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Everything posted by falcoon

  1. After hours of testing I finally start to understand how my power network should be designed to work as expected. I even figured out how to look for info in .cfg files As a result, I found two broken parts - Duel Mode Thermal Sphere Receiver and Folded Radial Rectenna Receiver. Both of them dosen't receive any power no matter what wavelength I try. Probably there is sth wrong with config. Lines responsible for the bandwidth starts with // atmosphereToleranceModifier = 10 } // MODULE // { // name = MicrowavePowerTransmitter // animName = deploy // apertureDiameter = 12 // maximumPower = 3000 // canTransmit = true // canRelay = true // canRelayOnSurface = false // // nativeWaveLength = 0.003189281 // nativeAtmosphericAbsorptionPercentage = 44 // } RESOURCE { Second one is mysterious for me. VAB info says "max Wavelenght = 0" which I assume is wrong, but .cfg seems to be ok. facingThreshold = 0.25 } MODULE { name = BandwidthConverter bandwidthName = full electronic spectrum minimumWavelength = 0.00000001 // 1.0e-8 maximumWavelength = 0 .1 // 1.0e-1 electricEfficiencyPercentage0 = 33 thermalEfficiencyPercentage0 = 99 techRequirement0 = start } MODULE Could someone explain to me step by step (my programming skills are lvl 0) how I can fix it? I would really like to ude both parts Ps. I'm still playing on version 1.2.1. Can't upgrade untill Near Future will be updated. EDIT: Now i see something. After ctrl+c ctrl+v from notepad, there is additional line here, but in notepat everyhing looks fine.
  2. @Nansuchao What is the name of this mod for plane controls below resources ? Looks really handy.
  3. @FreeThinker I think the link to wiki on the first page is wrong. It's: https://github.com/sswelm/KSP-Interstellar-Extended/wiki (only 48 pages) and should be: https://github.com/FractalUK/KSPInterstellar/wiki (61 pages) On separate topic... why does radiators dosen't work in atmosphere? When in automated mode, it's on while standing on runway. Then it turns off afrter reaching ~20 m/s and turns on again at about 38k m attitude. Meanwhile, if I try to activate it manually, it just fall off the plane. Is there any other way to get rid of waste heat in atmosphere?
  4. I'm not sure I understand what is "power scale of Near Future". You mean that Near Future changes some default values and Interstellar adjust to them? So this is all intentional, no conflict, and the numbers I'm getting from reactors are correct? I can still fully benefit from all Interstellar technologies (just values will be defferent)? It won't affect beam power network and it's efficiency?
  5. My first question was left without answer, but I'm not a type that give up easily, so you will see me more here in the next weeks, especially now when I've completed tech tree in my career so I no longer can hope, that next tech nodes will answer my doubts. First and the most important question: Wy my reactors does not produce enough power? Example - Molten salt In-game description says that the basic version should generate 444 MW. The same info is on the first page of this topic, and additionally there is info that upgraded wersion should generate 1,5 GW. In my game, Molten salt (after all upgrades) generates barely... 3 MW. If I scale it up power output increases to max 468,8 MW at 10m radius, which is not even close to 1,5 GW. The same story, just different numbers, is with all other reactors. Does it make sense to you? Am I doing something very wrong? or it's caused by conflict with other mods? or bug?
  6. Hi there. First of all i'd like to say this mod is a beast. Keep up this most awesome work But... there always is a but... It lacks proper tutorial. I know there is github-wiki, but it's very general, with many outdated informations. The same with ingame part description, like generators for example - also outdated - description says one, putting part on lunchpad shows sth very different. Not to mention the window that shows up after right-clicking dish/transiever... so many info there and no idea what to do with it I started to follow up with discussion in this topic and it clarified many things, but still have tons of questions. Sth very basic for the beginning. I found an info somewhere (here or at wiki) that a relay satelite doesn't require beam power generator. Just a Microwave Phased Array Transiever or two dishes (and some support stuff ofc). I don't know why, but i can't do it. I tried lots of configurations, and nothing worked. If one of the dishes or Array Transiever is not connected directly to a Gyrotron, button "activate relay" just won't show up. What am I missing? or it should work this way?
  7. Yes, thank you, holding too much science was the issue. Theoretical question about "science left in biomes". What if I'll explore Mun and Minmus completely? Contract's for scientists will stop spawning? I'm currently playing rather late-game career and I've already drained most of available science form Mun and Minmus. Don't know exacly how much is left, but it's not much. Another thing with Engineering School. I've already completed couple of missions for landing legs reapir, but now for some time "craft that meets requirements" stays Unmet. Is this because all my landed crafts marked as ships/landers/bases/satelites dosen't have wheels, only landing struts? also, nothing is marked as rover. and the last question: Do I have to drop any vehicle somewhere on the surface outside Kerbin SOI (ex Duna/Ike) to get and complete eng lv. 5 training or it's not necessary?
  8. I also can't get any contract for scientists. In Field Science 3 out of 4 conditions are met. "Must have an experiment available which meets the training courses requirements" is unmet and I can't figure it out why. There should be many experiments avaliable on Kerbin. I explored only KSC a little bit and high space over the planet. Any tip? BTW, Great mod
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