) ?
  13. Are you sure? I think context is different, but I might be wrong. My English is far from perfect. I remember there used to be engines in the past that worked during non-physical time warp. I didn't look for them in my current career save, because i had no need, but maybe some of them are still capable of running this way.
  14. What are you saying? Kerbstein can accelerate during timewarp? It definitely can not in my gameplay. I am getting usual "cannot warp faster x1 while the ship is under acceleration". Maybe there are special requirements to make it work under time warp that I am not aware of?
  15. I think it requires your attention @FreeThinker. Game speed does not influence positrons output. FEL produces always the same amount of positrons per real life second, no matter how fast game time is running. Both when vessel is active and when it is not.
  16. Is there a way to procude/collect positrons outside VAB?
  17. How can I produce/collect positrons? Is it possible, or VAB is the only source?
  18. I will try to make it as simple as possible. 1. Right click your alcubierre drive. Click "warp control window". 2. Go to map view (M). As you can see, warp control window is still open. 3. Aim your vessel at desired direction 4. Start charging your warp drive. 5. Change your game speed to x5 (not the warp speed c, game speed - dot and comma buttons). 6. Activate warp. Enjoy straight, stable flight (any game speed more than x1 kills all possible rotation, so you can fly this way even with SAS turned off). You still have full control over warp drive, all the buttons are clickable, despite game speed is set to x5, so you can modify your c speed in flight as you wish.
  19. Community Resource Pack is what you are missing. For easy mod installations, try using CKAN, it shows list of all dependent mods. Sounds like a glitch. One of many, unfortunatelly
  20. Nothing is wrong with your ship, it should work, unless... there is no one to fly it. Do you have kerbal on board?
  21. Why electric engines does not run on liquid fuel? Theory says they should work with any type of propellant. If they can run on monopropellant, oxidizer (alone), or even compressed air, why liquid fuel is restricted?
  22. No offence, but... are you blind? I watched only 2 or 3 min of your video, and the startup button poped up 4 times. It is exactly where it should be, you only need to push it! You keep using activate/deactivate in reactor control window. I told you not to do that! Just press this button!
  23. @Maelstrom Vortex If you are sure about it, I can't help you. I am also playing 1.3.1 and QSR works like charm.
  24. To lunch QSR you need to do it by right click menu and the right click menu only! It will not work if you use activate/deactivate in reactor control window. "Startup" button in the right click menu disappears when you hit "activate" in reactor control window, so first you need to deactivate, then right click, push start button. Start is not instant, QSR needs to charge (speed depends on the output of secondary power source), wait until it is done.
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