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Posts posted by antipro

  1. I can't understand why you keep continue to talk about rcs, i dont need it.
    as I did till now, I align both the ships docking ports, then I push gently(with rcs or main engine) the module toward the SS, and they automatically dock using magnets.
    but I cant align the SS when the docking port is perpendicular to the main body axis.
    adding another RC-L01 close to the SS docking port axis doesnt help.


  2. 6 hours ago, Marschig said:

    No. In any order.

    Maybe, Eeloo - (Moho - Eve/Gilly - Duna/Ike - Dres) with apocenter around Eeloo - Jool sys. - Kerbin sys.

    yea, in any order except the last crash course.
    ty for the tip "start from eeloo", I think I will save a lot of fuel, but don't I waste a lot of time with large orbits?
    I'd like to find a compromise between carried fuel and time...
    maybe eeloo, jool sys, dres, (Moho - Eve/Gilly - Duna/Ike) with apo on dres - kerbin...?

  3. I'm not an expert player but I did several isru missions..
    I have never had problems about to cool drills and convert-o-tron 125.
    Anyway I can't understand what's going on now, I can no longer keep the optimal temperatures..
    Convert-o-tron is around 90% efficiency and drills have 517°K instead of 500°.

    The last version has some changes with coolers?

    What am I doing wrong?
    What's the correct way to cool 6 drills and 1 CoT 125, like in the ss?

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/tt1u6rnensponcm/Screenshot 2017-11-08 18.27.16.png?dl=0

  4. hi,

    I'm dealing with these contracts:

    and I'm interested to have your opinion in which is the best sequence to complete them all.

    This is the rocketship
    I already have a lander orbiting Laythe, cause the ship can't obviously take off from it,
    but I'm also trying to add some jet engines in order to complete all with 1 launch only.

    and anyway the sequence to follow imho is:

    - Minmus Flyby
    - Duna Land
    - Ike Land
    - Eve Flyby
    - Moho Flyby
    - Tylo Land
    - Laythe Land
    - Vall Flyby
    - Bop Flyby
    - Gilly Land
    - Eve Land

    Would you make any changes to the sequence or on the ship?

  5. hi,

    I'm on a new installation, setting the game I found "Orbital Drift Compensation". default enabled.
    but I think I didn't understand it.

    is orbital decay a wanted realistic feature or a previous version bug correction only?
    if I disable it, will my sats launched with prev version, crash into planets in some years?
    In a new installation, keeping it disabled or enabled is the same?

  6. hi,

    of course you know about how is a dropbox ss link, it's like this:

    You also already know that in order to embedd the ss into a forum board you have to edit the link like this:


    so I'm just wondering if someone can make this become faster.
    I mean: I copy the link and the forum automatically edit the first part of the link only, substituting https://www.dropbox.com with https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com
    is it possible?

  7. excuse me if I revive this dead thread, I think is better instead of to create a new one only for this:

    I've recently ran into this video:

    ...and I was still wondering if I am the only one who see green textures, I tried to play it on 4 different computer systems, so I think it's green for real.
    anyway: do you see greenage surface?

  8. hi,

    need some suggests... my objective is to have the minimum needed relays to works on jool system with unmanned probes/landers in future missions.
    I don't need a complete coverage, ....

    anyway I want a simple reliable network that let me land on every moon, without too many complications.

    So I thought about to launch a 4xRA-15 main sat into a jool polar orbit to communicate from jool orbit to kerbin and another launch to place 5 smaller 3xHG-5 relays in polar moons orbits,
    in order to link between the main relay and the unmanned probes/landers.

    my actual situation is this:
    I've launched only the main relay






    Before to proceed with the second launch, I'd like to hear your opinions.

    is this a good idea or maybe you have some suggests to improve the final result?
    I mean, for example, what's the best orbit for the main relay?
    Like you see in the screenshots(between Vall and Tylo) is good? I don't know, better larger? closer to jool? better two main sats?


  9. ty all, nothing special anyway..
    I've started playing ksp too late, after 2 years or more it was released...
    for some reasons I've never looked at it all this time, damn me!
    but when I've launched the first rockets.. when the first time I've reached the mun..
    when I realized about the "physics" inside the game.. omg! this game is epic!
    This is what I've always wanted in a game.. thx staff! and thx modders too!

  10. ungrab? how if 3/4 of the sat is inside the asteroid?

    oh! ok, somehow I did it, but as soon as I release it, the vessel explodes, well... is normal I think...
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/p9zwhx7yjevgm1i/Screenshot 2017-07-11 13.11.07.png?dl=0
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/20izrgr3tsjkp6f/Screenshot 2017-07-11 13.11.11.png?dl=0

    anyway the asteroid disappear immediately..

    edit: no, I was wrong, it disappeared but as soon I reenter the tracking center I can see it again. thx!
    so no hope to save the vessel too? maybe with cheats? is there a stock cheat option to momentarily disable collisions?

  11. jokes apart, what was wrong with this asteroid issue?
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/antlhiet1rsrbbq/Screenshot 2017-07-11 12.52.50.png?dl=0

    I did an asteroid contract several weeks ago, this:


    but now, as you see, the asteroid and the ship are fused togheter.
    The asteroid isn't tracked as asteroid, it's all togheter with the satellite.
    If I delete the vessel, the asteroid disappear too.
    I'd like to save the ast, can I do something?

  12. it is only a joke, cause I've seen that post-it inside the pod.

    anyway...I did it:






    some other ss:


    I've experienced some heat/power problems on gilly during refuel, the nuclear ship had some issues such as low batteries, few fotovoltaic panels/radiators, it also need a little more fuel, I've arrived on moho empty.
    on moho it can be refuel in 1 day, only daylight time, fortunately moho has a long day.

    it's a cool mission and not so hard as I imagined, but it's so long that you need tons of snacks to complete it. =^.^=


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