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Everything posted by ModerndayLink

  1. When I landed in the canyon I have noticed it doesn't really look like a canyon http://dropcanvas.com/#rALNY47zK3YQb8 do you think you could make it a little deeper and maybe a little narrower? Thanks in advance!
  2. Alright so I have decided that I am going to be adding my own version of the outer planets but don't worry, there will be two releases (in the distant future once I finish some planets), one will have the outer planets (my version) included and the other will not have them.
  3. Thank you so much! For laythe, I could send you the textures if you would like
  4. Ok Thanks, if you can create your own cloudlayers, can you make laythe's clouds have a "twist" around the equator like this http://dropcanvas.com/#4XQNa5yj4nQKlY as if there were strong winds on the equator. oh, I have
  5. Ok, so the KSC is on Gaia also, would it be hard to use the available cloud layers to make your own clouds on the stock planets (so they look as good as the added planets/moons)? basically eliminating the need for the BoulderCo folder
  6. I don't think I saw that one, unless you mean KSCBaseBecauseThePluginIsDefunctAnd--->DoesntBloodyWork<--- #2 (April 4th 2017) when I opened the game I noticed none of the stock planets had EVE clouds (unlike the previous version which had a boulderco folder) is this because of the addition of gaia?
  7. also do I know you from somewhere? I have seen your name somewhere before...
  8. Thanks for the support, the recovery is not that bad, I get to be on the forums all day now
  9. ok, thanks! P.S. I'm sorry I haven't been on the forums in a while I have been having the worst two weeks. First I break my leg on a fence sledding and end up with a full leg cast, then I get strep, then I get Appendicitis and have my appendix removed, and I had to catch up on a ton of homework. I'm glad I can get on the PC again.
  10. I have a question regarding the change in terrain of olemut, When I had an earlier version of this mod olemut looked like a (spherical) waffle. But in the current version, it looks like an actual moon with pools of liquid. The reason this caught my attention is that the description has stayed the same ("Olemut was born from a waffle") and I feel that the new olemut does not really resemble a waffle. anyways, is the description still relevant or will it be changed in the future?
  11. do you think you could add an "aurora" that uses a texture similar to this http://dropcanvas.com/3hrm8/1 (because auroras are just glowing cloud layers)
  12. Is it hot enough to emit small amounts of light on the night side? I wonder if that is possible...
  13. well than in that case I don't see why Sheathe would not have aurorae Also Is olu'um supposed to have a very violent atmosphere?
  14. I think it really depends on where the Radiation is coming from to cause aurorae. Does Olu'um emit radiation (according to the lore) because if so aurorae might look good on sheathe. (sorry for the late reply, had to go to bed) Also one more thing regarding Scorch. Does it have a powerful magnetic field?
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